Droopy after transplant.


Well-Known Member
DO plants usually get really droopy after a transplant. does it shock the roots or something. I have not a clue why my plants could be drooping. They were transplanted 4 days ago and yesterday they started drooping. and i dont mean a little. my girls leaves are hanging......any ideas


Well-Known Member
usually if they do it would be at first not later. did you make sure all was nice and wet after transplant, could maybe under watered.


New Member
Mine get droopy right after the transplant but they next day they always look very happy with their new home. Did you break alot roots when you transplanted. Did you double the size pot?


Well-Known Member
Mine get droopy right after the transplant but they next day they always look very happy with their new home. Did you break alot roots when you transplanted. Did you double the size pot?
ya i broke the roots up before i put her in the new pot and it is like 3 times as big as the other pot so it should be ok. and she has had alot of water.


Well-Known Member
super oxy h2o2 helps alot with root growth. Strong hydogen peroxide 35%. Has an extra oxegen molicule. I use in every nute mix. Does wonders.


New Member
Do dont want to break any roots. Try to keep them intact. the less stress on the roots the better. if you broke alot of roots it could be there are not enough of a root system to take in the water nutes it needs. I dont know but I am always gentle with the roots.


Well-Known Member
Do dont want to break any roots. Try to keep them intact. the less stress on the roots the better. if you broke alot of roots it could be there are not enough of a root system to take in the water nutes it needs. I dont know but I am always gentle with the roots.
Am i in any trouble now that the roots may have or may not been damaged


Well-Known Member
Full veg i use 2 drops per gallon. My plants compared to my buddie who has same weed looks alot healthier fatter stems and leaves seem alot bigger. when i did a trans plant the root base was massive for the plants size it didn't even wilt a little.


Well-Known Member
im going to buy peroxide as soon as the morning comes. i have heard before that it controls any bacteria but if it helps in growth im there thanks. i just decided to flush her with water and white vinegar because the ph of the soil was at about 8.5-9 i hope that works


Well-Known Member
well i did the vinegar treatment and now i have ph fluctuation burn. ive done all i can for this plant and in return she alway finds a way to tell me to fuck off. im about to just quit and fire the plant in the garbage and start over. has anyone ever had this problem?


Well-Known Member
Not that exact problem but i do like the hydroponic setup just for the reason i can make changes fast and it is way easier to flush. It always seem that once it went into the soil it is tough to get back to level ground. Soil is my past now. Hope things go better this time. And the peroxide that i mentioned is 35% so get gloves it will burn you hand and let it be mixed with water a few minutes before you add to you setup.So don't over use it can burn them as well. Good luck in the future.


Well-Known Member
should i just transplant into new soil? i have another soil that she thrived in then i switched to a soiless setup. would that cause more harm than good at this point?


Well-Known Member
If there is that much root damage you going to need to treat like it is a clone cutiing with no root system. Constant water how big is this plant if it is large that may be dificult.


Well-Known Member
You really only want to clone a healthy plant. I say give a couple days see if it perks up after what you have already done. If not you could try to clone that is better than completly starting over. Sometimes giving the plant time to correct itself is better than just pitching it. The top did look better than the rest.