Dont Smoke k2 or any of that Synthetic shit

Do you see where I am coming from at all? I mean you see all these new prescription drugs passed that seem all fine and dandy, then low and behold, "Did you or any or your loved ones die or suffer from (insert ailment here) after taking (insert prescribed drug here)? Then call the law offices of (insert lawyer here). And these are chemicals THAT HAVE BEEN STUDIED and passed by the FDA. These are chemicals made by some guys with the intentions of getting people high. They put disclaimers, saying DO NOT CONSUME on them. A little common sense goes a long way my friend.
-face palm- my intentions are pure in saying this

this section is not for you

what I am thinking? I'm trying to convince a hardcore drug addict that what he's doing probably isn't the smartest thing in the world. **sigh** I should have recognized the denial and the rationalizations from the start. Most drug addicts will at least admit that what they are doing probably isn't real smart, but only the worst of the worst drug addicts deny and rationalize everything. "Well I know exactly what drugs I'm doing, so that makes it not so bad" lol, should have recognized this from the beginning. would have saved myself a lot of typing. oh well...facepalm
i love your judgement that im a drug addict far from it

ima chemical enthusiast, a ethnobotanicalist, a connoisseur of concoctions

but a drug addict i am not
I'm a connoisseur of concoctions ----translation----"Regular stuff doesn't do it for me anymore, so I will put anything in my body to get me high, even if I don't know what the long term effects could be, but I am NOT a drug addict. I also refuse to even acknowledge that said drugs could negatively impact me in any way whatsoever(denial)" ROFL ok...whatever you say there cheif. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck...well you know the rest.
I'm a connoisseur of concoctions ----translation----"Regular stuff doesn't do it for me anymore, so I will put anything in my body to get me high, even if I don't know what the long term effects could be, but I am NOT a drug addict. I also refuse to even acknowledge that said drugs could negatively impact me in any way whatsoever(denial)" ROFL ok...whatever you say there cheif. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck...well you know the rest.

Cmon man, your saying all this? Your the one who smokes/snorts blue crystal meth :lol:
My $0.02

Ive smoked many types of this "spice" West and east coast, some is good others dont do shit. they all taste bad and smell funky.

one or 2 hits or a small ass bowl. its not weed. i smoked it for2 years with no harmfull affects oh and i passed drug tests like it was cool!!

i had a buddy that had a seizure on it aswell, but it was not caused by the stuff. it was a medical condition that he had but was unaware of. that could be a possible reason why some people have bad reaction to the stuff.

i had a GF that was allergic to weed yes canabis the good ol original yumm yum! some people are just allergic to one or more compounds in the mix..
lol at this, really im loling

Most ppl that hate it here are the ones who just smoke big ass blunts of it without doing any prior reading. :lol:
for every cannibinoid you outlaw there will be several more popping up behind it!

Tis why im going to college this year for chemistry and pharmacy ;-)

yea i smoke dis shit called happy hour. was in a heated argument with the wife and was stressed out. walked away from her went into the room pist as hell and packed my 3 foot bong. cleared a bowl pack in 2 hits................ HEART WAS BEATING FREAKY FAST.FELT LIKE I WAS HAVIN A HEARTATTACK. SHIT SCARED ME SO BAD I ALMOST WENT TO THE ER. I SAT ON THE FLOOR DRANK A BOTTLE OF WATERAND TRIED MY BEST TO SLOW DOWN MY HEART BEAT BY TAKING DEEP BREATHS. NEVER TOUCHED THAT SHIT AGAIN AND PLAN ON NEVER TOUCHING


Exact same thing happened to me.. But right after that I had a seizure.. I smoked two joints full of it named spice and k2. Synthetic mj. Will never try it again... Only.real mary jane weed for me all natural