Dresser - 3 Sq. Ft. - 20,600 Lumens - Hydro


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Hey man I just found your thread a couple days ago when I was checkin out Titleist's...I think your whole setup is awesome...I'm thinking about doin something very much like yours except I might try to have 2 sections, one for flowering and one for veg then a compartment for a few mother's...but we'll see I may just start small and work my way up to that...anyway goodluck the rest of the way I'll definitely be watching!
Tight man, thanks for stoppin in. Ya Titleist's grow is nice, recommended. I'm a fan of smaller spaces but I'm not sure if there is enough room to split a dresser (unless its pretty damn big) with that many section. Miejer's sells some decent size cabinets for $150 that could be split, actually is already split, into 3 sections, possibly 4 if you get creative. Would work really well. good luck.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
I bet thoes gurls make you very very happy come harvest day!!! Ill deffantly be tuned in till the end
Haha, I hope so.. I'll keep it updated. How much do you guys think I'll get off these?

Day 43- pH 5.8 - 1360 ppm - Temp 77- RH 39%
Flowering - Day 19

Well i just got done doing another Res Change. I set the PPM at 1360 and this is what I added per gal. to achieve that.

15 mL - Flora Micro
7 mL - Flora Grow
20 mL - Flora Bloom
3.5 mL - pH Up

Why raise it more might you ask? Cause I felt like it. No damn reason at all, just figured if they deal with it then I'll keep these nutes riding for a bit until its time for ripening. I also LST'd a little more on the bigger plant. I tied a lot of the fan leaves down so the tops get more light and tried evening the canopy the best I could. I also had to lower the plants again because they were getting too close to the lights for me to leave alone over night. I have about 6" of room left, if I go over that I will probably LST further or figure something out. The bud sites are lovely and when they are ripening up i'm not sure I'll be able to leave the dresser's side. I`ll see what I can do on some more pictures tomorrow... I'm almost about half way through this grow I think. I'm curious to know peoples opinions on how much I may yield?

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
You Cabinet growers blow my mind. I have no idea how you grow in that small of a space. My Ceiling is almost 8 feet, and I am having a lot of trouble this grow with height. I have tied them, and even retied them. But you have an Indica also.. but even then, all of my last grows were Indica DOM>>>... I would have so much trouble in that small area.. that is an art form in itself. You ever think of raising and selling Binsia Trees? (spl) sorry... to ripped to care...../

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
You know, I have seen many of these cabinet grows. but never threw to the final harvest....... Why is this????????

Show us the final weeks also,, please?? I really want to see the finall weeks, even if that is when they die... Maybe if they are dieing in that final week, you can show the pictures and these fine people of RIU can help to refine it to work better. I am not the person though. I am haveing trouble in my 10'X10'X8' room myself.

munch box

Well-Known Member
don't listen to the above statement. let me see you through harvest. how long do you say i have left to go people? but not LDB cuz he has me on ignore i hope


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
You Cabinet growers blow my mind. I have no idea how you grow in that small of a space. My Ceiling is almost 8 feet, and I am having a lot of trouble this grow with height. I have tied them, and even retied them. But you have an Indica also.. but even then, all of my last grows were Indica DOM>>>... I would have so much trouble in that small area.. that is an art form in itself. You ever think of raising and selling Binsia Trees? (spl) sorry... to ripped to care...../
I think Bonsai Tree's are tight but I have never read up or tried growing them. Would be fun I think, love to start one up somewhere in my house but no, I have never thought about selling them... is there a good market?

You know, I have seen many of these cabinet grows. but never threw to the final harvest....... Why is this????????

Show us the final weeks also,, please?? I really want to see the finall weeks, even if that is when they die... Maybe if they are dieing in that final week, you can show the pictures and these fine people of RIU can help to refine it to work better. I am not the person though. I am haveing trouble in my 10'X10'X8' room myself.
Rest assured, you will NOT see me fail. I will keep everyone posted on this as I am 100% sure you WILL see a harvest. I care waayyy too much about these plants to let anything too bad happen to them, let alone die. Like my babies- how dare you? Nah, lol, just playin bro- You`ll see some nice buds though- stick around. If they do die- I will post pictures of that also with a grocery list of things that could have caused it. I am a pretty detailed person and when I fail at something I analyze what went wrong and try to succeed. Since I am one of the most analytical people I know, I watch for things like that before they happen and most of the time correct with better results on the fly.

don't listen to the above statement. let me see you through harvest. how long do you say i have left to go people? but not LDB cuz he has me on ignore i hope
BEEE COOOOLLL baked potato. lol that damn commercial. Thanks for standin up before I could get in here bro, appreciate that. His comment wasn't too bad as I sort of see what he is saying. Before RIU I never thought about the different methods of LST and Topping which does make a HUGE difference in space. Def. more time involved with the grow but for someone who's got the time... its a blast. Still today I have a hard time finding smaller micro grows that people keep up with or finish till harvest. By no means do I think it can't be done as I have seen it many times in different journals however you do find a few that are not finished, could be tons of explanations for that though. As far as your plants man, judging by mine, I would say you have about 5 weeks left, sound right? Look nice, whats the specs in your room?


New Member
You know, I have seen many of these cabinet grows. but never threw to the final harvest....... Why is this????????

Show us the final weeks also,, please?? I really want to see the finall weeks, even if that is when they die... Maybe if they are dieing in that final week, you can show the pictures and these fine people of RIU can help to refine it to work better. I am not the person though. I am haveing trouble in my 10'X10'X8' room myself.
small spaces are both an art form and a constant experiment in training and learning. i believe we cabinet growers are indulging their scientist side, not just growing weed to smoke. half the fun is inventing.

see my first grow (in sig) for a completed micro grow. 2 cubic feet grow space, 4 plants, half ounce.

my new space is a little more then double that size. i'm a few weeks from finish. here's a current look:

great job, oscar. i had built this almost exact model out of a simular chest of drawers but i had the front drawers fixed and a big plywood door hinged open on the back.

next grow try to veg a little longer so the plant will be mature enough to give out the most potent THC. aim for 8 weeks veg before flowering. keeep up the great work. good luck.

munch box

Well-Known Member
Small grows work well for scrog. using a screen for cab grows works well for regulating growth and also it keeps the buds closely growing together with no leaves in the way. that way the majority of you colas are getting the best possable light. got started by floro and cfl growers.it works so well that HID growers do it now too. If your plants are outgrowing your cab, then chances are its not a scrog grow. Some sativas grow well in a cab if they are pruned properly throughout thier life. But stay away from naturally tall growing sativas such as thai and hawaiian mixes. I have found that kush grows well inside of cabs. i've grown bubba kush and og purple kush in my 2dx3wx6ft. tall grow cab. turned out great. for more info on my stealth unit look in my gallery.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm glad to see that cab went nutso! I'm planning on building one of these for an 8plant veg room once I get the hydro set up I plan to purchase. I needed a stealth box in a different part of the house because putting anymore watts in my grow room flips the breaker so I figured a locked cupboard like that in my bed room would be perfect! Hope to see a good harvest of of there.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Well Oscar, Your dresser set up is one of the very best hidden grow systems I have ever seen. I thought it was cool from the first time I saw it. I hope you get a good harvest from it. I will be watching this grow for sure. best of luck.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
small spaces are both an art form and a constant experiment in training and learning. i believe we cabinet growers are indulging their scientist side, not just growing weed to smoke. half the fun is inventing.

see my first grow (in sig) for a completed micro grow. 2 cubic feet grow space, 4 plants, half ounce.

my new space is a little more then double that size. i'm a few weeks from finish. here's a current look:

great job, oscar. i had built this almost exact model out of a simular chest of drawers but i had the front drawers fixed and a big plywood door hinged open on the back.

next grow try to veg a little longer so the plant will be mature enough to give out the most potent THC. aim for 8 weeks veg before flowering. keeep up the great work. good luck.
Thanks for posting those links to your grows, I am going to pack me a bowl and go through them. Man, I swear I remember seeing the dresser your describing somewhere. I don't know how much longer I could have let Veg for without overgrowing my cab. I def. agree with your opinion on small cabs bringing out the scientist side, you really have to think about how to place things to maximize space and like you said, come up with your own little ideas. Thanks for stoppin in man.

Small grows work well for scrog. using a screen for cab grows works well for regulating growth and also it keeps the buds closely growing together with no leaves in the way. that way the majority of you colas are getting the best possable light. got started by floro and cfl growers.it works so well that HID growers do it now too. If your plants are outgrowing your cab, then chances are its not a scrog grow. Some sativas grow well in a cab if they are pruned properly throughout thier life. But stay away from naturally tall growing sativas such as thai and hawaiian mixes. I have found that kush grows well inside of cabs. i've grown bubba kush and og purple kush in my 2dx3wx6ft. tall grow cab. turned out great. for more info on my stealth unit look in my gallery.
I would love to try me some Kush, Purple Kush would be nice just because of the colors. Hell any genetic will work for me. I thought about a SCROG before I started but I thought i may be too much hassle trying to do Res. Changes and move the plants around if I wanted to add more and all the normal daily shit you gotta do. Worst case scenario and I am hard up for some space, I will build a raised platform, attached to the lid of my Res, that way things wont be such a pain in the ass. But thats only if shit hits the fan. I will be sure to check your gallery after this post. SCROG is def. something people want to look into if they are growing in a smaller area, I would say it would probably be easier for SOIL growers.

Well I'm glad to see that cab went nutso! I'm planning on building one of these for an 8plant veg room once I get the hydro set up I plan to purchase. I needed a stealth box in a different part of the house because putting anymore watts in my grow room flips the breaker so I figured a locked cupboard like that in my bed room would be perfect! Hope to see a good harvest of of there.
Sounds good man. If you take your time and do everything right- it will be very stealth. My Ex. went up in my room a little while ago, tried to tell her not too but as soon as I said that she wanted to more.. so off she went. The dresser was turned on and running and I was like, bahh damnit... Anyways, she got up there and had absolutely no idea why I made it a big deal that she couldn't go up in my room. Never once suspected the dresser as anything but something that was holding some of my clothes and she knew I smoked / grew before. I couldn't imagine anyone else stumbling upon it and calling it out as a grow cab without seeing inside. I don't know if I want to sympathize with you on your grow room. I mean it sucks that you can't add any more watts... but then again you suck for having that many watts! j/p lol... just me being jelous. You should post me a link to a journal or something... would be interested to see your setup.

Well Oscar, Your dresser set up is one of the very best hidden grow systems I have ever seen. I thought it was cool from the first time I saw it. I hope you get a good harvest from it. I will be watching this grow for sure. best of luck.
Thanks Dangly. If you've been watching from the start you can see the many changes its went through. I think like the past week or two have been the "slowest" for having to modify or change anything. Some kind words and I hope I have a good harvest also. I`ll keep ya posted.

Day 44- pH 5.5 - 1360 ppm - Temp 79- RH 52%
Flowering - Day 20

The plants are doing great. The smallest is either growing clusters of pistils or its a Hermie. I am thinking the ladder which kinda sucks ass. If it is, I will see if a buddy wants it, if not- IT is getting tossed :/. On a positive note, the big plant is budding very nicely. Tonight is suppose to be picture post night but I am going to wait until tomorrow. I like posting pics on Sunday for some reason not to mention there isn't tons going on with the plants any how. My PPM stayed the same which is cool by me but my PH went down just a bit. Come back tomorrow for picture updates... Here is one I took before I closed her up tonight.



Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Alright, I decided to take the time tonight and do something about my fans inside to
circulate air. If you remember back a few posts ago I mentioned they stopped working.
So, I was looking around the house again, looking for a fan that wouldnt take much room
up. I had the one fan left from the 50 CFM bathroom exhaust fan but the fan blades that
I had in there before where a little too big for my liking and were blocking a little
bit of the light, not to mention they havn't been working for a couple days now. I took
apart an old plastic "squirrel cage" fan I baught at wally a few years ago, salvaged
the Fan Shaft, a couple coupler things and a SET of fan blades and swapped parts with
my 50 CFM fan.

Beginning of a burnt out thought.
I could be wrong on this but the thing giving the power to these fans are these
Transformers... I was thinking.. My bro use to take shit apart all the time and make
shockers out of these Transformers... and I remember a TV had the biggest transformer
cause that was the shocker that fuckin hurt the most. Just wondering.. if you had a
spare tv or big transformer if you hooked it up instead of the little one.. if it would
speed the fan up like crazy.. but if that thought is correct.. we could build a Cheap
DIY Exhaust Fan in some 6" Ducting Very easily and would be WAAYYY less expensive than
the marketed shit(vortec and those brands). Just a burnt out thought I had while
fucking with these fans... Any electrician / hobbiest have any thought on this before I
shock my self doing something stupid? Cause I have a spare TV i could tare apart. btw I
got shocked like a mother fucker tonight messing with these fans.. I forgot to turn the
switch to the fans off and I screwed the wire nut on while my other hand was on the
other wire... fuck that zapped the shit out of me. scared me- screamed like a girl...
luckily im the only one here.

Here is the pics of what the fuck I am rambling on about.
First pic.. on the left is all the shit I used to make the fan... but the shit on the
right is what I took apart to get everything to build the fan I built.

Circulates the air really well in there.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Thanks for the comments

Day 45- pH 5.7 - 1560 ppm - Temp 76- RH 32%
Flowering - Day 21
Half way point!

Well, my smallest plant got pulled tonight. It was a Hermie :/.. this grow is turning into a bummer. On the bright side, the one plant that is left is growing like crazy. After I pulled the Hermie, I spread the bigger one out a lot more to utilize the space more and get more light to the under side of canopy. I counted 17 GOOD tops and about 3-4 more smaller ones that were budding. PPM went up some more, I may dilute a little with fresh water tomorrow. On with the pics

First picture is trying to show the Height of the big plant before I tied her down some more. Second is of them both in there before I pulled the smaller one. Third is of the Hermi I pulled... I broke one of its tops too.. you can see it hangin there. Fourth is the roots of the Herm that I pulled. Fifth is ready for disposal.

Now on to just one plant. The first picture shows the Top View of just the one plant now. The second shows a side view- I like how she looks.. takes up my whole dresser spread eagle like this.. The only thing that doesn't make me wanna get real mad for only having 1 out of 4 female. God that second pic just makes me smile.

And here is some of tops on my lady starting with the Cola.

Next couple pics are of just the one plant in my dresser. Just to give you a idea of how big it really is... After I tied these down- I really didn't gain any more vertical space back... maybe an inch. The Measurement on the plant is about 15.5" wide (width of dresser) x 24" wide.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Day 46- pH 5.8 - 1200 ppm - Temp 78- RH 39%
Flowering - Day 22

Tonight I had to re-tie her again. This bitch is really growing, I had no idea it would have gotten this big. It makes the pain of 3 Males kinda go away because I don't think I could have fit another plant in the dresser. This single female is taking up my entire dresser space and I am running out of Vertical space. If it doesn't stop growing soon I am going to have about 100 wires going different places on this thing LSTing it. I finally started to see the tips turning a lighter color which indicates I need to dilute Res. Water asap... which is what I did. I added about 1/2 Gal of Fresh plain water to the Res tank to bring the PPM to 1200. Budding looks good.. wish I would have known but I got the dry KoolBloom and I should have gotten the Liquid KoolBloom also. I could be using the Liquid shit right now (Early stages of flowering) and the dry shit for the later "ripening" (last 4 weeks) stage of flowering. I'll see if I can post some pictures tomorrow night of her.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Day 47- pH 6.1 - 1400 ppm - Temp 72- RH 43%
Flowering - Day 23

The plants are still growing a little taller. I am planning on doing a Res Change tomorrow because some of the tops are looking hungry to me. Other than that I will post pictures... Not a whole lot to say about them- take a look.

Oh by the way... I made the pictures a little bigger for this post to show more of the detail... I don't think I will leave them this big.. just wanted to see up close.

Here she is, my baby.

There is no real good way to word these next pics so I will just post them.. This is all the one plant.

Last pic is of the base of this plant.. check out how the lower branches like bulked up at the stem... looks cool.