Dreaming Big


Well-Known Member
First off I am NOT a mechanic. I did NOT go to school for this shit!

I've been busting my ass on one fuckin caliper pin like a FUCKING retard. not even looking online or anything for a way to get it out................ UNTIL NOW. and again I'M A FUCKING RETARD! or just high as fuck.... either one it was stupid of me to think "I got this" and torch and smash the shit out of a C pin for HOURS with zero results........... DUH just google the motha fucka![video=youtube;U11H8Xi_7RE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U11H8Xi_7RE[/video] going to lowes for some "tools" lol........


Well-Known Member
What kind of scope you use? Looking for a new one, the one I have has a horrible light on it, and it's like the lens seemed foggy or dirt all the time but they aren't. Idk just looking for a good one I can actually see the color as close as those pictures lol


Well-Known Member
both are pretty much the same exact thing. i Have to use a webcam program to take my pictures though. i can't seem to find working software for this particular scope.


Well-Known Member
HSO Blue Dream(fem)... 23
Blueberry Yum Yum... 3
Blue Thai(fem)... 1
Original Blueberry... 1
Sour Blueberry... 1
GDP... 1
Spyder... 6
White 88 G13/Hashplant... 3
Cocoa Puffs... 2
**Supreme Delight... 1
Kerala x Skunk... 1
Cotton Candy(fem)... 1
SxI... 2

Gonna post my strain list everytime a new page starts from now on. so newcomers don't have to scroll through and figure out whats I gots.

That is updated including # of plants(fem and male)/sprouts/seedlings per strain

As I start to cut clones I will update the numbers of plants per strain. :) thinking it's almost picture time again. maybe tomorrow. I like the new twice a week update I got going on. :) Thanks for visiting!


Well-Known Member
Edit above post. Mutant Cocoa Puffs has died. Not sure what it's deal was and don't quite care about the seedling too much. lol Got plenty more to take it's place. :)(and another 6 Cocoa Puffs seeds :))


Well-Known Member
Some call it Solventless hash. others call it wax.... 70 micron solventless hash is some of the best out there when made properly. I got 200 microns, 150, 100, 75, and 25 microns bag set..... Should make some great wax off my buddy's outdoor BF Pineapple Express trim in the next month or 2.....
what order do you use the bags? biggest to smallest or:??:


Well-Known Member
biggest to smallest. if you can find a good kit i'd suggest it.. You want 4 bags total really 160, 120, 90, 75. but they are not cheap to fing them in exact sizes like that unless you get the KIND brand