Dwc Grow Club

Lmao thats so awesome... Ride slutty wooooo that shit has me rolling. THat shit is funny for real. Booty poking out of the back of the bike makes it look like its pouting lmao. Sorry just listening to some lil wayne hahaha
after more sleep - id say another good 4 hours im back and WOW things are lookin luverly , i know im not welcome but i still luv uz - to the level which as appropriate for each and no further! no homo.
kinda diggin that luda tune, suprised iv no heard it , is that not the grow that got visited in national geos cannabis nation thing? i guess massive wharehouse gro can kinda look the same coz takin everythin in hard when ur overwhelmed. Just clicked it isnt serves me right for not payin attention - i think thats a bunker by the looks of the corridoor he was standin in before the door opens . . .

anyway super happy that berryblue popped up ( might try playin that to improve the yum factor :D)
Net - yet again ur bloody awsome , iv been tryin to find a fully organic feed regiem from start to finnish compatable wi hydro , but its just weighin pros n cons of tatse to yeild - seein this is still my first i guess not goin fully orginic wont be so bad - next time for sure tho!
its nice out here on the porch tonight - i fitted 1 of those swinning seats u see in many a movie - got ma thermose filled to the brim and some peanutbutter cups.
good to see the petrol heads out in force too!

hope everyone is feeling a bit better at least , and if not just think of the medicine ( all i can do right now)
Me X
Hahahahaaha that shit was hilarious..:hump:

LOL was really smoked out when i said that.. Not only is the booty bangin but nets grow is awesome and her plants look very good. + reps to net. Yea she's fantabulous. and if there was a list of the greatest pimpstress qualities ever in one female yea shed have most boxes checked off. Hahaha im smoked out although i want to fall asleep on net right now it doesnt really matter where.
nets awesome. Boootyrific fo sho .
LOL was really smoked out when i said that.. Not only is the booty bangin but nets grow is awesome and her plants look very good. + reps to net. Yea she's fantabulous. and if there was a list of the greatest pimpstress qualities ever in one female yea shed have most boxes checked off. Hahaha im smoked out although i want to fall asleep on net right now it doesnt really matter where.
nets awesome. Boootyrific fo sho .
:clap::clap: :hump:
fo sho........

Hello everyone! I just got back from Home Depot. Im gonna make another hood for the 150wt HPS im getting!! Thats right! No more 2700k cfls! Its all HPS.So 220wt HPS total!!
That was awhile net were u searchin the depot for the best design ? I dunno i havent gone anywhere i realize i cant and im very smoked out. I want to see ur latest invention asap net im looking forward to this its awesome.
I also went to Best Buy to say high to someone and then walked around HomeDEpot for a long time. I can spend all day there. I like the smell/.
Get ya lighters, roll dat sticky, lets get high(lets get higher)
Got that Blueberry Yum Yum And its dat fire(its that fire)
Get ya lighters, roll dat sticky, lets get high (lets get higher)
Got that Blueberry Yum Yum And its dat fire(its that fire)
Cool net ur awesome for sure! Has anyone checked out the club? Crazy! A girl that likes the smell of depot should be exhalted for sure.! it smells like work. Kinda like my smelly socks smell before i wash um..

So wheres the pix net?
This is the outside.

This is how I joined the 2 pieces.


And this is where I will put the hole for the bulb. I got some u bolts for the job!!


One preakin problem though!! I just went to econo light.com and they werent selling the light anymore!!!!!!!!! WTF!! HELP! where can I get a light now!! No HPS!!!!
Net- Go to A electrical supply shop they have them pretty cheap... If u run A polishing wheel over the tin it help's A great deal! I used that as A reflector for A while and was real happy unill I cut my head open on it ( I didn't round off the edge's)! I had 2 pieces of 10" duct set like urs and it was 5' long with 2 400's mounted on it and it worked better than alot of those store bought reflectors.