DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange


Well-Known Member
ok ladies and gents i have an issue with my pistils not turning color. im in the 9th and week of flowering(8 week strain) and i thought i was kinda odd that the pistis are still 95% white. yesterday i looked through the scope and i saw a sea of milky white trichs and maybe one or two amber trichs, but like i said all white trichs, and the calyxes really havent started to swell . this is strange because this never happened to me before. what should i do? should i give it another week, two weeks to see if they change? should i chop it now and avoid the thc degrading? dont want to take a loss of yeild, but if i wait and give the flowers time to swell the thc might be degraded to an undesirable point. PLLEEAASSS!!!!! someone give me some advice on this, as i am stumped.

dont mean to jack your thread D just need a little help



Well-Known Member
ok ladies and gents i have an issue with my pistils not turning color. im in the 9th and week of flowering(8 week strain) and i thought i was kinda odd that the pistis are still 95% white. yesterday i looked through the scope and i saw a sea of milky white trichs and maybe one or two amber trichs, but like i said all white trichs, and the calyxes really havent started to swell . this is strange because this never happened to me before. what should i do? should i give it another week, two weeks to see if they change? should i chop it now and avoid the thc degrading? dont want to take a loss of yeild, but if i wait and give the flowers time to swell the thc might be degraded to an undesirable point. PLLEEAASSS!!!!! someone give me some advice on this, as i am stumped.

dont mean to jack your thread D just need a little help


You know Zen I really like overdrive with powder Kool Bloom..Just my two cents


Well-Known Member
Going 9 weeks with an 8 week hybrid strain isnt unusual, u may just have a longer flowering pheno.
naw, actually ive been growing it for about a year and a half , almost two.(Northern Lights). when i first got it i tried samples from 7, 7.5, 8. 8.5, and 9 weeks and eight was primo for me, but like i said all of the hairs are usually turned by that time. im just worried about the buzz not being what i want by the time they do turn. but hey thanks a million. anybody else wanna chime in,....please.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
sup zen buddy, it would be very odd to say the least if its the same cut youve been running for years!? are you still feeding her top end of bloom ml per litre ? couple of options to consider, finish her up faster, cut your light period back a couple of hours and or stop feeding her. you could maybe look at using humboldt county's gravity, thats stuff will turn a plant in a couple of days.


Well-Known Member
sup zen buddy, it would be very odd to say the least if its the same cut youve been running for years!? are you still feeding her top end of bloom ml per litre ? couple of options to consider, finish her up faster, cut your light period back a couple of hours and or stop feeding her. you could maybe look at using humboldt county's gravity, thats stuff will turn a plant in a couple of days.
I LOVE GRAVITY!.. it will help with your issue and add some density to ya ladies.

Okay, okay, okay. that sounds doable, but the gravity says in the last three weeks. technically they are done(color of trichs). so would i need to let them go anoyher three weeks after using it? if not, how long? also what are the symptoms of cal-mag deficiency. cause this is also what is going on and i dont know if its related; at about the fifth, or sixth week, on the top portion of the plant the fan leaves are starting to get yellow in between the veins, while the veins are staying "DARK" green. later on the yellow portion starts to turn a goldish/bronze color, while the viens start to pale. once it passes that stage, the enitre leaf starts to turn goldish/bronze, curl under(from the sides), until its dry and crackly(never falls off though), then it starts on the next level right underneath it. ive never had this problem before, and ive heard that coco can suffer from cal-mag issues real easy. and seeing that im doing what ive been doing for a while, and never had this problem, that it might be a Cal-Mag deficiency. i'll try to put up a pic tomorrow, if needed. thanks everybody.



Well-Known Member
it says to add it in the last three weekas, but it usually starts turning in a week or so. how do ya trichs look, because if the richs are done but the pisils aren't then you can chop. if cal mag is the issue im sure you will get it right. there are many cures for cal-mag def.


Well-Known Member
do they help speed up maturity?

Zen as far as I know yes they do.
And Gravity will rush them along as well, however, meself and Don use it as foliar spray, 1-1.5ml per quart/liter

LOL Zen Tech they are not donr, right? I mean if the trichs are milky they ain't done don't matter how many days the breeder says it takes, they be done when they are done.


Well-Known Member
it says to add it in the last three weekas, but it usually starts turning in a week or so. how do ya trichs look, because if the richs are done but the pisils aren't then you can chop. if cal mag is the issue im sure you will get it right. there are many cures for cal-mag def.
the trichs are like 97% milky, 2% clear, and 1% amber, and the pistils are like 95% white. bought some cal-mg by botanicare from the hydro shop, havent used it yet. i guess my biggest issue is, its just so close to being done, i dont want to do anything to fuck it up. you know? i got alot of stuff coming up. it will probably weigh out to either 1Lb to a Lb and a half or more. because each of my screens usually give me about 7-8 ounces a piece. and i got three that should be done at the same time. so thats "potentially" about 21 to 24 ounces that i dont want to screw up. but i thank you guys for the info, unless you want to share some more.



Well-Known Member
the trichs are like 97% milky, 2% clear, and 1% amber, and the pistils are like 95% white. bought some cal-mg by botanicare from the hydro shop, havent used it yet. i guess my biggest issue is, its just so close to being done, i dont want to do anything to fuck it up. you know? i got alot of stuff coming up. it will probably weigh out to either 1Lb to a Lb and a half or more. because each of my screens usually give me about 7-8 ounces a piece. and i got three that should be done at the same time. so thats "potentially" about 21 to 24 ounces that i dont want to screw up. but i thank you guys for the info, unless you want to share some more.

That is quite the calulation Zen, Don't know that I know me math that well...I'm sure you have grown a lot. Pretty tuff to fuk it up now huh?? Although I can fuck it up anytime..LOL
Good Luck Zen


Well-Known Member
DST i see the stretchy TW in the mix. I think they get a lil lanky at first. Itll be interesting to see how they come out. Diggin it holmes. :peace:



Well-Known Member
Right we have jacked D's thread long enough.

D was wondering I have the cannibas breederd boble and would you turn a mother branch into a male and pollanate the same female with it to get fem seeds? Or should I just make a clone and do it???