Trimmed some of the lower branches on the Critical + Automatic due to them not getting a lot of light, it doesn't look quite as bushy anymore but I'm hoping the focal point will be bud production. Growth is strong, their drinking nutrients every day. The Critical + Auto is drinking a little bit more than the White Widow, their both about a 1/4-1/2 gallon a day. After they drink a gallon which usually every 2 days I add some nutrients, every day I have been filling with distilled ozarka to their fill line.
Critical + Automatic
540 ppm
5.8 pH
75 F
White Widow~ No buds quite yet but I can already see where they're pushing up
460 ppm
5.8 pH
75 F
Added some goodies today, bought an 80 gallon aquarium air pump dual channel, and a couple large circular air stones.
I taped off where I cut the lower branches off with some scotch tape temporarily to maintain Turgor pressure. Will get some nice duct tape shortly. Hopefully didn't stress it out too much, but I think all will be fine. Other than that they seem healthy and are growing pretty vigorously towards the lights. As soon as I turned on the second pump the plants perked up within 5 minutes, so that's good news, I'm hoping that the added O2 will give them a nice little push in the right direction.