Dr Greenthumbs G13

What you said would have made complete and total sense, IF not for the case being that Dogless PM'd me and totally out of the blue offered to answer any and all questions that I had about his alleged G-13.

Had I sent him a PM asking questions what you said would could have been likely. But for him to contact me and offer to answer any and all my questions, but then when asked questions that would go a long way to either prove the possibility or disprove the possibility of his G-13 being real he would not reply says a lot, a lot more than some will accept. Had his disease and cure claim been factual his reply would have gone a long way to verify that and be evidence that there is a distinct possibility that his G-13 is what he claims it to be.

The only logical reason for not answering my questions, especially after him contacting me, not me contacting him, and offering to answer any and all my questions, is because Dogless knew that his answers would be damning, that his answers would harm his claims rather than help and support his claims.

I am sure that when Dogless contacted me and offered to answer any and all questions I had about his alleged G-13 he thought I would ask the typical run of the mill questions, the who gave what to who and when, etc., type questions, questions that if replied to could not result in any harm being made to his claims. The thing is I didn't ask that sort of question. And he knew that I would find out if his answers of what alleged disease the plants had and what allegedly cured the alleged disease were possible or not. Dogless could not answer those questions without being trapped in a box that he does not want to be trapped in. That, I am sure, is why he did not answer my questions like he offered to when he contacted me first by sending me a PM.

I am not claiming that to be proof positive that his G-13 is bogus. But think about it a moment. Dogless claimed his alleged real true G-13 plants survived, when everyone else's died off, and that his survived because it was not a loss of plant vigor, like Shantibaba has said caused G-13 plants to die, and instead that it was a plant disease, and that he cured his plants. Wouldn't you think that if that were the case it would greatly help to bolster Dogless' claims if he were to divulge the alleged disease and the alleged treatment that allegedly cured it?

Had Dogless done just that and the disease and cure he claimed was a legitimate disease and cure I would now be saying that regardless of all the things that make his G-13 appear to not be real there is a distinct undeniable chance that it is in fact real. If he told others, as in an open forum, the same thing and they were to research it and find it to be highly possible they would then also say the same thing, that there is a distinct undeniable chance that it is real, and that claim would be based on facts rather than on nothing more than personally chosen belief or hope like all people have now to go on. But Dogless did not do that even though doing so would go a long way to bolster his credibility.

Why do you think that is? Why pick someone out of the blue, contact them, offer to answer any and all of their questions, and when asked questions that if able to be answered honestly would go a long way to support their claims not do so and answer them fully and honestly? Why would someone not answer questions, questions they solicited, if the answer would help them prove a questionable claim they made to be true?

The only logical conclusion that can be drawn is that the answers would almost assuredly prove the questionable claim to be false. If not, the promised offered answers would have been given by Dogless.

I see your point...but i was coming at it the other way. If Dogless would have PM'ed me that would have been my question too and I dont know crap. I would think that would be a very expected question and he would have thought of that before making a false claim. If a newb like me would have asked that question he can be damn sure that someone like you would ask it and Im guessing he would have to be an idiot not to see it coming.
I see your point...but i was coming at it the other way. If Dogless would have PM'ed me that would have been my question too and I dont know crap. I would think that would be a very expected question and he would have thought of that before making a false claim. If a newb like me would have asked that question he can be damn sure that someone like you would ask it and Im guessing he would have to be an idiot not to see it coming.

Maybe you would have asked the same question as I did, but I still do not believe it would be a common question for Dogless to be asked. I have seen this same discussion taking place on several growing sites and not once have I seen anyone say they wonder what disease Dogless claims G-13 plants were allegedly susceptible to and what allegedly cures it. Nope, not once have I seen it mentioned in thousands and thousands of messages. That is why I have to believe it to be a less than common thing for people to ask him.

But even if I am wrong about that why after contacting me through PM offering to answer any and all questions I had about what Dogless claims is original G-13 did he not answer my questions? If he didn't want to answer any more questions then I would think that he would not have contacted me and offered to answer any and all questions I had. The only logical reason for not answering is that I asked questions he did not expect and did not want to answer and knew if answered the answers would sink his battleship.

There is no reason whatsoever for someone to PM someone they have never been in contact with before and offer to answer any and all questions they have and then refuse to answer the questions asked. That is unless the questions asked were ones the person did not have answers to and or knew any answers they might give would discredit them.

Personally, I don't care if Dogless' G-13 is original or not. Either way it will not make even the slightest bit of difference to me. I only mentioned his contacting me and my asking him questions and then what followed, or more accurately, what did not follow, because it is one more bit of information people can consider and factor in when they make up their own mind about Dogless' G-13 being the original G-13 or it not being the original G-13.
Maybe you would have asked the same question as I did, but I still do not believe it would be a common question for Dogless to be asked. I have seen this same discussion taking place on several growing sites and not once have I seen anyone say they wonder what disease Dogless claims G-13 plants were allegedly susceptible to and what allegedly cures it. Nope, not once have I seen it mentioned in thousands and thousands of messages. That is why I have to believe it to be a less than common thing for people to ask him.

Oh...i thought i saw that question many times???? I will look it up and see.
If you an/or friends made selfed fem seeds an kept a strain around in seed S1's
For you while they used clones as mothers for years tell you got out of prison.
Then you get original s1s are revive the old Strain.

Would it be 100% the genetics of The parent? Just my newest theory.

I'll try an ask dogless your questions BT? Honnest!
What are they exactly? ( I'm kinda hammered right now)
Dogless is very concerned about DEA an tight liped about anything that happened before his MMJ Lic.
( after 10 yrs In Prison who could blame him)
Witch is what all started the DD cover IMHO?
If you an/or friends made selfed fem seeds an kept a strain around in seed S1's
For you while they used clones as mothers for years tell you got out of prison.
Then you get original s1s are revive the old Strain.

Would it be 100% the genetics of The parent? Just my newest theory.
NO, it would be similar but never the same.

I'll try an ask dogless your questions BT? Honnest!
What are they exactly? ( I'm kinda hammered right now)
Dogless is very concerned about DEA an tight liped about anything that happened before his MMJ Lic.
( after 10 yrs In Prison who could blame him)
Witch is what all started the DD cover IMHO?

Dogless wasn't tight lipped until people started asking questions he didn't want to answer. There's no excuse for Dr. G dragging DD into this when he had absolutely nothing to do with it.
Bricktops a Ninja!
His input is always welcome IMHO.

Dogless comes home to the USA every3 mo.
When he offered BT answers This all just started.
His next return he has hundreds an hundreds of rude pms an Forum threads an says "fuck that".
"I'm not Saying anything without my attorney present."

DDs cut was Mentioned to avoid mentioning dogless (as a condition of sale) an spare him all this.
Cause Nev also gave DD G13 they said it was "DDs cut."
DD couldn't believe others had acess to "his" G13.

DD Started up the name calling an threats. An free seeds to all who bash DrGT.
Witch the mods here Edited alot of it out, back when they changed the name of this thread.( By the way it was Not RacerBoy or WBW )
Bricktop, enough already, just enjoy the forums :) Geeesh !!!

Riiiiiiiight ..... and I suppose the people who have been going on and on and on in the over 1,500 messages posted over months and months in this thread repeating their baseless opinions ad nauseam are not getting to be a bit much for you.

Why is that?
Oh...i thought i saw that question many times???? I will look it up and see.

By all means, check and see what you find. I suppose it is possible that someone here questioned what disease G-13 plants allegedly had, but I would not know if they had since I was banned from this site last Spring and only fairly recently was allowed to return and did not go through the maybe 1,000 or so messages on this subject that were posted while I was away. What I do know is on the sites I have been on I have not so much as one single time seen anyone ask what alleged disease G-13 plants suffered from or what treatment allegedly cured them. If it was asked on any of them I missed the message. I have never seen it asked even once. Since it is not common to be seen in threads it is highly improbable that Dogless was inundated with the question in PM's.

I told precisely what happened. You, just the same as anyone else, have to draw your own conclusions. Of course a truly logical mind could only draw one single conclusion, the one I stated. But since many people rely on a form of pseudo logic that is like a child's imagination virtually any conclusion can be reached if the person wants and needs to reach it desperately enough. So, by all means, believe whatever it is that you want and need to believe. That is your right.
I agree with Scar on this...BT fire away!

I have said my peace. Actually, I have said more than I intended to say and I feel what I have said is adequate, at least until the time comes that something else that is valid and worth saying comes along.

If the G-13 that Dogless and Dr. Greenthumb has is the true original, then it is the true original. If it is not the true original, than it is not the true original, and no amount of discussion will ever be capable of either altering what it is or deciding and proving what it is or is not.

Even if someone could lay their hands on Mr. Peabody's Wayback Machine and go back in time and with their own eyes see Nevil give Dogless real true honest to goodness original G-13 that would in no way be proof that over the many years since it did not die out or was not genetically altered and that what is being called G-13 today is in fact a pure direct descendent of the Real McCoy G-13.

I do not care what the Dogless/Dr. Greenthumb G-13 is or is not. I did not mean to sound like I believe it is impossible for it to be the original G-13. I only meant that I believe it to be highly improbable that the Dogless/Dr. Greenthumb G-13 is the real deal and I offered additional information above and beyond all the previously mentioned reasons as to why I believe what I believe.

This is a topic that can never be proven, either way, beyond a reasonable doubt. What people need to do is decide for themselves and then be fine with what they themselves believe and not worry or care what others choose to believe and stop trying to convince others to believe something that cannot be proven and what to them is unbelievable.
Well said BT, loved the rocky an bullwincke show.

But I don't remember dogless saying his g13 from Neville got diseased?

PS.-also heard Humi/fulvic acids and sunlight are antiviral.
But I thinks it's more of a preventative measure?
Maybe you would have asked the same question as I did, but I still do not believe it would be a common question for Dogless to be asked. I have seen this same discussion taking place on several growing sites and not once have I seen anyone say they wonder what disease Dogless claims G-13 plants were allegedly susceptible to and what allegedly cures it. Nope, not once have I seen it mentioned in thousands and thousands of messages. That is why I have to believe it to be a less than common thing for people to ask him.

But even if I am wrong about that why after contacting me through PM offering to answer any and all questions I had about what Dogless claims is original G-13 did he not answer my questions? If he didn't want to answer any more questions then I would think that he would not have contacted me and offered to answer any and all questions I had. The only logical reason for not answering is that I asked questions he did not expect and did not want to answer and knew if answered the answers would sink his battleship.

There is no reason whatsoever for someone to PM someone they have never been in contact with before and offer to answer any and all questions they have and then refuse to answer the questions asked. That is unless the questions asked were ones the person did not have answers to and or knew any answers they might give would discredit them.

Personally, I don't care if Dogless' G-13 is original or not. Either way it will not make even the slightest bit of difference to me. I only mentioned his contacting me and my asking him questions and then what followed, or more accurately, what did not follow, because it is one more bit of information people can consider and factor in when they make up their own mind about Dogless' G-13 being the original G-13 or it not being the original G-13.

well dogless replied to my pm.he mentioned to me that desease you are referring to is cocaine. when he was incarcerated the growers and breeder friends moved on to heavier drugs and the strain was almost lost had it not been for some old friends at a hippy comune that kept it locked down.I have 3 plants going now and they are the baddest, biggest and after nuking a bud and sampling it is also the strongest I have grown in the 12 years of growing.Dont let this deal pass you by cause you will be sorry u did.
They are scheduled to be harvested in the middle of October. Keep your eyes open for a final photo shoot, right before they are chopped down :)

Any guesses on what the final yield will be? There are 5 plants of Dr. Greenthumb's pure G13.
expierianced growers dont buy feminized seeds? You guys are seriously a joke... its 200 bux for a pak of 10 seeds,Each PACKET contains 10 SEEDS - UNLESS SPECIFIED
I'd pay $100 per seed but only two seeds per pack is just unacceptable. You want at least a 10 pack to pick out the best of the best and two beans doesn't offer you that option. On top of that, they're feminized and experienced growers don't buy fems.

unheard of genetics trust me i got the arcata trainwreck cut,,,unlike any other trainwreck