Dreaming Big


Well-Known Member
about to make his lunch and hit the sack!;)

you see Danks later, have him holler at me tomorrow morning, I can't hardly keep my eyes open that I won't drive to the store for cigs...that's tired for me...;)

Later Stew! love ya kiddo


Well-Known Member
HSO Blue Dream(fem)... 23
Blueberry Yum Yum... 3
Blue Thai(fem)... 1
Original Blueberry... 1
Sour Blueberry... 1
GDP... 1
Spyder... 6
White 88 G13/Hashplant... 3
Cocoa Puffs... 1
**Supreme Delight... 1
Kerala x Skunk... 1
Cotton Candy(fem)... 1
SxI... 3

46 right now. dropping to 44 this weekend.(pulling up male spyders)

Gonna be cloning my Cotton Candy and Blue Thai soon.. they are just about old enough now.... keep checkin in.. more updates in a couple days. :)

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Not enough madness here so I guess I'd better sub up and sort that little problem. There we go. EPIC STUFF HERE STEW!!! Pity I only found this thread now. Great pics, great info. And of course a killer good vibe. Keep it coming, here to learn!


Well-Known Member
Post 285 page 3...and i saw it already...thought you'd have a new one for me by now;)

but then, I am a Dank fan, and he posts one every other day at least;)

how are your clones doing? any more roots?


Well-Known Member
Stew, you talk too much! LOL

I gotta go man...get ready for the viewing...not looking forward to this...

see ya later bud;)


Well-Known Member
u can limit the number of post per page,differs person to person how thiers is setup...tsup Stew? get that dudes car fixed?


Well-Known Member
Just about to pop the new radiator in and fill it up... just came up to see what everyone was up to..... :) still have tro go check on the ladies, I have been slacking today.


Active Member
I just realized that. thanks I have one sitting in front of me for hand held use. no usb and it's so powerful it's useless too. you us men bigger is always better ;) and since I'm a telescope nut , well it really went awry


Well-Known Member
You can't really tell where one starts and the other stops but left Blue Dream, Middleish is Cotton Candy, and right is Blue Thai(with a couple branches of spyder too lol
Big girls.jpg
Garden Pic, new stands w/ space below them for my fresh rooted clones. :)
Left OB, SB, GDP, *SD, and KxS/ Right is TrainWreck
Other Smallies.jpg
All my BD clones W88 and CP in veg(on left) near the top you can see my spyder autos(in the middle of the picture above 6" pots of blue dream)
Spyder Cola(Blurry, sorry.) not even gonna keep it in the actual post. lol click if you want but the thumbnail is the best view you're gonna get. lol



Well-Known Member
So I should let you all know. the count has dropped to 40. 2 males are leaving tonight. one solo auto was male and tossed. killed a clone by pulling it out of the dome too soon. OOPS lol.. No biggie I have plenty more.

Gonna wait a few weeks to let the rooted clones get bigger before I start my Colloidal Silver project.

Keep you updated...


Well-Known Member
Just check in on the males. Gonna keep them a little bit longer... One at the very least.........

Just got a few sacs with powder falling out(collected it all into a shot glass. a
nd immediately dosed my sypder again. This way I can be 100% sure the pollen I got is good.....

and I used just the powder that came out. not crushed up sacs this time...

So i'll keep them around a little longer to collect what I can in powder form.
and store it. scrap the male. and get on with my breeding.