Double Harvest

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
My sativas do not lose too many fan leaves and if they do it's because of stress from mama nature - constant sand blasting winds or storms. If yours do, recommend you get back to the basics.

"Gold" refers to the bud color from the pistils. Mostly hype used as a marketing gimmick. "Panama Red" of the 60's comes to mind.

Here's a shot of one of my O. Haze at the mid to bottom area in November 2012 shortly before harvesting. Not only does it still have a shitload of fan leaves, but it carried them since March thru constant gusty winds, storms...all kinds of challenges.



Even the post harvest stump has a few small leaves left on it.


Last one doesn't belong here. Don't know what happened with the edit, it's not what I wanted. Whatever, shows a typical cola bent over from the weight.



Well-Known Member
Ah....the war continues to wage between skunkdoc and uncle ben.....when will it end?

I can only comment about light getting down to the lower leaves and branches. Due to not scheduling things right, I ended up with 11 plants in my 5x7 flower room. These were not small plants by any stretch of the imagination. I have about 1/2 that are at least 32" tall and a 52" to boot. These plants are stuffed in there. I was very worried about light penetration getting to my lower branches.

This is a plant I just harvested that endured being stuffed against the wall of my flower room. As you can see, I'm not a fan of defoliating:

What blew me away was when I got down to the stump...there were buds and branches that I know haven't seen direct light in months.

While they were not either big or impressive, they had somehow survived not getting any direct lighting.

The big and impressive was just above these little suckers (AKA the rest of the plant). Personally....I defoliate the day of the harvest.

Let's count the number of yellow leaves that didn't get shit for light I could show you pictures of the other 10 plants in the flower room and while they are all jammed together....have no yellow leaves.

My point is that Uncle Ben is correct when he talks about how a plant processes light energy.
Pretty awesome yield there, Lilroach. That light mover seems to be serving you well.
Did you apply a lot of side lighting?
You have far surpassed me in yield my friend.
The Jack's classic is working great huh?
Great job and great visual representation of green leaves to the finish.


Well-Known Member
Pretty awesome yield there, Lilroach. That light mover seems to be serving you well.
Did you apply a lot of side lighting?
You have far surpassed me in yield my friend.
The Jack's classic is working great huh?
Great job and great visual representation of green leaves to the finish.
Rockymtnman.....If it were not for you and UB giving me solid advice, I'd still be growing 1 ounce plants. I have been lucky to have two amazing growers take the time to set me straight on how to grow weed.

I bought the tub of Jack's in June and have been feeding my plants daily, and I still have about a third of a tub left....not bad for $10. I can't imagine the hyped pot-specific nutrients giving me a better plant....and it would have cost me $100's more.

The light-mover has allowed me to jam the 11 plants in my grow room. Without it, I suspect that I would be having troubles right now with that many plants in a small space. I do have a few CFL's going....not so much to side-light as it's my intention to keep lights on the plants when the mover is on the other side of the rail. My concern has been that the light-mover may lengthen flower-times due to the variation of light caused by the light being away from the plants as much as being overhead. I didn't have the CFL's going during the summer and the plants really didn't seem to notice the difference.

As far as surpassing you in yield....maybe on this plant, but you certainly are way ahead of me overall. I still have much to learn from both you and UB.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Rockymtnman.....If it were not for you and UB giving me solid advice, I'd still be growing 1 ounce plants. I have been lucky to have two amazing growers take the time to set me straight on how to grow weed.
Thanks. That basic approach "we" use can be applied to other crops. For me, it was already having gardening experience under my belt with stuff like veggies, fruit trees, orchids that made it easy for me to grow this simple weed. Only thing I had to get was stuff like sexing using pre-flower indicators, the 12/12 flipping part, re-vegging and nute issues which Mel Frank's book explained. Best damn buy I made way back when. ;)

I bought the tub of Jack's in June and have been feeding my plants daily, and I still have about a third of a tub left....not bad for $10. I can't imagine the hyped pot-specific nutrients giving me a better plant....and it would have cost me $100's more.
That really is an awesome plant. You have ME beat, hah! Hard to beat the quality of Jack's and Dyna-Gro. Jack's sure has increased in price since the 70's, but what else is new? Have you priced groceries lately, especially produce? Yikes!

Speaking of plant foods, I don't know if you could get away with it regarding cannabis but here's a link for tissue analysis so you know exactly where you've been, which then suggests where you need to go. $26/test. Haven't tried them yet but know a commercial grower that uses their service on every variety of fruit he has.

Happy gardening!


New Member
Uncle Ben and lilroach have me convinced. I was wondering what to do with a very bushy sativa dom. hybrid, and now I am def. going to leave the leafs on there and train them in my scrog (I have limited overhead space). Def. going to harvest twice if necessary. Thx guys.


Active Member
I haven't tried double harvest before, but due to my limited growing space I think it might work for me. However, there's one thing that doesn't fit.. what about flushing the plant?
Usually I would feed the plant nothing but water for the last week before harvesting it.

Any thoughts on this?
Yes I do the same thing but when you harvest in sections like I do flushing to straight water(0 ppm) starves them. I usually have my nutes diluted to under 300 ppms or even lower before harvest & never notice any chemical taste from my well cured bud. Limited space grows can benefit from this by allowing the smaller popcorn bud to mature & expand. I'm thinking of switching back to 24 hrs of light for 2 weeks after taking the top colas this time. My current grow has been revegged 3 times so far & is in early flower stage for the 3rd time right now...6 more weeks to go


Active Member
I have a sat dom right now that has been revegged 3 times.. But that explains why the leaves yellow & die at the end of flower cycle. It's not a pure sativa though I think my Cotton Candy strain is like 70/30


Active Member
One issue with revegging that I did not consider before I tried it is mold issues. Be sure to take off all the buds no matter how small at final harvest because they will grow much bigger during veg & attract mold to the sugar leaves..the sticky plant resins seem to be a breeding ground for mold. I trimmed mine off & made BHO but if left on the plants might have caused the mold to spread to new bud growth.


Well-Known Member
Need some input on a reveg ive been doing. I started revegging about 27 days ago on the old girls and I have a few others (you can see my grow journal) that I feel are ready to flip. on of the girls has really taken off and has tons of regrowth, however my Nirvana Bubblelicious is a little slow on the hop. its just started to pop normal serrated leaves, how long do you guys think before I can flip the switch to 12/12.

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