Dwarfs in a box


Active Member
Plan to grow up to 6 small plants from 6 seeds, 3/6 are feminized Nicole Kush and 3 unknown seed.

I plan to wrap it up before May 1st and i've got 11 weeks left. The plants won't have a vegetation phase.

Sprouted 3 bagseeds in the end of Jan, in wet paper, 3/3 came up and these have been seedlings for close to a week.

The seedlings are on 24 hours of light with an occasional 7 hours break every 3 days.

I am careful not to give too much water.

These are 5-6 days.

I will sprout the Nicole Kush seeds next week and will switch the Bagseed to 12-12 at the same time which is in the beginning of week 3 for them.

Before switching to 12-12 i will transfer the seedlings to bigger pots. I will use 0.75g pots and can fit 6 of them total, 4 in the big section and 2 in the smaller section.

The Nicole Kush will lag about 2 weeks behind and on 12-12 from seed. Whereas the bagseeds will have gotten more light in the first 2 weeks and i expect them to end up somewhat bigger.

I have not completed making the growbox but i have an idea of what i want to do.

I have a closet with two sections, each section has 5x 17w LEDs (3×Red 1×Blue 1×White) these are mounted on top.

The main section has 1.3×1.3×2ft or 40×40×60cm.

The smaller section has similar dimensions but cant fit more than two "tall" plants as there are obstructions.

I think the plants here can get at most ~ 1.3ft tall and i don't plan on doing anything in terms of training other than bending if the need arises.

I guess that the plants, when flowering, can get within 2 inches of these lights and be fine as the seedlings seem to do well about 4 inches from the bulbs.

I will make some upgrades to the box before the end of the month by painting everything with white latex and installing rest of the lights.

I will see about ventilation as well, as i it now i have a fan which i will replace for a smaller unit. I don't think i need to make much of it in terms of a comprehensive ventilation with filters because the smell is not a problem, the temperatures seem fine and i don't plan on dealing with pests now that it's wintercold.

What i am unsure about is whether 4 plants will be too tight of a fit and whether i am better off doing some training.

One reason for not training them much is that i can more easily handle the plants without branches and can occasionally take them out of the box to put them close to the window for sunlight.

This is my first full grow and i appreciate comments and advice.
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Transferred to bigger pots. Attempted to bury the seedling up to the leaves and it turned out uneven.

Also one of the plants near broke in the process but i am pretty sure it just bent bouncing back up without breaking.

One of them is droopy after transplant but i am not sure if that's the one which took a hit.


I do know that this plant has been the weakling of the pack all along tho.

This growing thing is stressful, first & last for me i think.
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The weakling recovered.

I have some curling of leaves here;

Heat stress? Too much nutrients in soil perhaps? it has clay, compost, sand and synthetic fertilizer advertised as one year worth..Mutation? Normal? Otherwise explained?

I will let it be and see if it gets worse.

Did move them half an inch away from the lights.
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I did find an answer;

"The reason fur this is bc the outer vein of the leaf hasn't yet grown big enough to support the area that the leaf will require to take up.... This is perfectly normal in few days it should be big enough to stretch it out some but they may never be exactly straight....."

The plants seem to be recovering as predicted.

I wonder if this is more likely to occur due to running 24-0 as i am under the impression that 24-0 produces more compact growth as opposed to ie 18-6 where plants grow somewhat taller during the night.

Anyway i am glad this too has passed.
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There is a circumstances that concerns me;

The seedlings are not of the same height as one is about half an inch shorter.

I fear that this might get grossly exaggerated as the growth takes off.

Therefore i am unsure if this is something i should be taking care of asap as i don't want to deal with something for months if it can be nipped in the bud.

I am also not sure how to best fix it and am considering giving the shorter plant some 7-8 hours of darkness to stretch it.
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Day 9
They have stretched some 1/3 of an inch.

I wonder if i should put them closer to the lights or if it is pushing it? The bulbs aren't very hot and i can touch them even tho it's uncomfortably hot.

I want to put in a couple more bulbs and wonder if i am better of putting in another 6400 and a 3000 or just 2 more of 3000k?

I've also become intent on trying this;

"If we gradually lower temperatures to around 16-17ºCduring the last two weeks of bloom, once the buds are fully grown and only need to mature, it's possible to achieve a much greater and higher quality resin coverage in exchange for only a very slight sacrifice in production weight."

I am also considering splitting the stalk at some point.
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Day 9
View attachment 4820843
They have stretched some 1/3 of an inch.

I wonder if i should put them closer to the lights or if it is pushing it? The bulbs aren't very hot and i can touch them even tho it's uncomfortably hot.

I want to put in a couple more bulbs and wonder if i am better of putting in another 6400 and a 3000 or just 2 more of 3000k?
10x 5k bulbs would do you great! you dont gotta worry about light burn.
Thanks, i will see about getting my hands on 5k bulbs.
If 6400 is yuour only choice then grab a few more of those. When you are using light bulbs for weed , your gonna be happy with anything. 2 or 3 more of those will grow the shit out of her and 10 more will possibly flower her out.

My partner has done this before with the same light bulbs. It worked a LOT better then i would have ever thought....
Have become intent on adding some organic molasses without sulphur dioxide to the soil at some point.

"The microorganisms found within the soil play a vital role in the growth of your cannabis, and they also require the right nutrients to thrive. By giving them molasses, you ensure they have what they need, and subsequently boost the structure, moisture retention, microorganism content, and efficiency of the soil—which in turn benefits your cannabis in many ways.
https://www.zamnesia.com/blog-molasses-and-cannabis-taking-your-soil-to-the-next-level-n352 "

As the plants grow i am growing curious as to what will turn out to be leaves and what will become a branch.

I've wanted to see if i can make them only grow one big cola but i've seen some 'little to no vegetative phase grows' grow 2 side branches.

The plants are now growing 4th set of true leaves and something at the nodes:
I am curious as to whether these are leaves or branches.

I've decided not to sprout the Nicole Kush seeds due to opsec reasons.

As i understand it, when one gets a few seeds from a bag then these are either resultant from a hermie pollinating a female, self polinating hermie or male pollen contamination.

Thus i am most likely growing hermies or females.

This is alright as i think i will be able to nip the pollen sacs if there are any.

Two more bulbs are going in today and i will grow it out using 5-6 bulbs.

As to switching to 12-12, maybe in a few days as i want these to show sex and start flowing stages in 3 weeks from now (day 10) but am considering waiting until day 20 as well.

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I've broken off the diffusers on the bulbs. Apparently those block a lot of the light and it's relatively crazy bright in there now :cool:

Moved plants away from the light.

They were "praying" as in pointing leaves up in the area 4-6 inches away but that was with the diffusers on.

I've read conflicting reports, some saying the praying zone is the sweet spot and others saying it is the first sign of too much light intensity.

Breaking off the diffusers increases lux levels near 100%, i haven't had time to read up on it but i guess it's quite a lot.

The plants are now ~8 inches away.

The top leaf on the pic below is the closest thing to a curled leaf that i would expect from too much light.

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Those are going to be new branches.
So if i want just 1 cola i can break those off as they form? Do you think it's worth it?

Do you know if all nodes grow a set of leaves and a branch?

Started day 14. turned off the lights. Put on 12-12 timer and some hours darkness before beginning the 12-12.

They have a set of 5 finger leaves now.

As i gather so far,

If one does the 12-12 from seed, literally and as opposed to 1/2/3 week veg before 12-12; even tho they will likely start making flowers at the same time, there will be a significant size difference.

I don't expect these here plants to start showing sex or flowering before week 3-6 and i think they will by then be huge.

One is smaller than the 2 others and might be female but it is also the obe that lagged behind all time and had most stess.

They only had 6 hours darkness once and 1-2 hours of noon sunlight behind glass everyday pretty much.

Also i think i would rather grow one feminized seed at a time here in a 10-15L container i longer veg or 3-4 seeds like i do now but all feminized on a short veg.

I will fix up the cabinet more;
- a dyi carbon filter
- lightproof
- and a lot more lightbulbs to flower her tfo

I was worried that soil might have a lot of fertilizer in it but seedlings did well and i don't expect signs of deficiencies. I will add a little banana peel for potassiun, molasses without sulphur & crush some fish bones for phosphor anyway i think but only towards the end or at deficuency sign and not much.

I watered until little runoff for the first time yesterday in these pots.

Next time i water will be when dry in 3+ days.

I guess i will work up to having more and more runoff as to keep soil flushing but not much at a time.

As for growing in general i want to try growing of autos in the summer outdoor and stick to winter growing indoor when it's cold to avoid most pests and animal life.
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Day 15

I've made a new frame that can hold up to 24 light bulbs and using 9-10 should be fine
I have moved the plants down and 8-9 inches from the lights.

Will put in at least 2 more 3000s at 17watts and probably 3 more 9watt 4ks for good measure.

Plants look good to me and are starting to cover the lightprint.
I am considering cutting some leafs in half as to avoid overlap and i think it could be wise to strip away the growth that is developing in the shadows like the new leafs and branches growing at the lower nodes.
I won't do it lest i get some in detail guidance tho.

It looks to me like these will get too big and that the space is better suited for a shorter or rather a less intensive vegetation period like 24-0 for only a week or going straight to 12-12 from seed.

However if i end up with only 1 female then i think that i will appreciate having given it 2 weeks and could have done 3-4 but pot size will limit growth at or beyond that point as i understand it.

As far as i understand it the yield is expected to increase rather exponentially according to the intensity of vegetation.

I did take a picture of a node that looked like it had some balls on it but i couldn't find back to it
I will keep checking up on them every day
I am seeing these purple stems and i wonder if this isn't a sign of deficiency, have seen it being a calcium / magnesium in other grows.
Will ask around and add some ground coffee if appropriate.

After reading some i figure that It's probably not appropriate as these are clear purple rather than reddish pink, as i gather the general consensus is that if it's straight purple and not accompanied by other symptoms then it's more likely purpledurple genetics andor made pronounced due to rather rapid & distinct temperature fluctuations.
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Day 16

There seems to be a problem with the smaller plant as it's pot isn't draining as well as the others. I've somewhat ruthlessly attempted to improve aeration by sticking and turning the soil around a bit with a stick and am expecting that it might die but it looks fine a few hours later and is likely going to survive the stick as far as i can tell.

All three plants have leaves with 7 fingers but the one lagging behind is 2-3 days behind in development and the mid sized plant is 1-2 days behind.

I don't think these are dwarfs... i am totally planning to keep them stuffed in there no matter how big they get lest i get some advice on training.
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You might wanna start flower VERY soon before you run out of room! Or look into training them but do it fast. you are running out of room. They will double or triple in size after you switch to flower.
You might wanna start flower VERY soon before you run out of room! Or look into training them but do it fast. you are running out of room. They will double or triple in size after you switch to flower.
I have already switched to 12-12, did it after 13 days. I expect them to grow into it for another week or two before starting to preflower and doing the crazy stretching.

These aren't feminized seeds so it's unknown how many will stay in there post preflower.

Another circumstance is that i still have a lot of vertical room as i am not using the bottom 2 sections

I think growing them vertically and that along the walls could work but with this light setup it's not great. Doing scrog of some kind might be a good idea but i need to determine the sex first.

In the worst case i won't be difficult to set up another section in a big suitcase.
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