Don't eat a Turkey this Thursday and save the world!


Well-Known Member
There you go again, Dribble Piss, making an absolute fool out of yourself.

Is there even a name for what's wrong with you? Now that Jerry Lewis isn't connected with muscular dystrophy maybe he will start a telethon to collect money so maybe one day a cure for whatever malady you suffer from can be found.

I said maybe because based on the things you write and things you do your particular malady is sheer stupidity, and there is no cure for that.
You obviously dont know me to well then...i exume the cunt and shove you into her boney twat and seal the that why you live with your ganny?
What did I miss?


Well-Known Member
WHOOO love the titties DF!!!

ya fuck a turkey im maken beer can chicken! if you've never had it, u better hop on that shit kid yous missin out hardcore!

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
i have no power to as far as i know. It is a simple request. When i see them i ask and if that doesn't work i report.
I respect your request brotha....but unless the mods are willing to go thru everyones and remove the bad ones..i feel id be unjustly asked to remove mine