Dwc Grow Club

Get ya lighters, roll dat sticky, lets get high(lets get higher)
Got that Blueberry Yum Yum And its dat fire(its that fire)
Get ya lighters, roll dat sticky, lets get high (lets get higher)
Got that Blueberry Yum Yum And its dat fire(its that fire)
haahaha..I listen to that song a couple times when i was taken acouple hits from the bongbongsmilie...That video is awsome.
hey hey, im back... Had a couple people over. Whats goin on... Never got that macro pic. People here and couldn't go runnin down to the basement and back every five min like normal.
Hey dl.. that hanna you got, did you have to get the electrode storage solution??? Do I even need it? the site says never to let it dry out...
The hanna meter i bought is good for at least a couple years.. I rinse it in clean solution and dry it every time im done using it. I should have to change my probe every couple years... You may have to calibrate ite along the way but they sell those solutions.
Dont buy the 50 dollar one they are not accurate unless u calibrate them to the temps of ur res before checking the ppms of the water.

Wow if that makes sence im alright if not ill explain later.
I dont know I bought these two meters from NEH PPM meter and pH
for like 95$ buck and I tested them both. I borrowed a truncheon from a buddy and the ppm meter was right on (as far as I could tell from the truncheon. The ppm meter seems as though it's more accurate.). And the pH meter was right on as well. I don't know Hannah seems awesome and if I ever have a problem with these meters I'm sure I'll go there. But for now, I'm happy with both meters.

I got the exact meters..For the PH meter you have to have soltuion or it will not read properly,i have one and i havent had time to order soltuion and i dont use it cause it doesnt read the correct PH.Order a couple extra packets of 7.01 solution to calibrate it.The ppm meter works fine witout soltioun but its always good to calibrate it every couple weeks.Im about to get on ebay and buy some solution right now..I also have a bottle of ph tester that you drop in a little bit of water for the PH..Its good to have if your electrode goes out or if your meter breaks..
Keep it simple is all im saying it doesnt matter what brand i guess. All meters function differently but the cheap ones involve more expertise and are not good for someone just starting out. If they operate the sane way as the 70 dollar hanna than i say by all means get it and get one cheaper for sure..
all i know is hanna lol.. im not a spokesperson or advocate just tried whats available and the less sospisticated meters are the easiest to discern. no work.
Just dip it wait a minute or so and u have ppm.
Others if u dont calibrate the meter to the right temps then u will not get accurate results.. hanna also sells a meter with ppm and ph for like 16o.
whatever its the easiest for me lol....im going to check the other links for sure. im sure they are all similar.lol

Yooooo im pretty jacked up.
whatever its the easiest for me lol....im going to check the other links for sure. im sure they are all similar.lol

Yooooo im pretty jacked up.
HAhaha..so em i,i drank 4 tall cans and we all just walked to the liqour store to get more..I also ben smoking on some premioum california buds..bongsmilie
This harvest is gonna be sick..Cant wait to try that Northern Lights..

I would say that the meters that i got and Np is looking at on ebay they are good meters for the money if you have the money to buy a 80 meter go ahead itll prolly last longer but the ones that i have are good and parts for the PH meter are very cheap and you can buy them on ebay aswell..For the PH meter you have to have solution,
not so much for the tds meter its good to have some solution to calibrate from time to time.
. . . pluss if i melt into the couch - i might find keys , its a win win situation ! hahaha
I wanna see that ad now , it sounds funny - we get quite comical anti drug ads here too , the talk to frank 1s are the best for those so inlcined to have a peek.
popped in at a good time , talking meters i see . . . im really undecided myself , thinkin of maybe going for a multi meter ph , ppm , ec . . quite a bit of cash but id expect ease of use and realiability ,great expectations . are often short livd tho , pluss if it goes down id be without all readings bar my ph fluid . .
happy daddy to half a dozen new youngsters now . . hey hydro let me know how the lights are ! iv some northern soul on the way . . aswell as that blueberry yum YUM:D

home made hood is lookn good net! considerin sumthin similar once i get the cool tube . .woudlnt mind slammin a couple hinges on it tho coz i like the look of those adjustable bat wings
What seedbank you get that Northern Soul at? The Nl should be good check out my grow and youll see how that shit is...
I wish i had sum yum yum right now..
Ok. It's 1:15am and i am so smoked out!! Listening to a local girl tear it up on stage acoustic style! I love her music!

My nose isn't stuffed and im coughing less. I'm getting hungry.
