Dr. Ron Paul takes 1st place in SC. debate..(video).


Well-Known Member
because the people said somthing fox finally invited him, and you know they wish they hadnt. all ron paul needs is more air time !!


Well-Known Member
isnt is unbelievably blatantly fucking obvious how FOX News has such a hatred for Ron Paul? every single one of those questions started out with a spiteful tone to it. every reply met with mocking laughter and disrespect. i have never seen something so outright hateful towards any one man before in my life. it makes me angry because when they are smearing him, I feel like they are destroying my hope for America.


Well-Known Member
In general, Americans simply love the underdog. In their collective display of scorn and ridicule for Dr. Paul, they (MSM and other candidates) are actually providing needed assistance to Paul’s most worthy campaign to return freedom and liberty to America!
Spread the word!

Meantime, Rep. Ron Paul (Texas), who had been excluded from the last debate, bristled at the Fox News hosts for asking him questions unrelated to what the other candidates were talking about.

When asked about whether he was electable, Paul said that he is the most conservative candidate in the field.

“Are you suggesting the Republicans should write me off because I'm a strict constitutionalist?” Paul asked, adding, “So you’re suggesting that I'm not electable and the Republicans don't want me because I'm a strict fiscal conservative, because I believe in civil liberties? Why should we not be defending civil liberties and why should we not be talking about foreign policy that used to be the part of the Republican Party?”
TheHill.com - Thompson comes out swinging in South Carolina


New Member
From Wavel's post:

“Are you suggesting the Republicans should write me off because I'm a strict constitutionalist?” Paul asked, adding, “So you’re suggesting that I'm not electable and the Republicans don't want me because I'm a strict fiscal conservative, because I believe in civil liberties? Why should we not be defending civil liberties and why should we not be talking about foreign policy that used to be the part of the Republican Party?”

This was the most striking statement at the debates last night. I was so proud of RP when he went off on the rest of the group with this. In this one statement, he pointed out in no uncertain terms, just how far the Republican Party has drifted to the left and reverted back to statism. Ron Paul made the others look like defenders of King George, and of course those defenders, pompous asses that they are, can't see the liberty tree for the forest.


PS: Did you guyz see the condescending smirk on Mcain's face? What a total asshole!


Well-Known Member
Did you guyz see the condescending smirk on Mcain's face? What a total asshole!
Everyone on the stage thought RP was a wast of space and time.

It was funny when RP didnt hear the answers giving by the others and went on the attack about Iran, I got a good laugh. He did make great points, it was still funny to watch.


New Member
Wow. that was a good debate. i felt ron paul finally got some great messages across.

did you see at the last new hamphire debate where he struggled to get mitt romney to answer what he would do if the Chinese had a standing army occuping U.S. land. Every other GOP candidate came to romney's aid and began yelling out objections. paul tried but never got the questioned answered.

i felt that would have been a defining moment. there's only one way to answer that question. any american would shoot to kill at an occuping force. once you understand that, you'll understand why there is so much violence and hatred toward americans in the middle east.


New Member
Everyone on the stage thought RP was a wast of space and time.

It was funny when RP didnt hear the answers giving by the others and went on the attack about Iran, I got a good laugh. He did make great points, it was still funny to watch.
please, that was a cheap shot by the commentator. it was a soft ball for the other gop dorks to get a good laugh at.

everyone of them stated they would back the ship's commanders decision. DUH! but then they went on with continued rhetoric about how imminant the threat is from Iran.

Iran is no threat whatsoever. nor do they even wish to be. this is war mongering at its finest. declare an enemy just to keep this fake, for profit war going. assholes, all of them.

what the fuck is wrong with the citizens of this nation to even consider electing more rich, white assholes to office who are pushing war? dont people desire peace and security anymore?


New Member
because americans are a bunch of bullys ..it seems like all the other presidents besides mike gravel and ron paul want to end this war and have peace..i hate seeing them try to pick on ron paul too..its like they jus want war, they dont care if we lose cuz it wouldnt be ''american'' to not fight. fuck them they dont care about any of us,, just money. ron paul is the only one who cares. if you vote for anyone else besides ron paul then fuck you.. u should kill yourself


Well-Known Member
hahah yes!!! the medias attempt to smear ron paul i think will help him in the end, the media is using full force and just making this all seem as one big joke, like a bunch of high school drama, its fucking bullshit and people will realize, this could work toward his favor.
and yeah the smirks on their faces tell all! what respectable adult let alone canidate for president would act almost childish!
i would most likely think of leaving the country if someone like hillary or romney wins.
time for brazil, or switzerland!


Well-Known Member
please, that was a cheap shot by the commentator. it was a soft ball for the other gop dorks to get a good laugh at.

everyone of them stated they would back the ship's commanders decision. DUH! but then they went on with continued rhetoric about how imminant the threat is from Iran.

Iran is no threat whatsoever. nor do they even wish to be. this is war mongering at its finest. declare an enemy just to keep this fake, for profit war going. assholes, all of them.

what the fuck is wrong with the citizens of this nation to even consider electing more rich, white assholes to office who are pushing war? dont people desire peace and security anymore?
Regardless, it was funny...He jumped the gun and didnt take the time to understand the question or the answers givin(couldnt hear as RP said)
shit happens, it happens to the best of us.
It was the laugh of the night because of how out of context it was, but when mitt romney tried to add a punch line in to attack RP that got the biggest booo's.At lest the meany off the stage still showed respect for RP.

My father fell into 4 inches of snow with his hands stuck inside of his jacket pockets and fell head first right after giving me a bunch of shit....I laughed my ass off,like I said it happens to the best of em.


Active Member
Yeah, I LOVE how all other candidates actually had a chance to debate (or at least parrot off what everyone else said) and Ron was given "So some of your supporters believe in a 9/11 conspiracy theory, please respond to this accusation in such a way that you will have to alienate them and consequently damage your campaign." Then the next time he got to talk the moderators (unbiased, right?) even took a stab at him when he said the WHOLE boat scenario was just blown out of proportion, instead of mumbling about how great our commanders on the ground are. If you asked the commanding officer of the Navy destroyer I'm sure he would say "So what, I've been trained how to deal with small crafts around my ship after the bombing of the USS Cole. Provocative,yes. Threatening, no."

I don't give much credit to the texting poll at the end of the night that showed Ron Paul was dominating. Again, the poll was done by texting and late at night. How many people that are going to actually vote in the republican primaries are going to be up that late, much less bust out their cell phones, put on their reading glasses and support FT. Ron obviously has a younger and more passionate following.

That sample audience also sucked donkey balls. What exactly were they doing in the hour gaps between being asked stupid, coached questions? There's NO way that many other people would agree that one candidate (FT) won by that margin. Of coarse he was prepared; they get asked the same 5 questions all day everyday. Of coarse he's charismatic; he's a politician AND an actor. Of coarse he wants to lower taxes; he's old, rich, white, and willing to parrot on with what everyone else says until they make a mistake and knock themselves out of the race.

I just wish my life could be made simpler by a true unbiased source of information instead of having to deal with a million different ones, just to figure out what is actually going on.


New Member
He pretty much handed McCain his ass and the Republican party theirs, Kudos R.P. It's a shame he won't be elected. I'd love to see our foriegn policy revamped and our civil liberties restored. Some of his other policies may not suit me but I'd give him the benefit of the doubt and hope for the best, Go Ron Paul. Meanwhile, Its the Obama or Hillary show, I certainly hope it's Obama. Obama-Edwards seem fine with me. Ron Paul-Huckabee Would work also.


Well-Known Member
He pretty much handed McCain his ass and the Republican party theirs, Kudos R.P. It's a shame he won't be elected. I'd love to see our foriegn policy revamped and our civil liberties restored. Some of his other policies may not suit me but I'd give him the benefit of the doubt and hope for the best, Go Ron Paul. Meanwhile, Its the Obama or Hillary show, I certainly hope it's Obama. Obama-Edwards seem fine with me. Ron Paul-Huckabee Would work also.
The immigration issue is huge for me, since I'm only a working man
and I see first hand the problem everyday.
My drive to work is like driving into a third world country!
Streets pedalers of all kinds, flat bed pick up trucks filled with vegs, corn'carts-its a hot water filled cooler on top of a lrg box with wheels.
The corn is sold with butter and mayonnaise that has been sitin out all day.
Women standing at stop signs selling bread out of paper bags.
Its not 1 or 2 I'm talking about 100s.
This year people were pulling there bbqs out onto maj city streets and was cooking and selling chicken,pork ect.-nothing to store the food in and nowhere to wash hands.-it would be a joke if it wasnt funny!
Gangs of them hang out at a gas station looking for work-not able to speak a word of english.(while I'm to know some spanish for my job)
The cops do nothing here and the problems are only getting worse.
Everyone in a leadership position acts as everything is normal, my Oderman
is mainly a spainsh speak and comes from mexico and is hardlined open board guy.(no shit?)
The workers in Mcdonals dont even speak english
and I'm treated like I'm the cased out in a place where I was born and rasied.
Obama(who I think will win) is for wide open boarders....and free health care!
I'm going to make a short movie about what I see everyday.
CHICAGO, ur third world home away from home.


New Member
Before the white-man....native americans roamed these parts.....why are we so quick to denounce and forget them, but yet we go to Mexico and are enthralled by the Mayan's and their ruins or the Aztecs or Incas or Austrailian Aborignes......and we promote Discovery channel shows to mask our (Hitlerism) actions of what we did a few hundred years ago...

I am sure there were ruins here in America....but damn big business made damn good sure to plow those down and instead carve white-man into mountain.
