Dr.Amber Trichome: Super Lemon Haze and Snow White Fingerez Scrog Style

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
from elbows to elbows, nice supercropping doc!

knife looks a treat! i too like the bear, ever since i saw him noodle a massive catfish. dudes got so much pma its amazing.

quality update as usual, hike pics were kool too.

damn bushy sounds like a blast man!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
I like my woman fat, broad, tall and plenty of bush. And that is why mortisha is the girl for me. You can ship her over if you like so we can get sexy, haha, man im too high. She really is a monster though! the whole garden looks wicked. Love the latest drawing as well, fancy doing one for Uganda? I am of that origin and las can vouch for me that im blacker than the moon :D
That is so ridiculously funny WOWey.. That Diesel sprinkeled with kief is making you into one funny mother fucker. lmao.. Diesel is on my list of babes to grow, that shit is shouding really really comically potent. A must on any patients menu!lol

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Well Hello there friends! Back from the Dirty South.......WOW. SO. MUCH. DIFFERENT from the West.......In good and bad ways (what do you MEAN I can't buy booze cause it's Sunday?!?) I have some funny ass stories for sure, including a strip club where an orthodontically-challenged (toothless) woman named "Blonde" crushes cans of PBR with her boobies. And she's like 65. Pulled pork sandwich with macaroni and cheese IN IT on texas toast?! Oh hell yes. Moonshine?! Yes, please! I forgot my damn camera! Can you believe it?!?! We had my gf's, but it's a bit outdated and the battery died the first day.....I did take PLENTY of cell pics....but you know....That's never quite the same :(

I DID manage to score weed on the first night (NOT through my girl's LAME friend, but bushy sniffs out pot like a goddamn bloodhound). I bought a quarter for 100 bucks ( OOOOOOOOOUUUUUCH!!)......Pleasantly surprised. Totally bagseed mexi brickweed.....But grown with attention and care and males/hermies removed. Definitely outdoor....Lime green, head high....Was extremely leafy....Like ONLY fan leaves cut, NOTHING else :(........ BUT I was happy to have something to puff on! Hope you all had a great weekend/week! Amber, those girls are looking GREAT..........WAHOOO! I LOVE the flag you drew for LAS. I told you you'd make a great graphic designer. That thing looks AWESOME!!!!!
So glad to hear your had such a blast bushy! and you made it back safely. I cant believe you scored that dope! that must have been a reallly wild experience. Did you go to a seedy part of town, like a ghetto to score? hahaha... that strip club sounded really cool. Grandma strippers with no teeth.. wow, how did you luck out finding such a great place to chill. Atlanta sounds like fun. do you think you will ever go back?
thanks for the kind words about my garden and artwork. Like i told you , im trying to simpify some ideas i have for my next couple drawings. I want to include them in the zine, so what my style to be a bit more bolder. Im going to be using more markers. I have an idea for the zine. Im hoping to get it done this weekend. Its going to be pretty funny. hahahahah I did have a good weekend mate! thanks for asking.. wow, another one is almost here. Cool.
Ill catch up with ya later dude

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
wow i'm sitting here almost crying with laughter hahahah

nite folks ;)
I know what you mean fingerez, i was DYING!!!!! what brililant poetic comedy! He should really quit his day job and take to stand up. Tend to the garden by day, comedy at night. I would pay top dollar to hear shit like that all night long.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
from elbows to elbows, nice supercropping doc!

knife looks a treat! i too like the bear, ever since i saw him noodle a massive catfish. dudes got so much pma its amazing.

quality update as usual, hike pics were kool too.

damn bushy sounds like a blast man!
Hey don, hope you are feeling better and your plant has fully recovered. Bear is really cool. did you ever see the show where he drinks elephant dong? that one is the bestest!!!! the girlies are good, i moved my blues around. Placed Loulou under direct light in the middle and Stoner Baribe to the side.. both have screaming top colas right now. I cant wait to get my first full single top cola. I hope it s big and fat and i can take a picture that might come just a little close to one of yours????
I admire your big fat colas so much and i want to be able to grow one like yours. Its my dream.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
WHAT IS IT????????


aha, Ok heres a PUNCH IN YOUR FACE!bongsmilie
with a knuckle.. although this knuckle is still healing. But at least its healing becuase this brach was snapped to the death. This is post approx. 9 days snap, and the superstar is still healing and will LIVE!!!!!!!! her buddage is growing at an alarmingly slow rate. She is a SUPER lemon haze.. so im hoping to take her out for the long haul.
Peace ... all you stoned superstars.. have a super groovy day. bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
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Well-Known Member
I'm checkin out that sugar leaf in the bottom left and reckon you're gonna be able to make some wicked hash/ butter!

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
I'm checkin out that sugar leaf in the bottom left and reckon you're gonna be able to make some wicked hash/ butter!
what happened 2 ur butter at the weekend mate?

doc i've seen that type of knuckle before, looks like its split but should be ok maybe just a tad forceful on that one but a brilliant learning curve coz now u know exactly what to do :)

Truth B Known

Active Member
lol fat broad tall and plenty of bush.. lol, i def prefer my ladies the opposite, i think they do yoga and shave when i'm not in the grow room.. lol jk, i love all ladies:razz:

My cut healed up really quick, i hope yours did too Truth...thats funny about the duct tape. I did the same thing. wierd..
I put the blue painters tape on my bent supercropped branches where i bent them because they were bent very hard and the weight of the buds were pulling the branch down at a scary level like a negative 100 degree downward turn. So to aid in healing i used the blue painters tape to prop them up so nutrient and water could still get to the end of the branch. I like that particular type of tape because its easy to handle. My duct tape is super sticky and a bitch to cut and use. I think the most stressful thing about supercropping is actually taking off the fukin tape!!!! lol
later TruthBKnow
ya its still healing thanks, actually got a little infected, but its all good now.. ya i been learning more and more about supercropping, i did it on my outdoors last year and on these indo's i just finished but really i think the best way to do it, i when they are still veg'n just squeeze and bend the plants center stalk in the middle/top and let it hang all the way, like you were saying, but don't worry they pull themselves back to straight but it stunts the top for a sec and lets the lowers catch up, then you can supcrop them if you want and then before you flip you'll already have it all figured out and u can just cut off the lowers you dont want or most of them if you wanted to lolly pop them, but ya, did you watch the soma video in my sig? check it out..

aight then homegirl peace :)



Well-Known Member
what happened 2 ur butter at the weekend mate?

doc i've seen that type of knuckle before, looks like its split but should be ok maybe just a tad forceful on that one but a brilliant learning curve coz now u know exactly what to do :)
it got eaten and we got veryyyyy stoned man, was the bees pyjamas!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
HI everyone!!!! hope you are all doing really well!!!!!!!!
well the weekend is finally here! im looking foward to spending some quality time with my girls. I recieved my High Times Magazine in the mail yesterday. There are some really nice photos and a couple good articles. This one chart below is really really funny. I hope you can read it. It makes fun of the types of people that come into a dispenserys for meds and how the workers deal with their personalitlies.. FUNNY SHIT! Next to that is a really nice photo of CASEY JONES. i have heard a number of RIUers growning this particular strain.Looks really pretty in this picture:lol:
Following those pictures I have taken a number of images of my girls as of this morning in the tent. The bloombastic seems to be kickin in already. I do have what appears to be some nute def in my Snow white girls.. SO will try to feed them a bit more in the next few days. I m looking forward to some really nice photoshots this weekend in a better lighting outside the Turbo Lover.lol and even bigger buddage.. so have a wonderful weekend . I hope your gardens are looking beautiful and that you dont have any problems over the weekend, or ever for that matter. :lol::lol:
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Active Member
What you already have the new HigH Times? Still waiting on mine in the mail. Dam mailman! Lol. Ohh and thanks for ruining the surprise of what the cover will be. Lol. Look forward to receiving the new HT every month, with hopes that I see one of my pics in pix of the crop! One day it'll happen! Lol have a good weekend! Hope we have this nice weather for the weekend.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
What you already have the new HigH Times? Still waiting on mine in the mail. Dam mailman! Lol. Ohh and thanks for ruining the surprise of what the cover will be. Lol. Look forward to receiving the new HT every month, with hopes that I see one of my pics in pix of the crop! One day it'll happen! Lol have a good weekend! Hope we have this nice weather for the weekend.
Hey Doomer! those god damn mailman.!!!. lol...always smoking joints in their little trucks..ive seen them.. smoke coming out of the windows as they take a fast sharp corner in the hood...lmao.. You see i have a P.O. box, so i get my mail right off the airplane. Once it gets into the "mailmans" hands who know how long it will take..hahahah
yeah im always hoping for my strains to be porned out in the centerfold.. they have done SLH a lot of justice . I have seen here many times, which is cool. So many strains, though, its hard to keep track.. There are a bunch of new ones they talk about in the new mag.. And that new strain.." Charlie Sheen"...that seems to really be taking off.. wtf? wow..
yeah, im hoping the weather holds out just a wee bit this weekend so i can get in a dryish hike.
Take it easy seadoom..

Truth B Known

Active Member
you guys get them in the mail?? trippy lol

yo doc, that fuckin dispensary shoppers list is hilarious, i just read thru it.. no doubt that shit is so funny.. i'm kinda like a mix between the super stoner the expert and the mack daddy haha.. that is def worth copying and printing up for the fridge or even a little frame for the wall... hella chawnky, lol, i'm cracking up.. -i'm gonna try to find a little chart with growers in an old high times, like that kinda funny, you may have seen it..

your pics look great, hope everyone has a great day!.. :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
you guys get them in the mail?? trippy lol

yo doc, that fuckin dispensary shoppers list is hilarious, i just read thru it.. no doubt that shit is so funny.. i'm kinda like a mix between the super stoner the expert and the mack daddy haha.. that is def worth copying and printing up for the fridge or even a little frame for the wall... hella chawnky, lol, i'm cracking up.. -i'm gonna try to find a little chart with growers in an old high times, like that kinda funny, you may have seen it..

your pics look great, hope everyone has a great day!.. :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:
hahahah, that chart is so classic.. thats funny how you fit a mixed profile.. i was thinking what profile am i ? ..but im still trying to figure that one out. when they ask what im inteseted in i say "well what do you have?" then.. they go hard on a sales pitch and i just get sucked in sooooo easily.. Im kinda the... ok, yeah, you can sell me what ever you want.. it all looks good.. kinda overwhelmed girl who is easy to manipulate into a purshase ..lmao.. if you can make it sound out of this world, I usually just say OK.. hahahah give me a gram.
I guess im the "PERFECT CUSTOMER" although i never buy very much.. and they are ALWAYS diappointed in that.. saying .. something like.. you owe a WHOOPING $40 donation.. hahahah, fuck you .. lmao. and leave hahahahahah
haha, I cant wait to see the other chart Truth! have a bright beautiful sunny weekend.. i know that they are hard to come by in your neck of the woods...lol

Truth B Known

Active Member
:lol:haaa.. ya, i go in there on a mission.. i want the gold. i'm a rent me a backhoe, i'm a uproot that tree. i want the gold.. i'm like :eyesmoke: "uhh, can i go back there? ..and just look thru them" ;-);-) they usually let me, lol :)

:leaf: here it is, just found it june 2010, this is actually more funny than i remembered.. lol -enjoy



Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
hahaha, thats so funny..haha, i fit the profile of several of those strains mixed together.. haha.. thanks for finding that and posting it for us.
huge smiling doctor over here!!! peace dude...


New Member
BAHAHAHAHA I love both of those! I am the "closet cultivator/clean freak/hippie farmer" hahahah.....I'm working on a recipe to make jolly ranchers, gummy worms, and gummy bears. I think you guys can guess what they'll be infused with :) Already made some "rock candy" with it. It's on. Ha. Ambo, I'll be sending your zine this weekend (I am such a lagmeister I know!) Peace my friends! Have a weekend full of bongloads & titties!