Dr Greenthumbs G13

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
lmao,guess you don't know about how he effed with Hobbes do you? like i said :finger:BT
I couldn't give two damns what he did with hobbes. It's not relevant in any way shape or form :lol: Just keep on trolling though, everyone respects trolls and takes their angry words to heart.. :lol:

Brick Top

New Member
*In memory of Hobbes :finger: Brick Top

When will you stop attempting to use that tired worn out old chestnut? It was not as if no one else here every disagreed with him or was attacked by him. And while I do not recall if it was you or someone else, but someone claimed he had some sort of; "problems" so who knows why he went off the reservation? If his problems were psychological possibly he stopped taking his meds or needed them increased, or cut, and he became overly temperamental and could not deal with anyone not always totally agreeing with him about everything so he ran and hid.

Who knows why he actually left, especially if he had the; "problems" he was said to have? He is bound to have just switched boards ... so if you miss your buddy so much why don't you search the other growing sites, find him, join and hang with him again rather than bitch, piss, moan and PMS about me because Hobbes allegedly had; "problems" and took a powder?

Why not drop all the things that are utterly meaningless to this thread and allow it to get back on track? Why can't you do that? Why WON'T you do that?


Well-Known Member
I beg to differ. G13 was supposed to be the biggest Indica ever seen and that's how it's playing out with NUMEROUS grow journals right now.

LOL, G13 got it's fame for it's potency. The hybrids were made to up the yield and flavor. I can't believe you're trying to reinvent what G13 was to fit your story.

Angry Pollock

Well-Known Member
When will you stop attempting to use that tired worn out old chestnut? It was not as if no one else here every disagreed with him or was attacked by him. And while I do not recall if it was you or someone else, but someone claimed he had some sort of; "problems" so who knows why he went off the reservation? If his problems were psychological possibly he stopped taking his meds or needed them increased, or cut, and he became overly temperamental and could not deal with anyone not always totally agreeing with him about everything so he ran and hid.

Who knows why he actually left, especially if he had the; "problems" he was said to have? He is bound to have just switched boards ... so if you miss your buddy so much why don't you search the other growing sites, find him, join and hang with him again rather than bitch, piss, moan and PMS about me because Hobbes allegedly had; "problems" and took a powder?

Why not drop all the things that are utterly meaningless to this thread and allow it to get back on track? Why can't you do that? Why WON'T you do that?
never , as long as you are around

Brick Top

New Member
Even if you excluded all of Brick Tops post from this thread, you will still only find nothing but evidence with real sources showing that he does not indeed have the real G13.
Look through the earlier part of this thread, before it turned into a troll Brick Top thread, and you will find I provided a great deal of evidence pointing to the virtual impossibility of Dr. Greenthumb having; "pure G13" as he claims to have. That is why this has turned into a pile on and troll Brick Top thread .... because I supplied overwhelming evidence that Dr. Greenthumb's G13 is indeed a fake and all those who bow at the feet of Dr. Greenthumb detest me for having done so. What we are now witnessing is the payback I am receiving for having provided a large amount of evidence from highly credible sources along with the original description of the true original G13, which in no way is at all even half close to the description Dr. Greenthumb uses.

What we are seeing is what happens to someone who is honest and dealing with people who intensely dislike honesty if it is not praise for their chosen God of Ganja.


Well-Known Member
Again, your ignorance is showing
Anyone who has been around knows that the G13 wasn't a huge yielder and had a bad taste.
In its pure form it was apparently not very pleasant smoke, tasting
like lawn clippings, soaked in a mixture of urine and feces (fecal flavors are
common in pure afganicas) with a lovelly aftertaste of burning tires.
The shear power could not be
denied however and that's what made the strain's rep.


Well-Known Member
When will you stop attempting to use that tired worn out old chestnut? It was not as if no one else here every disagreed with him or was attacked by him. And while I do not recall if it was you or someone else, but someone claimed he had some sort of; "problems" so who knows why he went off the reservation? If his problems were psychological possibly he stopped taking his meds or needed them increased, or cut, and he became overly temperamental and could not deal with anyone not always totally agreeing with him about everything so he ran and hid.

Who knows why he actually left, especially if he had the; "problems" he was said to have? He is bound to have just switched boards ... so if you miss your buddy so much why don't you search the other growing sites, find him, join and hang with him again rather than bitch, piss, moan and PMS about me because Hobbes allegedly had; "problems" and took a powder?

Why not drop all the things that are utterly meaningless to this thread and allow it to get back on track? Why can't you do that? Why WON'T you do that?
Why won't you wait for the grow journals to come before passing your Johnny Walker wisdom?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Is it possible to self a feminized plant. If asking if you can take a feminized plant and cause it to seed itself needs translation, it makes me wonder..


Well-Known Member
The skill is in the procuring of the rare clone only stains.
Then selfing them, an selection for pontency, yeild ect.


Well-Known Member
Is it possible to self a feminized plant. If asking if you can take a feminized plant and cause it to seed itself needs translation, it makes me wonder..
of course you can, how stable it would be we'll find out, I know racerboy is goinhg to try it with his G13 seeds he BOUGHT.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
of course you can, how stable it would be we'll find out, I know racerboy is goinhg to try it with his G13 seeds he BOUGHT.
Well that's exactly what i mean :) if doc paid 25K for his g13 he's got to be dumb as ditchwater. If racerboy selfs his seeds, he has g13 seeds, he can then just start selling them for half docs price and docs fucked :D Or is it not g13 unless it's doc that has bred the seed? If he's done it so should racerboys be able to

Angry Pollock

Well-Known Member
Well that's exactly what i mean :) if doc paid 25K for his g13 he's got to be dumb as ditchwater. If racerboy selfs his seeds, he has g13 seeds, he can then just start selling them for half docs price and docs fucked :D Or is it not g13 unless it's doc that has bred the seed? If he's done it so should racerboys be able to
why self them? just sell clones for 5k. doc knows this will happen, even mentioned it at mmma