Drooping leaves!


Hello guys ,it is my first grow, i am at day 22 now and 1 of my plants hasstarted to droop its leaves. So i started searching the blog and i found that maybe the lamp was too close so orthe light cycle was not good so i am going to take the light up a bit and makethe light cycle 18/6 from 24/0. I will also let the fan blow on them, for oneday, to strengthen the stems and see what will happen...
i have one hps 400w and the plants are auto flowering.
soil grow

Tell me your opinion!

i will upload some photos in a little...


Well-Known Member
Here's a far fetched idea. Slip the plant out of it's pot and have a look at the root ball. If there are any dry spots you have your answer. Peat based mediums dry out in spots and literally repel water. The roots growing in that dried area dry up. The problem can be solved by placing the pot into a larger pale, bucket, clean trash can, whatever and giving it plenty of water and about two inches of standing water at the bottom of the can. Let it wick up and in an hour the whole medium will have become moist again.


Well-Known Member
gonna need photos to see what color they are, but the answer probably yellow. make sure your keeping track of cal/mag levels and there plenty of p and k(im pretty sure you use flower nutes for autoflowers whole life, right?). and check pH. do you have a lot of perlite and holes in your pots? it could be that the roots aren't getting any air.


Here's a far fetched idea. Slip the plant out of it's pot and have a look at the root ball. If there are any dry spots you have your answer. Peat based mediums dry out in spots and literally repel water. The roots growing in that dried area dry up. The problem can be solved by placing the pot into a larger pale, bucket, clean trash can, whatever and giving it plenty of water and about two inches of standing water at the bottom of the can. Let it wick up and in an hour the whole medium will have become moist again.
i don't think i have
problem with watering... i had left them soak water before 5 days. And from that time i try to water them correctly.
Now i want to know if they are going to get stressed by the change in the light cycle ?


Well-Known Member
looks like too much humidity, give them a good flush of rainwater(or tap water left out for about 3 days, and maybe get a hand full of some soil and put it in the water) when you can and maybe give them an hour or two of sun to help them dry out. poke some holes in those cups too, on the sides and the bottom.


looks like too much humidity, give them a good flush of rainwater(or tap water left out for about 3 days, and maybe get a hand full of some soil and put it in the water) when you can and maybe give them an hour or two of sun to help them dry out. poke some holes in those cups too, on the sides and the bottom.
Ok i can do that. But should i change the light cycle ??? (
Its good to boil the tap water and then let it get cold forwatering?


Well-Known Member
Party cups............ LOL. Sorry, I had to.

Your plants need real pots. And not the pot you smoke, the pot they grow in, a new bucket!

Dont change the light cycle, that's an unnecessary change that wont help you............


Party cups............ LOL. Sorry, I had to.

Your plants need real pots. And not the pot you smoke, the pot they grow in, a new bucket!

Dont change the light cycle, that's an unnecessary change that wont help you............

I will wait until Monday to buy real soil because now i have peat based soiland i don't want to transplant them at the bigger pots with peat again. Aboutthe fan should i let him blow air on the plants for a day or that will harm them?

(i love parties)


Well-Known Member
Hey I think your plants look good. Mostly. I don't do party cups because I have no occasion to throw a party. I just dont have them around. ...plus i know a few nurserymen and get deals on pots. But you can grow them on for a couple more weeks in those. Then transplant to whatever. Ah, yeah you better have holes in the bottoms of those cups. You do right? It's tricky for a beginner to transplant seedlings but it can be done. If that's the route you're taking I wish ya gl. And personally...I don't even have a fan in my germ/seedling room. There is airflow but not like I put a fan on the seedlings. That would be overkill.
Lastly about the light...just leave it alone. What kinda soil will you buy that doesn't contain peat? Don't they all?


Hey I think your plants look good. Mostly. I don't do party cups because I have no occasion to throw a party. I just dont have them around. ...plus i know a few nurserymen and get deals on pots. But you can grow them on for a couple more weeks in those. Then transplant to whatever. Ah, yeah you better have holes in the bottoms of those cups. You do right? It's tricky for a beginner to transplant seedlings but it can be done. If that's the route you're taking I wish ya gl. And personally...I don't even have a fan in my germ/seedling room. There is airflow but not like I put a fan on the seedlings. That would be overkill.
Lastly about the light...just leave it alone. What kinda soil will you buy that doesn't contain peat? Don't they all?

A friend of mine told me that it has very little percentageof peat i dont know what the brand will be but i hope it will be better thanmine

i now have Soil:


- electrical conductivity :40mn/m(+/-25%)

-ph: 5.5-6.5

-total lubrication: enriched with peat with a totalfertilization 1,5 kg/m3

-organic matter: 80% dry weight

-mixture of peat: (blonde-black) 90-95%

-pearlite: 5-10% (i added more soknow it is something like 30-35%)

-calciumcarbonate (CaCO3): 3-5 kgr/m3

thanks a lot for your advice


Well-Known Member
I dont know anything about soil, I just know party cups are for the first week, after that, they have no use and your roots will bind up lock and the plant will droop and die. :) Autoflowers should be in at least a 1 gallon pot.


Well-Known Member
id say transplant around week 3 and youll be fine. try flooding the seedlings but hold their stem till the pot dries out(this helps roots naturally move around the soil and settle in better), some people believe plant get root bound fast but my uncle gave me a girl that was about 1 ft tall with about 6 clones on it. it was in coco coir and peat moss i think. and poking holes might help inspire roots to grow to replace ones that were harmed, earthworms do it all the time and its beneficial, contradictory to what some people on riu have told me in the past.

always remember before taking some abnormal idea from someone online, weed is just a plant, its no different than a damn apple tree. we just try to make it complicated and act like weed doesnt grow in nature and it originated indoors or something. hell, if you plant a seed outside in mid july in a good spot where it only rains every 4 days or so, itll probably grow better than all of our grow rooms.


Well-Known Member
add more perlite too, a lot more. the better the drainage is, the more even the moisture is in the soil. also, its less likely for you to overwater them
and if those pics are of 22 days... something probably isnt right, check pH, and what nutrients are you using if any?


add more perlite too, a lot more. the better the drainage is, the more even the moisture is in the soil. also, its less likely for you to overwater them
and if those pics are of 22 days... something probably isnt right, check pH, and what nutrients are you using if any?
Fertilizers :
-Root juice(Biobizz)
-Sensi Grow A+B Advanced Nutrients (http://www.advancednutrients.com/hydroponics/products/sensi_grow/sensi_grow_product_information.php)
i dont have a ph meter...:(


Well-Known Member
Fertilizers :
-Root juice(Biobizz)
-Sensi Grow A+B Advanced Nutrients (http://www.advancednutrients.com/hydroponics/products/sensi_grow/sensi_grow_product_information.php)
i dont have a ph meter...:(
these are great nutrients but i think these plants should just start off with organics so you cant risk burning it. chem nutes are super expensive too, for some artificial salt that imitates a trace element.(imo, theyre not to great for your soil since they sort of linger till you flush sometimes, especially the whole nute lock problem, always use rainwater and add organic nutes to it, you can slip in some chem nutes if you want it to get a little more ppm).

and get a pH tester dude, you dont want to be watering your plants with 7.5 pH water. i did that so much for my first grow, and it never hit me that mj was an acid loving plant. im pretty lucky my dad used to grow, otherwise i wouldn't have even harvested. but thats just another piece knowledge some people have to learn the hard way, which is a bunch of weird looking plants(im pretty sure it can kill them eventually but im not trying to misinform anyone until i know for sure)


Active Member
One or two of your plants have some kind of leaf damage. The focus isn't good so I cant tell. That might be nute burn.

There's a whole suite of problems that can cause leaves to droop. Dehydration, overwatering, heat or light stress, too much nutes, root problems....they will even droop from a heavy watering or flushing but should recover in a day.

In all cases the end result is that the leaves are not getting enough water to balance their transpiration rate. Whatever the cause, it will help if you wet the leaves and put a humidity dome over them for a few days. Half a soda bottle, a transparent plastic cup, some saran wrap wrapped around stakes whatever.

If you wet the leaves, dont put them under a strong light while there are still beads of water on the surfaces of the leaves