DubB83's SoG Log


Well-Known Member
I am leaving RUI, I apologize for not having a final harvest and finishing the journal out the right way, my illness has progressed. I will be spending the last of my time with my family.

Reality has come to pass and I have realized that I am in no condition to keep up my system. I am on oxygen now and do not get around much. I do not have any energy and the fact that I used marijuana is limiting me from getting on a transplant list.

I have enjoyed my stay here and the company given to me from individual members.

Just for those interested in the system, I would make the chambers more modular so you could rotate the whole chamber vs. rotating the net pots damaging roots. Root damage was my largest problem. I had my centrifugal fan fall right on my system the other night and wreck everything. I do not have the time to start from clone again unfortunately. I really wanted to show the community.

On an optimum I would expect every site to produce 14-28g per site on a dried harvest, making the system capable of 504-1008g at full run.

We are going to shut the system down and my family will be moving me to a hospice. This way they are not in any legal issues over the whole deal. The gardener I hired may run the system after my family moves into a new home, he is worried about posting online though. I'll be the young gun there. This way my family is not my caregivers during the hardest of times.

I wish all of you the best, live like you were dying, and never let someone else tell you what is not possible. Where there is a will there is a way.

To those out there suffering from Hep. C, as I am, be forewarned that the liver filters out your THC and may speed scarring and cirrhosis of the liver. In the United States, if you smoke marijuana, you are 70% more likely to never make it on the transplant list. In Canada you are more likely to get the transplant because they are not ignorant about who gets health care and who doesn't.

Signing out for the last time....

Peace and love,
Prayers are with you. God bless!


Active Member
Hah! I found it!

Ok, here is the update. DubB83, is resting in a local hospice. I have been the man behind the scenes. I have been doing the maintenance on the plants and doing the work Dub was not capable of doing. The fan fell on the garden and that day Dub took it as a sign from above and told me to shut the system down. The system sat for 24 hours unplugged while we moved him into hospice. He is in a nice hospice and they feed him well, I'm actually jealous. He cannot smoke anymore but we bring him brownies and cookies at his request. They help him with sleep and pain problems. I'm not sure how to post pictures yet but I will find out. When I came back to tear the system down the tent was full of water. Good thing the electronics were in a safe place and unplugged. Some plants were damaged and roots dried a bit and damaged. I cleaned it out and put the exhaust fan back up. I'm not sure of where the leak is coming from but I will figure it out.


Active Member
Safe Journey Brother !!!

I'll see you on the other side...

Your Family will be in my prayers...

Thanks for the Inspiration !

Vai com Deus...

Prayers are with you. God bless!
I will pass these on to him.:weed: He will be glad to hear that I joined up. I'm hoping that me keeping the system running will keep his hopes up. I believe that personal karma keeps us alive and that might help to keep him around a bit longer.


Active Member
Those roots look pretty brown for such a young plant, don't you think? Here are some pics (from the system you ragged on :o) of a test run. This is 4 weeks from cut (Grapefruit Haze). By the way, Garden Knowm (from See More Buds videos) has joined the thread.


Best wishes with all. :peace:
I'm not Dub, but I'll bet he was recommending either spacing your plants out more or flowering when they were smaller just from those pictures. He can be harsh and to the point but it is only because he is set in his ways. If that wasn't what he was saying it might be about lollipoping. I'm not sure I'm not him but I will be here to post pictures. Your plants look healthy, I have been messing up on the maintenance with Dub's system and that is why his plants look like they do. Speaking of how they look, I'm going to take a few pictures and figure out how to stick them on here.:joint:


Active Member
I also wanted to mention that this the only thread I'm going to be in from here on out. Posting pictures and updates and stuff.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the community Greg...

You will find a lot of good folks here...

Let's get that system working again... if you need any help, you can always give me a shout...



Active Member
Here are some pictures from today and the gap left by the falling fan.



Active Member
I'm going to finish out what is in the system. Then the system will be broken down and moved. Dub's family cannot afford the house they were living in anymore. I'm here to help them get re-situated and help out the patients that Dub was helping out. He was also growing medicine for others and I will continue on with what he left behind. That is why he brought me up here, I think he knew I wouldn't let it die with him.

I'm going to take a different approach with the system though. I want to put 36 clones in it at once all the same age and flower them all at once and adjust the light to keep the plants the same height.


Well-Known Member

I may have to move as well, so I am stopping my rotation and flowering everything at once too...

Got a bunch of clones rooting right now...

Best of Luck...

I'll be around... :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
I'm not Dub, but I'll bet he was recommending either spacing your plants out more or flowering when they were smaller just from those pictures. He can be harsh and to the point but it is only because he is set in his ways. If that wasn't what he was saying it might be about lollipoping. I'm not sure I'm not him but I will be here to post pictures. Your plants look healthy, I have been messing up on the maintenance with Dub's system and that is why his plants look like they do. Speaking of how they look, I'm going to take a few pictures and figure out how to stick them on here.:joint:
all's well, don't worry about it. i like to have fun, with good people (must be careful, tho'). be well, bro. and many blessings to you. :peace:


Well-Known Member
i'm just glad to hear that one of dubbs last request was filled. His grow can go on and his knowledge was passed down to you man. Good luck and tell dub hes in all our prayers!