Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow


Well-Known Member
Hey Dr G, just popped round to increase the peace. Always nice to read through the posts, enjoy the tunes, and check the bud,......... what more can one ask for?

And Bossman, nice nice nice, eh, and nice again. Flippin eck guv:eyesmoke:

See you later folks,


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Been good NG, glad to hear you doing well, it's been awhile! Last time I heard from you, it didn't sound to good, glad to hear your fortune turn around:leaf:

morning gang:peace: increase the peace:cool:


Active Member
Boss im gunna have to give you some rep for making your wife bend over for a grow room shot. If i could id rep you twice since you sure know how to maximize your space =)
mean setup


Well-Known Member
Boss Your one very lucky guy, one dirty, but very lucky guy. Im a sucker for brunets but even more of a sucker for purple buds!! I'll + rep you when I get to my comp. You got a setup there brother!!! In all your rooms.


boss anychance you could lowwer your wifes pants a bit? maybe from a lowwer angle lol


Well-Known Member
Boss Your one very lucky guy, one dirty, but very lucky guy. Im a sucker for brunets but even more of a sucker for purple buds!! I'll + rep you when I get to my comp. You got a setup there brother!!! In all your rooms.
Thank's bro.\
She is loving all the comment's guy's.

boss anychance you could lowwer your wifes pants a bit? maybe from a lowwer angle lol
You are just trying to get me yelled at by the lady's in hear..LMAO
I will work on it. :mrgreen: