Dr Greenthumbs G13

Yeah I agree, this thread attracks all the hate filled hearts like a pile of shit attracks flies.
Brick Top is too evil to waste yer money on, he'd intentionaly fuck the grow up just to prove he was right al along.

frmrboi, you never change, do you? What passes in your weak little mind for logic is beyond laughable. Why in the wide, wide world of sports would I intentionally cause a grow to go South? Why would I waste my time, and current limited space, on a crop that I would sabotage?

If I were to sabotage a grow so I could post pictures, something you should by now know I will not do, and claim it was because of shoddy genetics, all someone would have to do is to point to how good Dr. Grubers plants were and the result would be people would not think the cause of my plants being bad was shoddy genetics, but instead that I am an unskilled grower.

I am not like you. I am not stupid. I do not suffer from a lack of logic or rationale. So I would never do something so inane that could only backfire on me like doing what you so ignorantly suggested I might or would do.
I'm bricktop and so is my wife! Don't believe me? Listen: Dr. Greenthumb is of dubious moral fabric and misrepresents his strains. I hate this man. His weed blows. How's that? Wanna buy me some seeds now, just to show me?

What is that supposed to mean?

As I clearly stated, I am not married, so there is no wife involved, not one that is mine anyway.

And what you said about anyone buying me seeds is nonsensical. I never asked anyone for any seeds of any type from any breeder, and in response to an offer I in no uncertain terms said no thank you.

So what point were you attempting to make with your message? That you are immature and that you intentionally ignore facts and reality so you can showcase your immaturity to the growing world?

Ignorance not only runs on this site, it practically gallops.
BT-"I do not recall anyone every making me an offer like the one just made. If someone did make one, I have either forgotten (oldtimer's disease maybe) or it was when I was not here for some months after being banned or I never saw the offer."

You are right...it was someone else.
Hey Brick, you ever grown Island Sweet Skunk, or know anything about it? I just picked up a pack cause I wanted a sativa in my stable.
I'm bricktop and so is my wife! Don't believe me? Listen: Dr. Greenthumb
is of dubious moral fabric and misrepresents his strains. I hate this man. His
weed blows. How's that? Wanna buy me some seeds now, just to show me?

What is that supposed to mean?

It's from a Monty Python skit (Life of Brian), but nevermind....

And what you said about anyone buying me seeds is nonsensical. I never asked anyone for any seeds of any type from any breeder, and in response to an offer I in no uncertain terms said no thank you.

I never mentioned anything about "anyone buying" you seeds. I really don't care about the seed offer at all.

So what point were you attempting to make with your message? That you are immature and that you intentionally ignore facts and reality so you can showcase your immaturity to the growing world?

You appear to confused as to who is and who is not attacking you, bricky. So climb down off your stump and fire one up and relax, take a breath, and figure out who is attacking you before you release the hounds. And before you point out that you do not own hounds, nor have ever owned hounds, and that it is common knowledge you prefer beagles, you should know that the line is from The Simpsons and not meant to be taken literally.
So, after reading....forever! It's the "pure" part of G13 that's in question...? Correct me please as I'm so confused it's partially funny but, Neville traveled to the states and acquired the g13 cut for $500.... Wouldn't that mean it was available in it's pure form b4 it was obtained... Wouldn't it be possible then that it could still exist here in it's clone only form with out having to have any relationship to Neville... I mean for all argumentative purposes Neville has in a way confirmed and denied it both of witch were indirectly

Disproved- it by his description of his OG cut from the 80's
Proven- by seeing a picture of dd's and Dr. Example and stating it was his g13 to a T
To be fair again this was all indirectly stated by Neville threw either third parties from his site or from his discription...never put out to disprove anyone but, has turned into at least for me some pretty hard evidence that it (in the case of Neville's cut) can't be the same...right....wrong....close?? LOL

Beat that horse boy beat the glue out it... ;)
Remember how dogless sent the g13 to nev to be grown by Kangativa to judge if he an nev think it's pure g13, an he promised a report in Oct this year......


Originally Posted by SCARHOLE
So you do believe that the dogless g13 is legit!
Wooooo Hoooooo

Hi Scar.....Look unless u take this plant and grew it under the exact same conditions that Nev was doing back then when he handed it out then u can never be 100% sure. You have to remember this was grown during the winter, from seed and outdoors and still it got the nod as G13, so that is good enough for me.
Also I have no reason not to believe Jim as I am growing his Kushes and Maple leafs and although I never had anything to do with Maple Leaf I could see straight away that is what they are and originals at that.

I grew the G13/Hawaiian last year and was told that it smelt and looked like the G13 of old and this plant is what was used in that cross, u can be sure of that.

As for smoke and taste, I havent had the chance to do that yet, but as soon as I do I will let u know.

Last thing..... I am not going to get into a discussion over the whats and why's over this strain, I said I would do a report around October, but it took a bit longer and here it is....I can do no more, if people want to pay the money for this strain then that is their choice no one elses and I am sure they will be happy with it.
Also Nev had no idea that this strain was still around until it was bought to his attention at the same time everyone else found out and it appears that there are a few people out there that have made the effort to keep other forgotten strains around......as far as i am concerned these people deserve a pat on the back, it is not an easy task to maintain cuttings year after year.

Thank you Rimmeo.....You are one of the people I am talking about

All I have to say is doc should be ashamed of himself, now from what I understand he did pay 20,000 dollars for the g13 cut from Ortega I believe who did say it was legit, so I guess he's trying to recoup his money but what he doesn't understand is he's a dealer, and like any dealer you make more money by lowering the cost of your superior product which doc does have, then more and more people buy would buy his genetics hence making more money. his endless sky is second to none seriously potent, smells like your in a field of exotic flowers, tastes the same, very good yielder, great bag appeal with grandaddy density nugs just bigger, his big purps is one of the top 5 strains I smoked, very unique like nothi g I've ever had and I lived in amsterdamn for a month and California for 15 years smoking, his flook juice big purps x endless sky is 2nd best bud I've ever smoked covered in crystals look like golf ball size snow balls, it combines the best traits of each, endless skys floral aroma and taste shines through with a unique twist from the big purps which also adds some purple. very similar in look to nirvana ice, which is seriously potent too def a top 5 also. Docs ghost og is crazy, best og I've had along with his trainwreck which is the best train I've had, his chem 4 potent huge yielder, jazz is great outdoors, stay away from oh zone, the dope which wasn't bad just nothing special, bubba kush which he's selling for 200 for 2 seeds not one sprouted and I bought a ten pack for 150 dollars a few years before he started raping everyone with obserd prices. Then he wouldn't send me more unless I returned the seeds that didn't sprout which I never heard before In The years of doing business in the past now in defense to doc I didn't talk to him I talked to the secretary now I believe if I had talked to doc he would've hooked me up seeing as I dropped 3-4 gs with him as you can see by the strains of his I describe above. I've also had his matanuska which he claims is sativa but from what I hear is supposed to be indica dominant also a matanuska only gave me 1 female out of a ten pack and that female never flowered, but now he has fem version so maybe I just got a bad pack. Now I use bodhi genetics along with mr nice, hazeman, gage green, cannaventure and I love them which is the reason I stopped going to doc that being said if his prices were better his endless, flook, big purps, jazz, ghost og would all be mainstays for me. I understand doc charging more than other breeders because 90 percent of everything I've run from him was exactly as advertised something that is very rare in this game and his genetics r truly to notch but why can't he charge 175 for 10 packs of his elites and maybe 250 for 5 g13 seeing as from what I hear is and unbelievable breeding strain because of its potency and huge yields adding something like grape stomper or mango haze, blowfish, 88 g13 x HP will make some special bud. My cousin has seeds of those crosses on the way can't wait to try. If doc were to lower his prices and give out a couple freebies he would be a top 5 breeder as far as sales go I guarantee it.
Not sure about his exodus cut as I had his suicide cut which is more of a fruity cheese taste and is excellent , I'm not a big sativa fan but his suicide cheese is a perfect plant, unbelievable crystal production for early on, the best structureand spacing of any plant I've over seen,there isn't one branch, not one flower that doesn't get hit by light without any training without removing any fan leaves which most people get carried away with trying to get light to the bud sites, which seriously stunts the growth. Overall his sui cheese is tasty, potent and not just a head high, a great full body high unlike the majority of saliva dominant strains, it also is a excellent yielder, his ghost og is better than any og I've had, better than Tahoe, Larry, sfv, poison cut, and probably fifty or 60 other ogs i bought in cali that im not sure the breeder or exact names. for me its a toss up between docs ghost s1s and loompas underdawg og. rare dankness is using it in just about everything they run and why there thc levels are off the charts. Rare dankness seeds rare dankness #1 is a ghost og bx. Out of all those OGs I've tried docs is my number 1!