Dreaming Big


What kind of app or equipment are you using to get those pics? Your photography equipment is better than mine! (Yeah, your buds are too lol )


Well-Known Member
A cheapo $25 microscope from china I bought on ebay. haha... I need a new one. this thing is half fried. but I just figured out I can pause it while using it by hand instead of having to adjust the height of the stick I use to secure it. I'd have to go WAY back in my pics to find it or take a new one. but it's in the grow room and it's lights out so HA. lol this is the EXACT one though


A cheapo $25 microscope from china I bought on ebay. haha... I need a new one. this thing is half fried. but I just figured out I can pause it while using it by hand instead of having to adjust the height of the stick I use to secure it. I'd have to go WAY back in my pics to find it or take a new one. but it's in the grow room and it's lights out so HA. lol this is the EXACT one though
i am getting one of these!


Well-Known Member
Blue Thai
Sour Blueberry
Blue Dream
Blueberry Yum Yum(Indica purp pheno)
Blueberry Yum Yum(Satvia purp pheno)
Blueberry Yum Yum(Indica Pheno other)
Original Blueberry


Well-Known Member
HEy everyone, Stew hmu and said hiis computer shit the bed. and could be anywhere from a couple hrs to get it back up and rrunning up to a couple
days to potentially get a new comp. so he shall return, with frosty bud porn im sure lol


Well-Known Member
Everyone could always jump over to my thread and take a look at some of my buds just untill Stew gets his pooter going again. Lol.

Stew bro, I hope you can get your gear fixed buddy. I'm sure you will. Was wondering how come I hadn't heard from you. Lol


Well-Known Member
What's good, my brother? Sorry for being drunk all over your journal the other day. Miss you buddy. Hope all is well.



Well-Known Member
Fucking car keeps costing me money. Computer purchase put on hold.
Downloading windows 7 onto my external and using the product key that comes with the laptop. Hope to do this all this week. So I can at least get back on here..

Cropped out the p3 clones and the Blueberry Yum Yum indica purp and may do a few more tomorrow... I got plenty of pictures to upload when I can.
