after more sleep - id say another good 4 hours im back and WOW things are lookin luverly , i know im not welcome but i still luv uz - to the level which as appropriate for each and no further! no homo.
kinda diggin that luda tune, suprised iv no heard it , is that not the grow that got visited in national geos cannabis nation thing? i guess massive wharehouse gro can kinda look the same coz takin everythin in hard when ur overwhelmed. Just clicked it isnt serves me right for not payin attention - i think thats a bunker by the looks of the corridoor he was standin in before the door opens . . .
anyway super happy that berryblue popped up ( might try playin that to improve the yum factor

Net - yet again ur bloody awsome , iv been tryin to find a fully organic feed regiem from start to finnish compatable wi hydro , but its just weighin pros n cons of tatse to yeild - seein this is still my first i guess not goin fully orginic wont be so bad - next time for sure tho!
its nice out here on the porch tonight - i fitted 1 of those swinning seats u see in many a movie - got ma thermose filled to the brim and some peanutbutter cups.
good to see the petrol heads out in force too!
hope everyone is feeling a bit better at least , and if not just think of the medicine ( all i can do right now)
Me X