ok, so upon checking it appears I haveAww nadgers mate. I just had a bowl full of cheese lmao and im not coughing like a twat. I must of been lucky with the EBW's ive grown lol. Did the fairy bring u any dpp x livers?
the dutch drink beer like poofs to be honest...hahaha. Seriously, you have a few different sizes to select from. The way the Dutch pils (or lager) is pumped to you is slightly different from the UK. In the UK you have to pour then tip slowly, blah blah. In Holland the beer gushes out at a million miles an hour, (very gasy) and then the top is scooped off with a spatula (every bar has them.) The upshot of this is if you do get a pint, by the time you get to the bottom the gas ain't really doing the same thing. So most Dutchies drink Vaasjes (a small vase) which is 250 ml. They also do a real pathetic one (which is more popular with the Kakkers - i.e. the upper class Dutch - if you look for the English translation, Kakker actually means narrow minded bastard, haha) which is the 3rd of a pint you talk off. Thats called a fluitje (little flute).....awesome man i love venison its really tasty. im the same when ive had a skinful or too much rich food late on i cant sleep n end up tossin n turning till the alarm goes off n you feel like your just about to drop off eh lol. sounds like you had much fun tho D, tell me do they serve beer in those funny 1/3 pint carry-ons in Adam?
to be honest my favourite dutch beer is Brouwerij h' IJ http://www.brouwerijhetij.nl/index_en.htm these guys serve you only beers in 250 cl glasses, but at 9% after a few you are definitely happy!!youd think such a hedonistic country theyd be mad for a good pint of beer. christ 250 ml of beer!?!? i think ive drank more than that in a mouthful?! i hudder to think what a little flute would hold haha
beer spatulas?!?!? wtf theyll be serving a flake in em next lol.
Doggie incest, love it!!!!What a party. im plannin on usin the dog pollen on a headband, and cross it back with the female dog