Drum And Bass All The Way !!!!


Active Member
:weed: When i got into toking, i woz about 13-14 i also started listening to different music. Isuppose smoking weed/solid open my mind to different music,this music woz mainly DnB ,Jungle ,happy hardcore, a bit ov garage, Hardcore in general, I started listening 2 this music 96 onwards, an i hate to say it but i think i missed the best music era,like 90-95 they were the yrs to b ravin ,well thats wot it seems like 2 me, however go on u tube an u can find all the old tunes, an alot ov mix's, anyone actually dance though that era, i do think that tokin got me into certain music,even now its the same with me, Especially when i ave a smoke i enjoy the music more, anyone got any veiws,be good to here! peace ravers n Tokers:joint::hump: