Drug testing


Guys I’m sure you have gotten 1 million of these posts but I have a drug test before I am offered the job. I have smoked every night for a few months just a small joint before bed. I stopped last night hate it so much. Anyways I’m wondering because there’s so much online that gives so much different info I was wondering if anyone cud help with my specifics. I’m female 5”5 about 120 pounds and I’m active I jog 3 days a week and workout On other days. If I drink 3 liters of water a day and get a detox will I pass the test in 10 days. And guys the worst part is my mom works where I got this job so It’s double whammy I don’t get the job and my mom bitch slaps me for showing her up to her bosses. please any advice ? I could handle this situation so much better if I could just smoke another joint
Nope I could bring someone’s pee but I’m a bit nervous about keeping it the right temp etc. would rather use my own if at all possible
Guys I’m sure you have gotten 1 million of these posts but I have a drug test before I am offered the job. I have smoked every night for a few months just a small joint before bed. I stopped last night hate it so much. Anyways I’m wondering because there’s so much online that gives so much different info I was wondering if anyone cud help with my specifics. I’m female 5”5 about 120 pounds and I’m active I jog 3 days a week and workout On other days. If I drink 3 liters of water a day and get a detox will I pass the test in 10 days. And guys the worst part is my mom works where I got this job so It’s double whammy I don’t get the job and my mom bitch slaps me for showing her up to her bosses. please any advice ? I could handle this situation so much better if I could just smoke another joint
The answer has already been published repeatedly:

shit in the cup.
its a gamble to use ur own. you may be fine or you may not, everyone is different... if u use someone else u get use a handwarmer but without a thermometer strip its hard to tell... just get someone elses and tie it to ur inner thigh... that area should maintain the proper temp.
Hahahaha I’m so done For. I don’t think pooping is going be my first choice if I don’t figure something else out I don’t know then I guess I’ll reconsider I’m prob gonna go the getting someone’s pee route. Really wanted to hear yeahhh for sure those detox’s work
its a gamble to use ur own. you may be fine or you may not, everyone is different... if u use someone else u get use a handwarmer but without a thermometer strip its hard to tell... just get someone elses and tie it to ur inner thigh... that area should maintain the proper temp.
Agreed and thank you I guess I will have to figure it out
I had one a few months ago and taped a pot of another mans piss on the scrote and it wasn't water tight. Make sure the pot is water tight
Guys I’m sure you have gotten 1 million of these posts but I have a drug test before I am offered the job. I have smoked every night for a few months just a small joint before bed. I stopped last night hate it so much. Anyways I’m wondering because there’s so much online that gives so much different info I was wondering if anyone cud help with my specifics. I’m female 5”5 about 120 pounds and I’m active I jog 3 days a week and workout On other days. If I drink 3 liters of water a day and get a detox will I pass the test in 10 days. And guys the worst part is my mom works where I got this job so It’s double whammy I don’t get the job and my mom bitch slaps me for showing her up to her bosses. please any advice ? I could handle this situation so much better if I could just smoke another joint

I can give you a legit response and a sure fire way to pass.... but it's going to cost you. A couple nudes in the old in box, and whamo!
