Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
Yes yes. I just actually smoked one in between haha damn im pretty blazed.
If ur earz start ringing dose this mean u should stop?
Or is that the bell just ringing u in for more......


Well-Known Member
lol means the thc cut the oxygen off to your head for a split second and caused ringing sensation of your going deaf so you should start crying lol



Well-Known Member
Serious bro just smoked like 8 or 9 huge pulls from the bong. Feeling nice.Yes i did almost fall out on the last one. bwahahaha
So I think that more rules are in order.
We shall reside on DWC street in the papermill district. We also make paper instead of soap.


Active Member
i can't wait til my shit is done. the hairs are poppin out and gettin bushy. i tel u what, i started out using GH flora series, and the girls were ok i guess, but i switched to foxfarm last week and they are taking off something serious.


New Member
I am also using FF nutes and loving it! I just recently added some FloraBlend Vegan Compost Tea to the mix and the growth is even better!!! Nice mix of N P K


Well-Known Member
Yes flower explosion is a beautifull thing. START talking dirty to them now hahahaha

Yes paper we shall make. And we should send people out on mischevious missions to see how much paper we can collect.


Active Member
the thing i like bout fox farm is that it keeps the ph steady at bout 5.6- 6i rarely check it now. but when i do it's good. so no need to worry.

i got a ? do hydro make bag weed better


New Member
the thing i like bout fox farm is that it keeps the ph steady at bout 5.6- 6i rarely check it now. but when i do it's good. so no need to worry.

i got a ? do hydro make bag weed better
This is a great question!

I have been told that you unlock the potential of the strain it once was, even though its not directly derived from the strain, it should be some amazing stuff. Ill let you know when i harvest!!! im growing bag seed that i just found out might me southern skunk


Well-Known Member
the thing i like bout fox farm is that it keeps the ph steady at bout 5.6- 6i rarely check it now. but when i do it's good. so no need to worry.

i got a ? do hydro make bag weed better
just depends on how you grow it bro, ive herd of people turning some shitty bag weed into dank ass stuff...

hydro is just a way of growing.. (a good way to be exact)