Don't Say Gay

It is also just plain creepy how fixated they are on child sexuality period.
It took a Texas Court order to keep their governor from directing his police to haul in and interrogate the parents of trans children prior to charging them with child abuse. It's not just mind numbingly ignorant about human biology. It's also an example of fascist methodology. Texas's fascist leader is claiming that heterosexuality is under attack by singling out parents of trans kids as some kind of monsters who would harm their own children by turning them away from Jesus and right wing radical Christian beliefs regarding sexuality. Fascists are telling the majority they are being victimized and must defend themselves against this evil minority. It's all so ridiculous but just wait. Even if the courts prevent the interrogation of parents, hate crimes against gay and trans people will rise as a result of this.

So now, Florida and Georgia pass this bizarre bill to protect children from what was not happening. Same story with different monsters. Teachers, are the monsters there.

The right wing Republican movement has become a home for fascism. False grievance is being used to give the majority feelings of anxiety and loss then point them at a helpless minority.
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It took a Texas Court order to keep their governor from directing his police to haul in and interrogating the parents of trans children prior to charging them with child abuse. It's not just mind numbingly ignorant about human biology. It's also an example of fascist methodology. Texas's fascist leader is claiming that heterosexuality is under attack by singling out parents of trans kids as some kind of monsters who would harm their own children by turning them away from Jesus and right wing radical Christian beliefs regarding sexuality. Fascists are telling the majority they are being victimized and must defend themselves against this evil minority. It's all so ridiculous but just wait. Even if the courts prevent the interrogation of parents, hate crimes against gay and trans people will rise as a result of this.

So now, Florida and Georgia pass this bizarre bill to protect children from what was not happening. Same story with different monsters. Teachers, are the monsters there.

The right wing Republican movement has become a home for fascism. False grievance is being used to give the majority feelings of anxiety and loss then point them at a helpless minority.
And keep their bullshit toxic wedge issues at the forefront of the conversations so that people (who are talking to one another in real life) get so damn burnt out by these issues, that they never get to all the great things that the Democrats have been doing.

Like getting our country into a strong economic position, and doing things like Biden warning the world of Putin's propaganda attack before he could launch his attack on Ukraine. And arming them quietly for months as he got the world democratic leaders on the same page after Trump's attempts to tear us apart.
The bill has got the rules laid out for K-3rd, but there will be rules written later for grades 4-12.

I will have to see what they decide for older kids before I can decide if I agree or not. Once children begin to start puberty I think these topics should be discussed with them.
We are embarrassed. Not a lot you can do when the GOP get 51% in statewide elections, but have 2/3rds of the house seats, and are only a couple of seats away from 2/3rds in the senate.
My old man was born and raised in Florida (St. Petersburg) and he was a very racist man :(.
I will have to see what they decide for older kids before I can decide if I agree or not. Once children begin to start puberty I think these topics should be discussed with them.
But what of the questions regarding same sex couples that surely kids will have at some point. And that’s also real shitty that there are even questions, as it should be an unquestionable thing, maybe someday but here we are today.
But what of the questions regarding same sex couples that surely kids will have at some point. And that’s also real shitty that there are even questions, as it should be an unquestionable thing, maybe someday but here we are today.

That's a tough call because the bill says there cant be any classroom instruction on sexual orientation. I take that to mean the teacher can't create a lesson plan on the subject but the bill isn't specific enough to cover the scenarios where curious kids are just asking questions.
That's a tough call because the bill says there cant be any classroom instruction on sexual orientation. I take that to mean the teacher can't create a lesson plan on the subject but the bill isn't specific enough to cover the scenarios where curious kids are just asking questions.
In the floor debate the sponsors made it pretty clear it was aimed at keeping teachers from answering those questions.

It's another way to "other" a group for the purpose of turning out the base for the midterms. Florida has lots of problems, but this is not one of them.
In the floor debate the sponsors made it pretty clear it was aimed at keeping teachers from answering those questions.

It's another way to "other" a group for the purpose of turning out the base for the midterms. Florida has lots of problems, but this is not one of them.

I'm fine with teachers telling pre k- 3rd graders they should ask their parents about sexual orientation and identity.
It would be interesting to see how Florida teachers feel about this. I know I would be uncomfortable discussing these topics with 6 year olds but I don't have a lot of experience with children so the teachers might have a different opinion.
Here's a quick scenario that I'll sorta paraphrase and mash up with my own style. I'm stoned BTW. Grade 2 class. Time for Art. Kids, draw a picture of your family. Say a kid in the class has 2 parents of same gender. How does a teacher handle that? I'll assume that the teacher's or Principal have probably met with the parents. Does the teacher know to broach the subject with, pardon the pun, kids gloves?
Here's a quick scenario that I'll sorta paraphrase and mash up with my own style. I'm stoned BTW. Grade 2 class. Time for Art. Kids, draw a picture of your family. Say a kid in the class has 2 parents of same gender. How does a teacher handle that? I'll assume that the teacher's or Principal have probably met with the parents. Does the teacher know to broach the subject with, pardon the pun, kids gloves?
This is my opinion. From a.very early age kids are introduced to the concept of same sex couples and are taught it’s a normal thing, not a thing to bully peers, just as I was taught by the school system that rasicm is wrong and at an early age knew there was an issue with how my father treated others and it was a bad thing. What I see here by some is fear, and that fear was started very early and turned into something far worse as they grew. Like the grooming thing, WTF is that based on other than fear and misunderstanding at a very early stage in life :(
Here's a quick scenario that I'll sorta paraphrase and mash up with my own style. I'm stoned BTW. Grade 2 class. Time for Art. Kids, draw a picture of your family. Say a kid in the class has 2 parents of same gender. How does a teacher handle that? I'll assume that the teacher's or Principal have probably met with the parents. Does the teacher know to broach the subject with, pardon the pun, kids gloves?
Another thing that will happen in hundreds of classrooms is the kids ask the teacher if they are married. Will they have to assert their fifth amendment rights against self incrimination?