Dual Grow


Well-Known Member
:peace:Well, first off, this is a medical grow as I suffer from PTSD from a traumatic brain injury, and need MJ for insomnia, agrophobia, and depression. I grew under a 1000 MH for a bit but not since about '90, and back then I didn't know shit and wanted to go hydro, so I grew bagseed in plastic cups with perlite and lava rocks, in trays of water, with a bunch of airstones. I never got much, as you may well imagine, and it grew really slow, but I grew some good enough bud but not much of it. But I was young and was moving around a bit and left my MH somwhere and nerver tried again, mostly because of having kids. I have been thinking of an outdoor grow for the last couple years, but never got to the point of germing a single seed. I did not even think about an indoor grow because of renting and knowing how hot HIDs are to run, and knowing the odour problem with the landlords kids underneath me.


Well-Known Member
I really should redo this whole journal, I was serious fuked for most of it I can see why no one drops by...

So, I will post a bit more for a bit and then maybe start over.

First off RUI rules and has been a game changer for me. I don't remember how I stumbled across it but it gave me the tools to do a grow again, the power of a positive and supportive community. :hump:

I read threads for hours being insomniac, and found the answers to the heat and odor problem, reading the creative ways peeps rolled, real answers to complicated problems!

I knew it would take me a while to get equipment, but also spent hours planning and lucky for that because the plans changed in my mind all the time, evolving. At first I was gonna do cfl, but when I planned it I ended thinking I would waste time and the space I planned without enough light. so buy the time I figured out how much I would need the costs were getting close to an HID, so I evolved to that point before I bought anything. The key that opened the door was the explanation of correct ventilation! So I cut a hole into my closet hidden under the stairs to my loft for a passive intake, and one from the closet to the closet in my loft! Hidden and stealthy! I ordered equipment to DIY flood and drain and all the other shit, and a 400 HPS, over about 3 months.

I will update and post pics soon, I just flipped to 12/12 5 days ago, and shit is looking good!

I need to bongsmilie


Well-Known Member

ended up with this...

about 4 or more grams (wasted alot before I figured out how to best evaporate) for 45 bucks delivered...