Ya know, it's been documented that monsanto employs puppets to defend them on social media. They are provided with just enough "fact" to refute the common claims and news stories, unless someone looks closely.
These aren't exactly well know case tidbits. Just how is this leo so versed in defending monsanto? hmmmmm.
I was wondering that myself...Sure seems like he loves Monsanto to defend them in such detail..How much of what is stated is Monsanto damage control? If all this info is simply internet sourced. How much of that is
fake news? Just how long did it take to dig all this shit up? Man must have a shit ton of free time and nothing better to do with it.
What this B.S. you're spewing now? Try Googling "seed cleaning service" there are plenty and nothing is stopping you from buying seed cleaning equipment and starting your own business.
First off city boy, is that you have to clean/mill your harvest. Especially seeds that are for human consumption. It removes broken grain and foreign materials, like sticks and stones, and dirt balls, not to mention removing infected seed that can't be used. We even clean cover crop seeds before use. Cleaning of some seeds also includes sizing and grading. While that is done in one step, it helps increase profit, if the seed was grown right.
Secondly, all most every one that pops up in that search, Is a seed grower by trade. They offer cleaning services as a way to diversify and make some money off of really expensive. basically custom equipment that would otherwise simply sit and deteriorate from lack of use. Can you say make extra money from things you have sitting around?
You should see the mobile equipment they use out west. For use, around here. It's a service of your local grain elevator, who has bought your grain in bulk anyway. They in turn make feed out of it or ship it to grain based food makers....Anyway, the point I was making about seed cleaners being out of Business. Is about the little local fella's that used to dot the landscape of small rural communities across the US. They're gone sport!
I myself sell cleaned grains to organic grain mills to be sold to organic grain sourced producers of breads and packaged meals. I have to truck farther then I would like, but the return and the demand remain quite high. I really want to reduce our carbon footprint but, I'm at the mercy of of this for the time being.
You seem like a disingenuous busy body, questionably defending a seriously hated corporation by everyday farmers across the globe. Not to mention you have no clue as to how grain farming works... Your limited understand of farming and your supporting arguments for Monsanto (that make them look like our buddies). Suggests some kind of relationship with them.
You'll deny it again, and that
maybe true.....But, you sure paint yourself in a questionable manor.
As far as Monsanto and farmers law suits. I still say it happens, and they win money from them! As far as cross pollinated seed and Monsanto not wanting you to use it. Based in fact!
Back in 1999, Monsanto sued a Canadian canola farmer, Percy Schmeiser, for growing the company's Roundup-tolerant canola without paying any royalty or "technology fee." Schmeiser had never bought seeds from Monsanto, so those canola plants clearly came from somewhere else. But where?
Schmeiser had an explanation. As an experiment, he'd actually sprayed Roundup on about three acres of the field that was closest to a neighbor's Roundup Ready canola. Many plants survived the spraying, showing that they contained Monsanto's resistance gene — and when Schmeiser's hired hand harvested the field, months later, he kept seed from that part of the field and used it for planting the next year.
The judge ruled that Schmeiser had violated Monsanto's patent, but had obtained no benefit by doing so, so he didn't owe Monsanto any money. (For more details on all this, you can read the judge's decision. Schmeiser's site contains other documents.)
So why is this a myth? It's certainly true that Monsanto has been going after farmers whom the company suspects of using GMO seeds without paying royalties. And there are plenty of cases — including Schmeiser's — in which the company has overreached, engaged in raw intimidation, and made accusations that turned out not to be backed up by evidence.
But as far as I can tell, Monsanto has never sued anybody over trace amounts of GMOs that were introduced into fields simply through cross-pollination. (The company asserts, in fact, that it will pay to remove any of its GMOs from fields where they don't belong.)
So maybe instead of defending Monsanto......You should look into those that are called "plenty of cases". I also brought up the "intimidation" and the "men watching" farmers that delivered that intimidation.....That is
purely true and quite evident!
Now then, how about this one? This is the supreme court case I was pointing out. You said that was BS?
2013 - Indiana
It also lists an amount of 23 million dollars as being won by Monsanto in such cases, as of 2013!
Now tell me I'm wrong!
I hate Monsanto. Your defending THEM! WHY? I did not spread disinformation or BS!
There is no understandable reason for you to be defending them, unless?