Drooping plant

Thanks for the post.

Out of the 2L I'm left with about 100ml runoff per plant.. give or take. The big one in the back left didn't run off after over 2L today.

uh, I've changed my mind a bit... your mix is something like 20% peatmoss 30% soil 30% perlite 10%worm castings ... and you're in the light mix... which is for seedlings, and or liquid feeding. are you sure the ph is supposed to be 6.5? i presume yes... is your meter calibrated? I don't think thats the issue.
let me appoligize, i thought you were in mostly coco. and you are not. it looks to be half and half innert:organic .. which to me sucks but...

your plants.... mow all look overwatered.. IMO .... this is not coco, its more soil... well actaully IDK ... its dead middle. is it soil? is it peat/perlite? its BOTH!!!! (I mean this would be a litteral nightmare for me..... ) but you are correct, treat this as soil and you want the pots to be mostly dry the next time you water... water to run off, then watch and lift and watch... wait for the leaves to perk up... keep watching. pot is very light, water to run off (i would). that way you know, i water to run off on sat =water max... and it takes X days to need water again. =Baseline.

I would not have watered today but its too late. I don't think anything terrible will happen.. I personally would take the temps up just a bit.. leave the rh low is fine(or leave them exactly as is, perhaps the safest). get the plants drinking... when the leaves perk up they are getting happy... just wait and watch at this point... and again, i don't like you using a moisture meter... no need. anyhow the plants are well watered... based on what you just said i don't think you need to water more than once a week... although 2.5 gal pots... maybe once every 5 days? whatever you'll figure it out.
i would make sure they are well watered and just sit back and wait.... till the leaves perk up like they are praying.. then you can leave them like that for a day or so but keep a close eye for any of them looking sick/wilting.. and of course just pick up the pots to see if they are dangerously light. this is pretty easy , you got it!
if you have the time and inclination put each pot on top of an absorbent beach towel to help drain as much water as possible. when i do this it usually helps draw a surprising amount of water out..
I do think you've possibly chosen the most complex type of grow possible... usually its organic or its hydro NOT both! its just too complex, but perhaps you will master this setup? i don't like it. I would only switch to biobizz if i wanted to spend 5 years figuring out i don't like it...
been doing this roughly 30 years off and on... nowdays i like RO water with Jacks RO formula. nothing to it. i used to mess with half soil/half coco .... to me now, doing that is just silly... pick one. doing otherwise its just inviting a litany of WTF's going on with my garden.... IDK? and, and!!!! you can only water once a week. that would drive me mad... I don't really like coco anymore either... but i do like that it holds water and so it gets used for seedling and clones prior to transplant into flower... where its gunna be hydroton from now on... my current plant is absolutely ripping it up.
coco is too much FUD with the potassium and Ca levels.. F it. straight hydro... no buffering with Ca or adding extra Ca .. just makes life so so so much easier... no more monitoring run off.... GOD what a hastle. now i maintain a reseviour 5 min a day and everything is dialed in.. after 10 days i mix up another res.. so so so easy.
your plants are gunna be fine.... keep up the good work. looking pretty monstrous for your first grow! have you even flipped them to flowering yet? i know you said week 6 but i think you meant from sprout. good luck.
keep us posted.
I’ve been running biobizz with ocean forest/happy frog mix for the last two years and my experience has been it’s really not a difficult nute program although a bunch of bottles.. at first watering can be frustrating to get just right but I feel like watering problems are the most common grow issue I read about.. you don’t want to let it dry back as much, it really should be even easier for the op using bb soil and nutes as they’re made to play together

They suggest 2-3 waterings a weak, so moist but not wet soil, feed with every watering, start at lower than the suggested amount of nutes until you see how plants react, ph to 6.2-6.5

I would suggest raising temps if possible, it looked like low of 15c, also wouldn’t hurt to bring up rh, maybe for target numbers 24c/65rh, I do have better results in fabric pots over solid sided. For me I also get better results during warmer times, I run led and usually try to sit in low 80’s lights on and not much below 70 during lights out. I try to follow vpd as far as rh but I’m not too crazy about locking it in

with giving them that saturation tonight hopefully any hydrophobic spots are saturated and will dry back more evenly so you can get on a regular schedule..

I find biobizz more like topping up to keep soil moist vs heavy waterings to run off and big dry backs
Thanks for the detailed replies..

They look to have reacted OK to the latest watering, at least I assume so.. still trying to figure out what is normal or not (steep learning curve for a first timer)

I'm a bit tight for time right now but will have a good read of your advice and try to digest it asap.
Do they look overwatered here?

I cant raise the temps any more at this time. Will take a look for some fabric pots for the next grow.

Biobizz products were very easy for me to get my hands on compared to a lot of the others so it was a no-brainer decision for me to go with them. They seemed very easy to manage until now (apart from some hiccups earlier along the way, not related to BB )


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Thank you all so much for the help and input with this issue.

The 5 of them reacted really well to the soaking and are much, much lighter again today. Watered with another 2L each this morning so fingers crossed they are back on track.

Slight bit of burn on the tips of the youngest one (it's 1 week behind the others) but overall delighted that they seem to be much healthier. Good bit of growth in the last 48hrs too :)
