DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange


Well-Known Member
Never seen any of mine do that before, I guess it's the fact that I have left it still in the tub outside for a week or two....did it get you mongoed is the question? what do I do, make a toastie with it, hahahaha

mr west

Well-Known Member
So is that a dpp x jtr male you have there? i only got 2 x females with mine wich have gone into flower tonight lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Never seen any of mine do that before, I guess it's the fact that I have left it still in the tub outside for a week or two....did it get you mongoed is the question? what do I do, make a toastie with it, hahahaha
to be honest i just licked it and was kanny stoned at the time, i have no idea if it has thc in it ?!?! lol tasty as tho man really sweet like you could sweten your tea with it


Well-Known Member
to be honest i just licked it and was kanny stoned at the time, i have no idea if it has thc in it ?!?! lol tasty as tho man really sweet like you could sweten your tea with it
will may ber give it a lick...may be....:neutral:

lmao, D can you even get in yer cab? and it seems like the hb crosses have the hb bud structure. lookin good.
No, not unless I take eveything out, haha, but I have just bought and squeezed one of these things in...got tiny bits of PM showing and my humidity is up at 70-75

got to wait 24 hours before I can turn it on ffs....:sad: think I'll switch it on tomorrow though, it's another day, so almost 24 hours, haha

what ever happened to that devils haze thing u had going at one point bro?
That's what the Dazey Jones was (CJ x Devils haze I think, pls don't quote me on that though):) and mine was ditched due to it being a male.



Well-Known Member
175 euro.....it's bringing that RH down though so it's worth it for the long run I figured. You just switch it on, get it to the desired RH, and then turn it down until it switches of, and then it just maintains that RH for you. It also has a drain that when I get round to it (next run) I'll get that hooked up properly as well. PM is very small but, but it's there.....
to be honest i just licked it and was kanny stoned at the time, i have no idea if it has thc in it ?!?! lol tasty as tho man really sweet like you could sweten your tea with it
lmao, D can you even get in yer cab? and it seems like the hb crosses have the hb bud structure. lookin good.
noooooooooooooooooooooooooo not PM :( de longhi are a good brand man, cost you much?


Well-Known Member
looking sweet DST!! that's quite a jungle you got going on in there. let me know how the sap tastes, lol!!
I tasted the drip but to be honest I couldn't really taste anything.....the snotty stuff just looked too gross, looks like sticky white love piss....sorry but I wasn't that keen, haha.


Well-Known Member
ooo, do you think that would work? I was thinking of collecting some on a spoon so may just try to dry some and see what happens....thing is, its leaking from cuts in the branches that have also got mould growing on them...eeeck.
u should dry it out and see if it smokes D


Well-Known Member
nah, not really, haha....been bonging some of the chemchiesel with some hash...it does have hints of a bit of cheese, but so little you would be hard pushed to realise unless someone told you. I had two phenos, one seems a little cheesier than the other....as I said, take the word cheese with a pinch of salt....
then maybe just leave it then lol, its not like ur short for a smokey is it lol


Well-Known Member
RH is down to around 62...I am happy with that, it's in the normal living range for the NL's. IF i can get it lower then fine...the Italian stallion is still sucking away out there. You can totally tell the difference, the smells are so much nicer, less warm dampness, more sticky fuelly cheesey gooeyness, haha.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Best cheese cross ive encountered and grown is the la cheese, I grew two of them and they were 1 taller and 1 shorter but both were really cheesey


Well-Known Member
there's a kush cheese cross called Kutchi, or Gucci, but it smells more like kush, just looks like cheese...weird.
Best cheese cross ive encountered and grown is the la cheese, I grew two of them and they were 1 taller and 1 shorter but both were really cheesey