Dropastones Northern Lights #5 Grow Journal

Well, I've had my new camera for a cpl of days now and I really like it so far. Here's a quick video update. Not the greatest quality but it works for me.


I'll have a picture update in few when the lights go out. I'll get some shots without the HPS beating down on em.












What up Dropa.....long time bro, just stopping by to say what up. Man nice job on the outdoor grow! That is a lot of smoke you got. I've been chillin hoping to grow again some day. I still have some bud from that grow i did last year, it gets even better over time! Anyhow keep up the good work!
Hey LZ Good to hear from ya man. It's been a long time since I seen you lurking around these parts. Stop by anytime my friend and don't be a stranger.

HighGradeSeeds. They don't sell any feminized seeds and you have to use PayPal to order.

I think they're a top notch seed bank and they have a pretty good selection to choose from. Their prices are also very reasonable compared to most other seed banks. If your interested in a particular strain, they have a forum where members can discuss HGS strains. I started a journal there but I never finished it. I was experimenting with a new sun pulse bulb for my 400 watter. Long story short, I kept getting negative responses from a mod about using it and he kept implying that I should go back to HPS. So I just stopped posting to the thread altogether. Wasn't worth my time arguing about it. Some people just don't like change I guess. Other than that check em out I think you'll like em.

Alright, I've been wanting to try my hand at making some bubble hash. I got my bags a cpl of weeks ago and I'm just now got around to making it. Bags are 220, 160, 90, 73, and 25 micron. I got myself two 5 gallon buckets and put the work bag (220) in one bucket and the rest in the second bucket starting with the 25 micron bag and worked my way up the 160.

This was my first attempt, so there was a bit of a learning process. I think I added to much ice to the mix and I think I mixed it up a little to long. I got some nice hash but most of it has a greenish color to it.

Me and my buddy smoked some this morning after it dried and I got a damn good buzz with multiple head rushes through out our smoke session. It had that green chlorophyll taste to it though.

Okay here's what went down. 1/4 pound of sugar leaf and popcorn buds layered in with a 20 lb bag of ice and about 2 to 3 gallons of water.



Bud, frozen and stuck to a paint can handle that I made into a mixer and I used it with my cordless drill.


The mixer.


Mixed for 30 minutes. Next time I'm only gonna mix for 15 minutes and see how that works out.


Okay I let that sit for 30 minutes to settle, then poured the mix into and empty 5g bucket.



I put the work bag into the sink over the biggest pan I had and it worked out real well. There sure was a lot of ice left in the bag but I ran the whole process again after I was done with the first round so it was definitely used up.



I forgot to take pictures of the 160 bag but it wasn't much to see. I pulled out some stuff with hairs mixed in it. I'll probably just through that shit away.

Here's the 90 bag.




Here's the 73 bag. Forgot to take the shot of the hash in the bottom of the bag. I get going and I mind tends to wander.




Now I'm down to the 25 micron bag and it was a bitch getting all that water out. I was told I should buy a set of bags with a 45 micron bag, but I could find any sets that came with one on eBay, so I settled for the 25.

Let me tell you what, I sat there for like 2 1/2 hours holding, jerking and swishing this bag to get it to drain. After it drains down so far it goes brutally slow.


I went and took nap and came back a cpl of hours later and it was still sitting in there with the water.


So now I'm frustrated and I decide to take shots of what I got so far. From left to right you got the 73, 90 and 160 micron hash. One shot is wet and the other has been drying for a while.



So now I'm thinking I'm gonna run what I got left in the work bag again. So I put it back in the bucket and added another gallon of water plus what had drained into the pan in the sink. I mixed it again for about 5 minutes. Let it settle for about a half an hour. Then started the whole process again.

While I was waiting for it to settle I got on the internet and looked for articles on draining a 25 micron bag. The best answer I found was to jerk it up and down quickly with 6 inch jerks. So, taking this advice, what took me 2 1/2 hours the first time, only took me like 15 minutes the second. Got most of the water out and scooped up what was in the bottom of the bag into a spoon and put onto the drying screen. (forgot to take a picture) Then onto cardboard.

Second round left to right 160, 90, 73 and the 25.




The next shot is after it dried overnight. It's still a little wet but smoked real nice.


The rest of the shots is from the first round after it dried over night.




Overall it was a great learning experience and I'll definitely do things a little different the next time around. All I need now is a nice hash pipe and I'm set.

Any comments, tips or suggestions are always welcome.

Thanks for looking.
nice looking hash :) where did the sugar leafs come from? i thought you had at less a couple weeks left on your grow.
The leaf came from last years outdoor grow. I've got like a pound and a half of sugar leaf and popcorn buds in the freezer. As far as this grow goes I got at least 6 weeks left on that.

Indoor update coming soon.
Ohhh yeah, she's done stretching and starting to bulk up now. It's just a little cramped in there but I'll maker work.

Peace bro.