Do’s & Dont’s 4 Micro-dousing LSD ?

Ever try Nestle Crunch bars? I don't like the taste either.

We get a qtr and then chop the (2) 8ths up as fine as rice grains or smaller. We use 1 King Size Crunch bar per 8th, so (2) in total. While we're chopping up the mushrooms, the chocolate bars are being melted in a saucepan (but have already been weighed prior to melting, this is important). Then we add the chopped mushrooms to the melted Cruch bars in the hot saucepan and stir them all up. After they've been stirred together and you're confident your chocolate mixture is uniform pour it out onto parchment paper.

Idk why, but eating the shrooms this way makes them way more potent and you don't have to wait as long for the effect. After it cools and hardens, weigh the chunks you break off to determine your dose in units of %8th. I think the King Size Crunch bars were around 80g each but can't remember for sure. This was the easiest way for me to eat and dose reliably. The rice in the chocolate bar helps to disguise the texture of the shrooms in the chocolate.

They are maybe 2× more potent (anecdotally guessing ???) prepared this way, so if you're used to eating a qtr per trip, maybe only try eating an amount that's equivalent to an 8th (1 King Size Crunch bars, ~80g) first, then take more as needed.

I used to micro dose this way. I'm a lightweight so half an 8th or so is normally good for me if I want to really trip (without chocolate), sometimes I'll eat a whole 8th, but with my tolerance so low (lightweight) and the chocolate increasing the effect, I was able to bring a few grams or so with me (about every day if I remeber correctly) and feel the effect but still function. Worked more like an antidepressant really.

I take Milk Thistle every night. I use to be big into lifting and if you're using hard supps milk thistle helps your liver filter & detoxify that crap. I don't lift big anymore but still take Milk Thistle nightly. If I go drinking I'll take a pill or 2 before the night starts, then maybe 1 or 2 during, followed by 4 after, and with as much water as I can remember to drink. In the morning there's pretty much 0 hangover. I use the milk thistle as a "sobering" pill. That's why I don't take it till the night, or after your trip, because if you take it before you smoke (or whatever), it will shorten the duration of the effect. But if you take it after, and when you're ready to go to bed, then it works to detoxify and drive your tolerance back down so that when you rise and fry, or wake and bake, it actually hits you like it did the day before.

It's not instantaneous and not absolute, it just nudges your body towards sober. You can still build up a tolerance to any substance you're using while taking Milk Thistle, but it slows it down. The more frequently you take it and the greater the amount you take, the more it "builds up" in your body, so there's a bit of give and take. You can take it 3× daily but then you don't notice your high very much. I like to segregate it to when I go to bed and let it work when I'm sleeping so that it "wear's off" by morning and doesn't kill my toke. Though like I mentioned earlier, if I know I'm going to be drinking hard I'll start to build it up in my system (like an inverted pyramid, 1 before, 2 during, 4 after, or something to that effect) so that I can still have fun and enjoy my time, but then also in the morning still function. I recommend Milk Thistle to anyone trying to diminish the effect of a future hangover or to sober up in between trips, or if you're generally putting toxins in your body on a regular basis. I buy mine at Wal-Mart. It just helps detoxify your liver.
I’m going to start MD LSD .
I use to be a very heavy user in my teens n early 20s . (My old rules was no acid on school nights, no selling or handling $$$)
What are some do’s & donts for Micro dousing ?
Back in late 90s I use to microdose before I new it was a thing. I used it the year I learned to snowboard. It kept me warm and full of energy. I did it everyday for 50 days straight during that season and damn did I learn quick how to ride.

Now I barely ever take LSD unless the families away but still got a stash of Grateful dead tickets:D
I have a hard time eating them, I gag so bad , I’ve busted them up on , inside of chocolate bars , under the cheese on a pizza , still almost puke , I even have a hard time getting tea down. Just the smell turns my stomach.
So I’ve always preferred LSD .
Lol. My friends take pleasure out of watching me trying to ingest mushrooms. Gag reflex in overdrive.
I have a hard time eating them, I gag so bad , I’ve busted them up on , inside of chocolate bars , under the cheese on a pizza , still almost puke , I even have a hard time getting tea down. Just the smell turns my stomach.
So I’ve always preferred LSD .

Couldn't agree more about the taste. Buy large empty gelatin capsules and stuff the required amount with shrooms. Tedious, but no bad flavor.
I’m going to start MD LSD .
I use to be a very heavy user in my teens n early 20s . (My old rules was no acid on school nights, no selling or handling $$$)
What are some do’s & donts for Micro dousing ?
Just the way you worded the thing after reading it twice, I wouldn’t be surprised if your a cop or something.... suspension arises!
I have a hard time eating them, I gag so bad , I’ve busted them up on , inside of chocolate bars , under the cheese on a pizza , still almost puke , I even have a hard time getting tea down. Just the smell turns my stomach.
So I’ve always preferred LSD .
Is lsd these days even lsd or is that designer drug shit