yea g13 is the shit yielded crazy i just needa different pheno i guess cuz i could see through it at the end n everything else were rawks! probly something i need to dial in all the same, docs shits the shit, i ordered good dog "loev it" c99 "beast" but lost my cindy, and i ordered the dope n idk what happenned but they all sat in the same conditions using his directions to the point n none of them did anything but swell a tad n insides turned to mush, if they hadnt been fuct id have sent em back but no matter how i tried saving em they drenched n stained my envelopes all to shit

bummer too that was the strain i wanted most! ill still try it one day if i can get more monies for it! but all in all i think his gears excactly what u order! i mustve just gotten old stock or something im guessing lol all well, hey doctor gruber, how long did u veg these? tall did they go before the flip?