Dry ice

What would happen if you stuck a block of dry ice in warm water then in your grow space? Dry ice is just frozen co2 ain't it? Maybe could be good in the last few weeks of flower? Or maybe a diff time. I'm just wondering and may be someone has tried this.


Well-Known Member
The thing is, it would be a burst of extra Co2, and not the constant trickle.
Also, it would be vented straight out anyway.
It would look f%$king marvellous though, herb growing surrounded in a mist...;)

(A couple of red/blue led light for effect! ;))


Well-Known Member
not cost effective. only time i have done this, was after making some dry ice hash. then why not.
but at the price of dry ice, a tank/burner are MUCH more cost effective.

ive been supplementing small amounts of co2 into my room, enought to see an increase in yield.
$20 fill up. have had the same tank for nearing 3 months of flower.

will be running more co2, and expecting bi-weekly tank fillups when i move, but even then.
$40/month for ~1300ppm during entire lights on, vs $10 per ~30-60min of co2 from dry ice.


Vilify I'm with u on the dry ice n hash works great. Also the cost for the ice is crazy. But there might be something with dry ice in an aeroponics bucket clonner. I wonder if a few small pcs of dry ice in the bucket would help with rooting.