Dropping Acid For The First Time


Well-Known Member
IM still having a great time still getting goood vibz...hard for me to type still haha..

stuff seems pretty legit im happy about that :)



Well-Known Member
i would say i felt it for about 10 hrs somthin around that pretty close....virtually no come down im impressed about that it got pretty intense for a min hahah..

over all i think it was a great exsperience that i hope to do again soon


Well-Known Member
shit im gonna preorder lots of tickets :) LOL

it was really intense and fun at the same time a real eye opener


Well-Known Member
Haha forsure...im still awake cant go to sleep :)

"i enjoy everyday as if it were my last" Thats how i like to keep my mindset :)


Active Member
ill tell you rigght now that i have fried multiple times. and the best time is around early to mid afternoon. its always best when light out and espeically around sunset time. and the beach is a great place the last time i actually went surfing and fried and it was amazing so awesome


Active Member
idk why everyone thinks its scary. its like the most awesome thing ever. its beatiful its not like a mind fuck you know. think of it as seeinbg life as a oil painting


Active Member
i luv them both, and in totally different ways you cant compare mush with fry. but i will tell you that i will shroom more than fry cuz just think bout it one is a chemical the other is natural


New Member
One is derived from a substance commonly but not exclusively found in a fungi, and the other substance just has a fungi surrounding it. :-)


Well-Known Member
one is a chemical the other is natural
i find this to be such a poor arguement these days. some of the processed foods you eat have more chemicals in them than most street drugs. then lets talk about all the phamicuticals people eat.

hooray for chemistry!
I think it's just the idea of one is grown naturally while the other is made by someone somewhere with who know what conditions. Don't get me wrong I've done both many times and they can both be really great or bad depending on your trip but now that I'm older I tend to gravitate toward shrooms because they usually last less time, and because they are easier to get when you not in that scene anymore. Try both at once, if you really want to experience something spectacular, be careful, and make sure you can tell yourself "I'm just tripping, this isn't real". Anyway, have fun, just be careful, I had a friend jump off a bridge once. He he lived and was fine but landed 3 feet from rebarb sticking out of the water and just about killed himself.