DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)


Well-Known Member
so how did the Hydroguard work for you?
did you get out all those other roots or just use the Hydroguard?


Well-Known Member
Appears to have worked well. I only did the one flush after the roots were chopped fromt the male plant. I sloshed the roots around a few days later and hand strained out a small handful of male roots. Since then I've checked the female roots and they look just as good as ever. I'm a believer in Hydroguard because my res. temp is a little higher than what's recommended ( 75 vs. 68 ) and I haven't had any problems. Fingers crossed for the rest of the grow.


New Member
Planning on doing a screen like that. do you think building one out of wood trimming from hardware store and twine would work?


Well-Known Member
Mine was very simply made from 2" x 1" wood studs from the hardware store and a roll of picture hanging cable. The cable is perfectly flexible for this purpose. I simply braided sections around wood screws anchored every 2 inches. I should have spent more time training and bending branches before I let them grow vert. From my thread you've probably seen that I had no idea on what additional vertical growth to expect after going 12/12.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it will work well for you. Like I mentioned on my journal, I just cut the male and female roots right down the middle and thought it might hurt my remaining female because some of its roots got cut, no doubt. However, I saw no negative signs whatsoever. I think the biggest key to keeping things healthy has been weekly reservoir changes and bi weekly flushes with Clearex. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Clearex is a solution for flushing and cleaning out salt buildup that nutrients leave behind. When I flush biweekly, I drain my reservoir of all nutrient solution and add pure reverse osmosis water plus 15ml per gallon of Clearex. When I'm filling the reservoir, I make sure to wash down the roots and sides of the res. with the flushing solution. I let the bubbler system run for about an hour with the clearing solution, then drain. I then refill with new, fresh nutrient solution. The plants seem to respond very well. If you don't flush, you'll begin to see salt buildup on your hydroton as well as the sides of the res. The plants are certainly retaining these salts as well, which over time will begin to dry them out, cause nutrient lockout, and will lead to their demise. I also plan to run only Clearex soultion for the final 3 days before harvest. This allows the plants to flush out any salts and use up any nutrients stored in the stems, leaves, and buds, leaving a clean, pure plant.


Well-Known Member
One more, this is one of the 3 biggest kolas, but it's way at the back corner and hard to get a shot of. My finger is actually about 10 inches away from it in this pic.



Well-Known Member
been watchin, doin a bubbler myself, figured I'd chime in and say good job brother. Lookin good, nice buds man


Active Member
hey jcom, nice buds. I'm about to build a 4 plant dwc myself. I'll have to come to you with my troubles, your plants are healthy and you seem to know what your doin. I'm enjoying your pics, keep 'em coming!