Dont Smoke k2 or any of that Synthetic shit


Active Member
Yo guys..

im a long time mary jane smoker and i think i will be forever.

but dont smoke K2 or anyother synthetic mj... it gave me really bad cold sweats at night and i had a seizure (mixed different synthetic weed together).. bad spasms and lost control of my body for 15min or so on and off.. kicking legs and arms like a fish out of water!.. this shit is MESSED UP; THEN CAME THE VOMMITING!

i only had some of it because i was out and my dealer was dry.. (experimented) and will never do that shit again.. plus it stinks like burnt seeds/plastic when its burning.

stick to the real shit :leaf:... if they have to ban anything they should ban this shit! not the real mj fuckn dick law makers

And again. "don't smoke this" As though everyone has the same reaction. I am not condoing smoking this stuff, I don't think it is wise to consume something with so very little history but..... "don't drink alcohol, I got sick once, I threw up, I got the spins and I couldn't walk" so.... don't drink it.
lol right even if you do smoke blends just know what your doing

but what happens to you wont happen to everyone and not many people are gonna take your opinion for more than what it is

a opinion
And again. "don't smoke this" As though everyone has the same reaction. I am not condoing smoking this stuff, I don't think it is wise to consume something with so very little history but..... "don't drink alcohol, I got sick once, I threw up, I got the spins and I couldn't walk" so.... don't drink it.

Hey dude, its my 'opinion' i should have made it more clear.. some people like fake weed.. some people hate fake anything = (me and most other people) and my opinion is based on my experiences only.

im a official hater of synthetic weed.
Yeah the stuff isn't THAT bad. The only way it goes terrible is if you sit down and smoke a heaping shit load of it(as in like a WHOLE ENTIRE BOWL xD) seriously some of the stuff out there is way too much. I wouldnt condone smoking it on a regular basis, but trying it is a whole new thing. I used to do it on a regular basis and it really messed with my head without me even realizing it..
Oh god.. lol Dude no like two or three hits and your good. that stuff is NOT for smoking blunts of. Trust me, Ive tried xD
Oh god.. lol Dude no like two or three hits and your good. that stuff is NOT for smoking blunts of. Trust me, Ive tried xD

Well the guys i bought it off at the smoke shop said 'its from america' they love this stuff in 'america' america this n that..

im like.. give me some of this american shitttee lol..

so i smoked it and it messed me up good.. smoked about 1 gram per joint of K2... there not advertised as 'blends' but as 'THE LEGAL ALTERNATIVE' to weed.. so most people who buy it down here smoke it straight in a jay or water pipe...
at first i liked it.. i was stoned.. then a few more min later.. i was flapping around... so no more fake shit for mee haha.
dude omg no wonder you convulsed

your dealling with a full on agonist not partial agonist like thc

you need maybe a puff or two then wait five mins you wont need any more

most blends are sold in grams for the fact that you need so little to do the job

edit ps

my theory as to the convulsing and blacking out that comes from smoking too much full on agonist is this

you release a full agonist into the cb receptors

which disinhibit the flow of gaba

your body receives a over load at the gaba receptors and you black out/ convulse
Yeah, Ive done very very stupid things with the stuff. Its honestly way better that you don't smoke it and have that experience under your belt. I broke like all my pipes, a lot of my friends wrecked their cars because of it. Including me.. Its just bad news..
unnk is your sig from abarat? I just finished reading it today actually itd make sense you were the one who recommended it to me in the first place! Thank you SO much that book was amazing Im going to get the other books here soon!!
AHHH yess sir it is its the islands

lots of my imagery comes from the series

im wrapped up in absolute midnight right now!!


whats your interpretation of Christopher Carrion?
Just know that all synthetics are not created equally.
Don't even fucking touch it. It'll start off as the backup plan but then through it's legal status combined with its availablity will make it the replacement. IT WILL FUCK YOU TO PIECES.
I smoked potpourri for like 6 months b4. That shit is krazy, seen some pretty amazing visuals on it. Only down side is it last only abt an hr tops. But you only need a couple hits at first, till you build tollerance to it
& Ive heard of ppl havin seizers off it bit this stuffs different, ive smoked a ton of it all day one time & it didnt do anything like that. Stuff was called krunkmix