Dont Smoke k2 or any of that Synthetic shit

Haha aahhhhhh yes unnk! Well I only finished the first book today so my interpretation is pretty limited. Basically I see him as a hermit, maybe psychotic in some way. He obviously seems to have a love for candy. I feel like he is the kind of guy who will destroy anybody to get what he wants. Obviously psychopathic lol. But he seems to have a super hard exterior and then a super soft interior.. Though the exterior part is more prevalent haha.. But a weird little critter dude, emo in some way or another lol

I cant wait to get the next book I just ordered it! days of magic nights of war.

this series is just brilliant I couldnt stop reading. I read the book in literally 2 days Im surprised I didnt finish it in 1. Thank you SO much for pointing me towards those books!
not a prob i knew alot of people in this section woudl appreciate the writing

the book is busting at the seems with imagry and illustration
don't smoke that shit.. it's fucking lethal

im glad fake marijuana is getting banned, one step closer to REAL mary jane one day being legal
it's a waiting game.. can't wait till I can roll a joint and smoke it freely in my own damn house :bigjoint:
(I do anyway but keep it lowkey, but that's not the point)
Yo guys..

im a long time mary jane smoker and i think i will be forever.

but dont smoke K2 or anyother synthetic mj... it gave me really bad cold sweats at night and i had a seizure (mixed different synthetic weed together).. bad spasms and lost control of my body for 15min or so on and off.. kicking legs and arms like a fish out of water!.. this shit is MESSED UP; THEN CAME THE VOMMITING!

i only had some of it because i was out and my dealer was dry.. (experimented) and will never do that shit again.. plus it stinks like burnt seeds/plastic when its burning.

stick to the real shit :leaf:... if they have to ban anything they should ban this shit! not the real mj fuckn dick law makers


lol i like your pic.

Why do companies fuck with this synthetic shit, when the natural stuff is perfect. Oh yeah, to make money, ahhhh.
So I ran out of weed and my dealer was out of town for a week right? So I decided to stop by a headshop and pick up some incense and I found just the thing called crazy eyes. Well this shit fucked me up so badly that my heart was prob beating as if I was running 7 miles an hour on a treadmill for 30 minutes without a break. I felt like I was speeding and this wasn't like weed at all! I smoked K3 incense it was nothing compared to this at all! Now that they banned the K3 they came up with this new shit called crazy eyes and it was seriously like way worse than an acid / shrooms trip. I've done shrooms twice. Never on shrooms was it nearly as bad of a trip as this shit. I had a seizure for idk how long but I woke up and I couldn't even move at all. It was like I was already dead instead of feeling like i'm about to die like other people get. I swear i was near death I wanted to get up so badly to pick up the phone and call 911 but I couldn't move! So I was stuck on the bed like a vegetable for hours until finally just finally i was able to regain motor movement. I decided not to call an ambulance since I was getting better but this shit isn't a joke. It is NOT something to want to smoke like weed so help me god. I was one of the lucky ones to pull through the crap!

this stuff sounds lethal, we had meow in the uk (synthetic cocaine i guess) it wasnt untill we had a few fatalities that they banned it
yea i smoke dis shit called happy hour. was in a heated argument with the wife and was stressed out. walked away from her went into the room pist as hell and packed my 3 foot bong. cleared a bowl pack in 2 hits................ HEART WAS BEATING FREAKY FAST.FELT LIKE I WAS HAVIN A HEARTATTACK. SHIT SCARED ME SO BAD I ALMOST WENT TO THE ER. I SAT ON THE FLOOR DRANK A BOTTLE OF WATERAND TRIED MY BEST TO SLOW DOWN MY HEART BEAT BY TAKING DEEP BREATHS. NEVER TOUCHED THAT SHIT AGAIN AND PLAN ON NEVER TOUCHING IT AGAIN
The packages state "Not for human consumption" for a reason. These are new compounds that are synthetically made. No one knows what the long term effects of doing these substances will be. Sure, you know the short term effects, but not long term. Weed has been around for a long time and everyone pretty much knows what the effects are. They haven't done any testing on this new stuff. If you guys want to be human guinea pigs that is fine with me, but you do it at your own risk. You do realize you are human guinea pigs don't you? The reason the disclaimer is on the packaging is so when crazy shit starts happening to people, the companies that make the stuff won't be liable for paying for your medical expenses. They will just say "It clearly says not for human consumption on the package, they misused the products, so they are liable for their own choices." You need to realize these companies don't give a shit about you. They care about making a profit. A lot of people try to rationalize what they do by saying things such as "Well it's really close to weed on the molecular level." That is stupid. Sugar and ethylene glycol(antifreeze) are really similar on a molecular level as well. Both taste sweet, but one can kill you, the other won't. THC and "synthetics" are not the same thing at all. They are completely different compounds, they might look similar, but anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of chemistry would know that all compounds are different, even if they "look" similar. Sure the synthetic might get you high like weed, but it is not weed. It just isn't. That is why it causes crazy shit to happen like increasing your heart rate to crazy levels. Look at cigarette smoking, no one knew it was dangerous for a long time. It took a while for the long term effects of cigarette smoking to come to the surface. Now everyone knows how dangerous it is. The same thing could very well happen with these synthetics. Like I said, they are very new compounds with no studies done on them, as to what long term effects will be. Anyone with half a brain would know to err on the side of caution when it comes to things that the health effects are still unknown. I know I will probably get flamed for this by the users of these products, but whatever, I'm just giving my 2 cents.
i loveeeeeeeeeee how half these people never frequent the HS threads

i understand that this is a cannabis growing forum

but this is the HS section

half these people know only whats told to them or what they infer from other people

if your smoking blends with out knowing what the blend is

thats your fault

secondly if you do know about your blend then you should know the active dosages

that being said

any of this stuff when people are rolling up whole blunts of the blend can be avoided by knowing what you are doing

rather than being superman and just thinking your indestructible
i loveeeeeeeeeee how half these people never frequent the HS threads

i understand that this is a cannabis growing forum

but this is the HS section

half these people know only whats told to them or what they infer from other people

if your smoking blends with out knowing what the blend is

thats your fault

secondly if you do know about your blend then you should know the active dosages

that being said

any of this stuff when people are rolling up whole blunts of the blend can be avoided by knowing what you are doing

rather than being superman and just thinking your indestructible

Any YOU know what is actually in these blends how? Did you send them to a lab to have them analyzed? And even if you did, I don't think you would know what even one of the compounds listed really is. The thing is no one really knows what they are doing, because they don't know what is really in what they are smoking. I've been smoking the reefer for 10+ years, I am experienced. I have tried some of these "blends". They are not bud. They are not even close to bud. It is some chemical made in a lab. I took a pinch hit and my heart rate rose almost instantly, then I started getting weird feelings in the back of my neck. These are chemicals that the FDA or no one else has tested to even see if it is safe for human consumption. Like I said before, anyone who smokes this stuff is really a human guinea pig. If nothing happens long term to the users, great. But if people do start having after effects sometime down the road, they will be kicking themselves, asking why the hell they smoked some chemical that no one really knew the effects of. People will always rationalize what they do if they like it and have no intentions of quitting or no concern of what could happen.
Any YOU know what is actually in these blends how? Did you send them to a lab to have them analyzed? And even if you did, I don't think you would know what even one of the compounds listed really is. The thing is no one really knows what they are doing, because they don't know what is really in what they are smoking. I've been smoking the reefer for 10+ years, I am experienced. I have tried some of these "blends". They are not bud. They are not even close to bud. It is some chemical made in a lab. I took a pinch hit and my heart rate rose almost instantly, then I started getting weird feelings in the back of my neck. These are chemicals that the FDA or no one else has tested to even see if it is safe for human consumption. Like I said before, anyone who smokes this stuff is really a human guinea pig. If nothing happens long term to the users, great. But if people do start having after effects sometime down the road, they will be kicking themselves, asking why the hell they smoked some chemical that no one really knew the effects of. People will always rationalize what they do if they like it and have no intentions of quitting or no concern of what could happen.

hahahahaha i actually do


rather then taking a random distribution of herbs and cannibinoids

i make the blends knowing the actives


edit ps

the rc game has been around for awhile

this section is for people devoted to chemical exploration

if your not

then your in the wrong section

maybe visit another one
I may be wrong, but I thought this section was for discussion of Hallucinatory Substances. Is that not what is being discussed? Maybe you are under the influence of hallucinatory substances right now and can't comprehend what is being discussed. Just because you do not like someone's response does not mean it is not valid or that it does not belong here. What the hell is the rc game?
hahahahaha i actually do


rather then taking a random distribution of herbs and cannibinoids

i make the blends knowing the actives


edit ps

the rc game has been around for awhile

this section is for people devoted to chemical exploration

if your not

then your in the wrong section

maybe visit another one

And I must say wow. I have never met someone who has a full blown lab that can make their own hallucinatory chemical compounds, or someone who has a spectrum chromatography machine to analyze the chemicals others have made. I must say props to you for having accomplished this. Congrats man. Now you can safely know what you are putting into your body. Although you may not know what the long term effects may be, but who cares right!
I never said I didn't like shrooms or the like. My point to all of this was that it is very careless to put these new chemicals in your body, without knowing the true effects of them. If people want to do them that's fine by me. We actually need the guinea pigs, so in 10 years or so, when enough time has passed to assure that there aren't any negative long term effects, I might do them. But until then, Im not putting these NEW chemicals that no one knows anything about, into my body