Droopy leaves DWC w/ pic

Hi. I searched but the answers was inconclusive. I just switched to my flower room 2 days away, just noticed it today.

-600w hps each, I just raised them 24+ inches, earlier at 18"
-Tap water at 180ppm
-No cal mag
-FloraNove Bloom 300ppm
-SM-90, silica blast, and Mg at 100ppm alltogether
-Water temp @ 65 degree
-Room temp @ 72 degree
-1 fan blowing the room
-pH 5.5-5.9
-Water ~1" under net pot
-3 air stone each, 2" cylinder, 1 air stone in reservoir
-Roots is strong and white when I switch over, it currently looks like the color of FloraNova Bloom, brownish, no root rot, no slime when i touched it.


My mother looks the same in coco. I am assuming the lighting is too strong. Mother is still on 3 part GH. I put it in the room to turn off the mh light since lighting is still 18/6. Have not water it since Sunday. I water every three days.

Otherwise the DWC is directly underneath a 600w hps, which look worst.

Thank you.


Well-Known Member
They might just need a little time to adjust if nothing else has really changed other than lighting (and possibly temps due to lighting change). I've noticed cannabis sometimes gets droopy/sad looking for a bit when things change, but usually bounce in a number of days if everything is generally ok with the new environment.

I'd probably just give them a couple of more days to adjust if I'm understanding your situation right. Maybe someone else can come along and give you some more feedback.
Here is some more photos. It's still droopy and I notice the leaves starting to look like taco which I am thinking it need Mg. I also saw some purple showing on some stem. They never had purple before so I am guessing it is not stain related.

Plant 1

Plant 2

Some twist leaves with darker brownish stain in the leave, Mg I am assuming

Purple stem


Well-Known Member
I'm going to move them back into a 5 gal bucket until Friday when I can go pickup a stronger pump :( General Hydroponics Dual Diaphragm.
Look into a commercial (piston-style) air pump if you aren't trying to be stealthy. Better airflow/pressure for the money and mine has been way more dependable without maintenance. It's about 5 years old now and still works like a champ whereas all the diaphragm pumps I had have all broke in one way or another and needed new diaphragms multiple times.