Dresser - 3 Sq. Ft. - 20,600 Lumens - Hydro


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
I love you. I said it.

Looking good. How much were those 65W lights?
lol... it was bound to come out sooner or later... lol There is like 2k plus views but I feel like your the only one checking it out.
The CFL's were on sale for I think $16 or $18... I want to say they were $20 originally but could have been $18 originally-$16 on sale.. Not sure.. but in that area. I got them from Lowe's and they are the Bright Effects brand. I read bad reviews on Bright Effects (bulbs burning out too soon.. but then again it seems like what bulbs don't) but I couldn't pass them up.. So far they are working great for me.. I mean, I haven't started using them to grow yet but I have done a 2 night test run on my Veg Cab keeping temps a few degree's warmer than room temp.


Well-Known Member
Well if they burn out, they were only $20. Plus if they burn out quicker then they are rated, you can prolly bring them back.

And I know others are checking this out.... I just love posting. Your grow setup is unreal.. So neat and clean. You're going to get some very potent dope... I can just imagine if you had a closet you could use or something. That would be unreal.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Well if they burn out, they were only $20. Plus if they burn out quicker then they are rated, you can prolly bring them back.

And I know others are checking this out.... I just love posting. Your grow setup is unreal.. So neat and clean. You're going to get some very potent dope... I can just imagine if you had a closet you could use or something. That would be unreal.
Man- I'm pretty sure you jinxed me. So I was staring at the plants right.. Figured hey- I got those 2 - 65w over in my Veg Cab.. fuck- why not replace the 45w in my Flowering cab for now with the bigger ones. As I did so- the first 65w bulb blew as I twisted her in. Bullshit. Oh well.. I still have my receipt and box and shit.. I'll have another one in there tomorrow. So now there is 1 - 65w and 1 - 45w plus my 2 - 70w HPS... lol.. couldn't beleive it. If they don't burn out it is ridiculously bright. The 65w next to the 45w is an amazing difference for some reason, so much brighter.

Day 32- pH 5.9 - 670 ppm - Temp 76 - RH 35%
Flowering - Day 8
Turned the Humidifier back on tonight, RH was getting a little low. Tonight seemed like a big night. I removed 2 of the known 100% males. Little balls growing like crazy- starting to form little buds of ball...
I then moved the smaller of the 2 left in the opposing corner of the tote. Made a couple of covers for the 2 empty holes where the other pots where. I also LST'd the shit out of the big plant that I am still REAL sure is a female but still no signs of white hairs. The other ones I am really optimistic it is female so I went ahead and LST'd her up pretty decent too. The big plant is really starting to get me excited. The growth on it is amazing and the size of it just keeps getting bigger. Seems like there are more tops to the plant every day. I would say some of the branches are growing about 1.5" to 2" a day. On another positive note, my PPM has been staying pretty even throughout this entire Res change so far. That "should" tell me that my plants are at their optimal nutrient uptake right now. That being said I will probably increase it to probably 750-800 at the end of the week. They have probably drank about 1 gallon of water since my last Res Change.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Had to get on here quick. I got home from work today and checked out my babies. They are doing awesome. The biggest one.. I am 100% sure is FEMALE!!!!! Makes me very happy. Almost Tingly. The reason I say 100% sure is because today I spotted the beginning of white hairs! My other one is starting to show a little more and I am still pretty sure... 80%.. that its female. As for the big one though... I counted today and I am pretty sure it has right around 15 tops with about 5-7 more soon to be at the canopy line.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
hey oscar your grow is a good ways ahead of mine hope mine look that good lol good luck
Thanks. I don't know why the plants are doing so good. I have been trying my best to baby them as much as I can and do everything proper. I have grown 1 plant before with some Halogen bulb and it took me a while to Veg and when I switched to Flower the plant was taller than my ceiling and I had to bend it way over for it to fit in the room.. 7ft ceilings.. stretched like a MOTHER FUCKER.. was not much secondary growth and like a half foot between nodes lol. Didn't really get any good bud off it. Then I tried Mercury Vapor, Which worked but I never finished the grow... this is my first grow that I am taking serious. I did a LOT of research and learned a good deal of shit I didn't know.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
yea i doubt i would even been growing if it wasnt for this site. why didnt you finish the grow with mercury vapor?
Ohhhh- had some shit come up so I handed my ghetto little setup over to my friend. He let them grow for a little while and he had some surprisingly bushy nice plants... I stopped talking with him after a fall out but I am pretty sure he didn't finish them. From what I seen though I was surprised with the MV results.. Maybe it was because I was used to my Halogen bulb grow.. lol- Halogen- before I researched everything.. just couldn't understand why my 300w Halogen wasn't pumping some bushy bitches out. lol funny reminiscing them days.
First first half ass "setup" was a close hamper with a square hole in the bottom, to allow easy access to soil, with two big totes stacked on top each other.. on top of the hamper. Now that I think of it.. there were 2 MV light.. I think 175w each on the top tote lid. If I wanted the lights closer, I would just unstack a tote... figured I could let it get as high as I could stack totes.. lol. Each tote had its bottom cut out and lined with foil. The ventilation was just a fan blowing on the hamper through the small holes lol.. I don't even think I had the internet hooked up at that time, which is why I made dumb choices... that damn researchin will get ya.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Day 33- pH 5.7 - 450 ppm - Temp 75 - RH 40%
Flowering - Day 9
Ahh, thought I was going to update with pics tonight but looks like I`ll be waiting until tomorrow. I have been taking pics when I moved the plants and all that bs so the next picture update should be decent. The PPM is so low because I added about 3/4 Gallon of plain water. My Res Tank was getting a little low and I am not ready for a Res Change. May do that tomorrow to bump the PPM back up. Adding the plain water assures me the N-P-K ratio is no more than what I put in the first time.
The plants are looking wonderful. The biggest, which I am 100% sure is female, is starting to put out small white hairs that I can barely see with Magnifying glass and the "tops" are looking a little more chunky/spikey than normal.
The other plant I still am not sure what the hell it is. I am still leaning towards female but I'm not going to call it yet. Could just as well be a male. This plant is so bushy.. its almost like a ball of leaves right now. I can't LST it enough.. the branches aren't that long to separate and the Nodes are literally spaced 1/8"-1/4". It is stretching a little but for some reason this plant is staying real low, short, and hella bushy. I hope this is female and it just produces big ass buds on each top.. will look like a Ball of Bud.

Oh I posted this in Busters thread too but it was relevant to what I am currently doing so I thought I would paste in this journal for future reference also.
-If you want a high that is more upidty, you would want to harvest when the Trichs have turn 10%-30% Amber.
-If you want a high that is more "body" stoned feeling.. you want to wait longer- 50%+.
-The PRIME time to harvest seems to be 50%-50%.

I read the reason for this is because after time the Matured Amber Trichs break down the THC into CBD. Below I pasted this pic I came across for an example. Also Here is a good snippet I read elsewhere to help understand this.

THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) gets a user high, a larger THC content will produce a stronger high. Without THC you don't get high.

CBD (Cannabidiol) increases some of the effects of THC and decreases other effects of THC. High levels of THC and low levels of CBD contribute to a strong, clear headed, more energetic high.
Cannabis that has a high level of both THC and CBD will produce a strong head-stone that feels almost dreamlike. Cannabis that has low levels of THC and high levels of CBD produces more of a buzz or stoned feeling. The mind feels dull and the body feels tired.



Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Day 34- pH 5.9 - 460 ppm - Temp 74- RH 43%
Flowering - Day 10

Alright, big update. As I mentioned I pulled the two males and re-arranged the females. Yes Females. I didn't get a chance to get more water tonight so the Res change will most likely come tomorrow. The PPM stayed about the same. I also brought that 65w CFL back to Lowe's and exchanged for a new one yesterday. Now there is 2 - 70w HPS and 2 - 65w CFLs. 270w Total. 20,600 Lumens Total.

First pics I will be posting are those of yesterday BEFORE and DURING the pulling and re-arrangement.

The first pic was a top view before pulling the two males on the right. The second pic is of the two males that were pulled. Third one is of the biggest male after I took him from his home and set aside to die a torturous starving death. Fucker.

btw, I didn't notice until I got home but my dog pretty much chewed the stem in half on both of them lol. He loves to smoke..

Ok, Fast forward to tonight.
First pic is a Top View of the plants and their new arrangement. The other pics are one of each.

Next 3 pics are of the canopies. I have really been trying to keep it as flat as I can and spread out as much as I can so light gets to other growth and I get more tops. The first pic shows the biggest plants canopy then the second pic shows a part of the inside.. just to get an idea of how it is spread apart yet pretty damn bushy. The third pic is of my smaller lady with a canopy as even as I can get it. For the most part is just the very top that I can't bend or it will break. Its so short and stocky- bushy as hell... I couldn't even get a decent inside pic of the growth and stem.

Some Measurments...

Ok, here is a decent Male - Female distinction.
Ahh Here we go-
See if you can pic which are Male and which are Female.

1.) Male 2.) Female 3.) Male 4.) Male 5.) Female 6.) Male
If you answered all 6 correctly... bah
4 was hard but when they are small you have to look very close and you can see there is a distinct "ball" form to it. Females resemble males at first but don't have such a ball shape. Some are more obvious than others.

I'll end this with some Misc pics.
First one is of whats to be the main cola on my biggest lady. I wanted this to see the transformation. The second pic is showing what a Topped plant looks like. btw incase anyone forgot. My biggest plant was FIMMED and the other shorter bushier one was topped. The other pics will explain them selves.

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
this is a very impresive set up man! I'm almost ashamed of my cardboard getto grow after looking at this! But I wish you well and keep on growing!
:peace:peace man:peace:

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
:hump:Just finnished the rest of this journal. Very profesional Grow. One thing what is FIMMED stand for? I know its some type of toping or trimming
Just don't know. :peace:peace man:peace:Keep on Growing


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
so when u gunna get rid off all ur males?
Just did the other night bro. Luckily the 2 Males were the 2 smaller plants. Most people say, "The bigger ones are usually Males"... I don't have enough experience to say that statement is BS but I never believed it. Both times I have grown to flowering my bigger plants have been Females.

this is a very impresive set up man! I'm almost ashamed of my cardboard getto grow after looking at this! But I wish you well and keep on growing!
:peace:peace man:peace:
Thanks, don't be ashamed. To me its about, the principal of growing, not the setup. If you got the lights and cardboard works for you- grow on man. I have seen a couple ghetto ass setups that got the job done perfectly fine.

Looks good bet your gonna have a nice lil harvest day thoes girls are monsters!
Ahh yes, the harvest. We can't talk about that yet... I am going to get too excited. lol- I will be happy with anything but I am really really hoping to get AT LEAST an ounce. Two ounces would be great! Thanks for droppin in

:hump:Just finnished the rest of this journal. Very profesional Grow. One thing what is FIMMED stand for? I know its some type of toping or trimming
Just don't know. :peace:peace man:peace:Keep on Growing
Wow- read the entire thing huh? Cool... must mean it was interesting enough to keep you hooked for 11 pages.
The difference between Topping and FIMMing is:

Topping is when you cut the main stem, close to the last top full node. You usually want to wait until the 5th node to do this or FIM. I waited until the 6th on my biggest when I FIMMED.

FIMMING actually stands for "Fuck I Missed". Why? Because when you top it is VERY easy to "miss" the top of the main stem if your not extremely careful. Instead you end up trimming about 3/4" off the very top node's coming in, Missing the main stem all together.

Judging from this grow I would say FIMMING has worked best but this is also 2 different strains. My smallest plants just seems too bushy and my branches are very thick and not very flexible.
The reason I believe FIMMING is better is because the plant does not undergo as much stress (as it seems). To me it seemed the leaves repaired much quicker than the Main stem in comparison of my two current plants. The FIMMED plant (My Biggest Plant) did not take nearly as long to heal itself and keep growing.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
I think that was the most people so far dropping by in 1 day. Hope you all enjoy, Thanks for the comments


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Day 35- pH 6 - 920 ppm - Temp 80- RH 36%
Flowering - Day 11

Whoo. See that PPM? Thats right... Haha, I hope it doesn't burn em. If it does I will just dilute and all will be well. That is what I like about hydro, when your plants talk to you, your response takes effect quickly. Here is what I added to each gallon to get 920 PPM (850 PPM of Nutes)

7.5 mL - Flora Gro
10 mL - Flora Micro
17.5 mL - Flora Bloom
-----Total=850 ppm Nutrients
2.25 mL - pH Up
-----Total pH Up Added in PPM was 70 PPM for a total of 920 PPM

I swear when I open my dresser, I stare and loose track of time... like a euphoric state of mind.. lol love this shit. Anyway, As you can see the Res. Change got done tonight. I was going to start some clones also BUT when I "tested" the air stones I got for the Veg Cabinet.. they worked 10x better than the Air Stones I had in my Res Tank for flowering. Lol, so once again I swapped the Veg Item I bought to put in the Flowering Cab... I think the flowering is more important right now. Problem is my 8" air stones wont work in my "mini" pots, so probably be tomorrow before the clones are up and running.
The plants are looking beautiful. I tied down a few more fan leaves and tied/arranged a few more of the tops so more light could help the ones below reach the top canopy. FINALLY I was able to get a picture of the Hairs I mentioned before. They were so small and barely coming out before that I couldn't even get a pic on my phone, hell could barely see with Magnifying glass. Anyways, here is the first white hairs visible by Camera. I did not see any other ones any where so this should be a good pic of Early cooty hairs. Ahh, she's growin up. Enlarged to show detail!