droopy leaves


Active Member
hi guys, Im currently growing an ak48 strain and started to have problems a few days ago. I have been growing in ph 7 soil and now changed to coco coir with a ph of 6. I have been using nutrients every few days from tomato feed diluted with water and not sure what to do now. According to my soil tester the moisture is okay. Any ideas? Pictures attached.


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Well-Known Member
They are not looking good. The coir u r using is fine grade sawdust. You will need to make a mixture of 70% perlite and 30% dust because new coir that fine almost always have major ph issues, terrible drainage, and salt buildup.

To avoid these problems, forget the coir and use 50% perlite and 50% vermiculite, this will alleviate a lot of headaches for you in the future. Repot your plants into this new mix.

Whenever you mix ingredients for a new medium, you need to stick it in a big garbage bag and really shaking out so it's all mixed up. Your pots need to have drainage holes in the bottom. What you have right now is not properly mixed and it does not have enough perlite to fix the Coco problems.

Use Earthjuice organic Veg fertilizer and ditch the tomato plant chemicals. With chemicals it's very easy to under fertilize or over fertilize and kill them quickly. For a new grower, you have to keep things very simple and use a method that is guaranteed to work. Good luck!


Active Member
Thankyou for the reply, it's good to have some advice to clear up the confusion. Going out to buy some vermiculite and perlite later on. I'll also look into the feed. I'm still pretty new to growing. :)


Well-Known Member
hi guys, Im currently growing an ak48 strain and started to have problems a few days ago. I have been growing in ph 7 soil and now changed to coco coir with a ph of 6. I have been using nutrients every few days from tomato feed diluted with water and not sure what to do now. According to my soil tester the moisture is okay. Any ideas? Pictures attached.
Hiya, just a quick couple of Questions..

How Old are these Plants?

What kind of Growing Setup, Conditions do You have, ie..Lights(and how close? Vertical/Horizontal?) What Size Pots do you have Plants in? SOOoo they was in Soil and You've Transplanted in Coco Coir because of pH problems... How did you do this?


A little less Love and Water and they should pick up


Active Member
They're 2 weeks old. I'm still very new to growing. I'm growing them in a gutted out computer case with 2 18w spiral cfl's mounted to the case roof. I've also made sure they weren't too close to the lamps for heat by using the back of my hand as the reference. I was using organic soil with a PH of 7 and transplanted them carefully into coco-coir. They've wilted more today but as suggested have put them into a 50/50 of vermiculite and perlite with a mild watering just to add a little moisture, have diluted some more organic plant food. (Baby Bio). They're only small pots but after doing research before hand (tried to be prepared) already know that they're not root-bound. I'll leave it for the next 24 hours see if its picked up.


Well-Known Member
Do hope they pick up for you Buddy, they just probably taken a bit of a knock when transplanted..tbh I can't help with tha 50/50 mix, But it might be worth checking out the Hempy Bucket Threads to give You some Ideas what You are now dealing with(which sounds very Hempy to me..just without Reservoir and Hole init) Just gotta ask SOOOoo this is tha 2nd transplant in their 2 week life span and now they are in a pure Perlite/Vermiculite Mix with NO Soil/Compost OR CocoCoir?.?. probably shocked the Roots a fair bit, but Canna plants can take a fair bit of abuse...

How Big is PC Case? and how do you have the lights.. Horizontal..



Active Member
The PC case had a standard ATX board in it so about average really. Yeah I have, the leafs are looking dismal today.. some yellowing and brown and now curling over.. panicing a bit although I have some more seeds. Is there something I should be doing at this point? will attach some more pictures in about 30 minutes.


Well-Known Member
be nice to urself and go soil next time around, get a good quality soil and do more reading man , i mean 2 18 watt cfls isnt going to grow u shit to be honest.


Well-Known Member
They look overwatered. I had plants look exactly like that before. They will bounce back quick if you use H2O2. About 2 teaspoons of 3%H2O2 per 500 ml of water. It won't hurt to try it, and i'm willing to bet it will help tremendously.


Active Member
okay thankyou :) i have a pot with holes inside the yellow pot im using so should be fine for drainage. Thankyou for the help :)