Well-Known Member
perfect... that zorb is killer brother..
add me on youtube.
I already subbed to your youtube channel..
hopefully you will do the same for me?? lol
Thank you for the (very) quick response.
I'm still reading through, at page 14 now, so I just notice what I thought was rubber grommets at the bottom (the drains) of the grow buckets.
I have a bunch of sizes of grommets, I'm just afraid a little to use them because I don't trust they'll be tight and water proof enough. Did you ever have any leaks in that system? I read you bought it off ebay - do you know if there was any silicone used with the grommets or anything?
So I guess there are barbed connectors, that run through the grommets. Any silicone used there at all?
I've been reading forums for over a year now. I loved the 'bio-bucket' tutorial. He used barbed connectors, right through the bucket sides/walls - with no grommets - and sealed them with 1) hot glue around the barbed connectors and 2) silicone on top of the hot glue! I couldn't figure out how he got such a nice clean 'bead' of hot glue to go nicely on the circumference (inside and out) of where the barbed connectors go through the wall.
Also, what I meant about your drains being on the bottom of the grow buckets was: What if your drains were up top of the grow buckets (under the fill hole level obviously) such as the 'bio-bucket' design, I wonder how that would affect anything...
I'm thinking with the design you have (drains on the bottom of the bucket) that maybe the drain rate is affected, if not regulated, by the speed (and water pressure..?) of the filling water.
I just mean, it seems like with drains at the bottom, you'd have to do some sort of calculating to make sure the buckets 1) do not overflow/drain at a proper speed (2) fill up/don't drain to fast before the buckets fill to your desired height.
What regulates the water level in the grow buckets exactly -- I know you said the res -- but is it res height? or res water level? can it be adjusted? Very interesting, I can't wrap my head around it yet. Because if the drains were at the top, I guess, you would just locate them at the maximum water level you want to achieve. No?
I'll keep reading this thread, like to see what you're rockin' now man!
Thanks again.
There's no need to worry about anything leaking it's a water tight fit and no silicone was ever used. Also If I knew then what I know now I would have just built that unit myself.
About the drains, You want them on the bottom because when you fill the res the water flows into the grow buckets from the bottom. Plus your grow buckets will only fill as high as the level in your res. Think of it like this. It's basically gravity feed. When the water level in the res is more than what's in your grow buckets the weight of the water in the res flows into the other buckets until they are are equally full. So the same is true when the water level goes down. When the plants use the water in the grow buckets the water level will go down equally in all the buckets until filled again to the desired level.
Man I hope your understanding this because I probably won't explain it again.
I also just want to point out that this thread was kinda of a nightmare for me. Nothing seemed to go right in flower. Since then I've learned the error of my ways and found out it was all caused from a Cal/Mag deficiency. I later moved on to soil where I had great results. I"m about finished up with my current grow and I'm thinking about going back to hydro and giving it another go with knowledge that I have now and I truly believe I'm gonna do great things with DWC in the future.
Alright I got to go but if you have anymore questions I'll answer them to the best of my abil
Peace and happy growing.