cheers guys, I must lead a sheltered life as I didn't even know the practice of several men jizzing on a women actually had a name to it!! I checked wiki naturally. Was quite surprised at the cartoon pics depicting the act itself... hahaha.
Funny you should mention something that, I was out last night with a couple of mates, and one of my mates is friends with this guy I have met several times, who was basically in the porn industry for a while, his nickname was, Jony Kleenex and his job was to wipe up all the juices that are created in the surprisingly lengthy filming of a porn scene!! what a job. Anyway, he is now doing security for some brasser who provides Bondage services for the public. His job now is to sit and watch the goings on in her dungeon on security camera whilst she pleasures her customers!!! Just in case someone tries a bit too hard to strangle her or something!! The guy is seriously a nut job, by the end of the night he asked me outside for a scrap after he had interupted a story I was telling and I gave him a piece of my mind.....fekking douche bag. On top of last nights adventures I was in a bike crash with some Eastern European women (this was on the way to the pub BTW!) Idiots were walking down the middle of the road, when I tried to cycle through them one of them got the rabbit in the headlight syndrom and just stepped into my!! Why is it people do that!?!?! I went flying, she went flying, the bike went flying, I landed on my hand wrists and arms, with the handle bar practically punturing a hole through my groin. A few inches to the side and it could of been me crown jewels! Needless to say I have a very black and red groin now! Along with sore knees, wrists, etc...I was shouting at the women in my anger and they just walked off! Didn't even ask if I was okay or fuk all. So I got on my bike and cycled after them, this time calmed down, asked if they were okay and told them that "pavements are for walking on, roads are for driving and cycling on, and that Amsterdam is not some sort of pedestrian precinct!" Fuk hung over and sore and just back from the dentist to cap it off, hahaha. Seriously feel like a joint already!