Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
DWC- I submit to you a small quote.

"Growing in hydroponics is not rocket science. It is a simple
process which can vary from system to system depending on what kind
of a set-up you choose. Most of the nutrient mixes are explained
extremely well on the packs. If you follow their instructions and
remember that Cannabis only needs 30%-50% strength nutrients then
you will do just fine.
Over the years Cannabis cultivators have decided to try and
beat the system by building their own systems. There are over 100
different types of systems that can be made by hand at home. Out of
these 100, 15 have proven to be useful for cannabis. One of the more
famous simplest systems is DWC, Deep Water Culture, a.k.a "The
Bubbler". This system is very cheap to put together and yet still
provides excellent growth rates. There is nothing like it for the price.
The bubbler is a rewarding way to grow."

Greeg green


Well-Known Member
I just keep smoking Bowl after bowl i cant stop..

Token bro. Hydro is the only way to grow.Im still Flowering a plant from the same grow as my last hydro grow. i harvested my hydro plants 2 weeks ago. Veg was twice as long in soil.


Well-Known Member
DWC- I submit to you a small quote.

"Growing in hydroponics is not rocket science. It is a simple
process which can vary from system to system depending on what kind
of a set-up you choose. Most of the nutrient mixes are explained
extremely well on the packs. If you follow their instructions and
remember that Cannabis only needs 30%-50% strength nutrients then
you will do just fine.
Over the years Cannabis cultivators have decided to try and
beat the system by building their own systems. There are over 100
different types of systems that can be made by hand at home. Out of
these 100, 15 have proven to be useful for cannabis. One of the more
famous simplest systems is DWC, Deep Water Culture, a.k.a "The
Bubbler". This system is very cheap to put together and yet still
provides excellent growth rates. There is nothing like it for the price.
The bubbler is a rewarding way to grow."

Greeg green
way to go all out =]


Well-Known Member
I just keep smoking Bowl after bowl i cant stop..

Token bro. Hydro is the only way to grow.Im still Flowering a plant from the same grow as my last hydro grow. i harvested my hydro plants 2 weeks ago. Veg was twice as long in soil.
yeah yeah you greedy bastard, lmao just kidding bro

pass it around shit


Well-Known Member
All out? how about Divine?

"And God said,
Let the earth bring forth grass,
the herb yielding seed,
and the fruit tree yielding fruit
after his kind,
whose seed is in itself,
upon the earth: and it was so.
And the earth
brought forth grass,
and herb yielding seed after his kind,
and the tree yielding fruit,
whose seed was in itself,
after his kind:
and God saw that it was good."

Genesis, Chapter 1,
Verses 11 and 12


New Member
DWC- I submit to you a small quote.

"Growing in hydroponics is not rocket science. It is a simple
process which can vary from system to system depending on what kind
of a set-up you choose. Most of the nutrient mixes are explained
extremely well on the packs. If you follow their instructions and
remember that Cannabis only needs 30%-50% strength nutrients then
you will do just fine.
Over the years Cannabis cultivators have decided to try and
beat the system by building their own systems. There are over 100
different types of systems that can be made by hand at home. Out of
these 100, 15 have proven to be useful for cannabis. One of the more
famous simplest systems is DWC, Deep Water Culture, a.k.a "The
Bubbler". This system is very cheap to put together and yet still
provides excellent growth rates. There is nothing like it for the price.
The bubbler is a rewarding way to grow."

Greeg green
Well said!


Active Member
haha to kool to kool

you dont have a journal bro?
i was too noid to to wanna post and shit at the beginning.now im excited and can't tell nobody and my wife isn't interested (as much as me) i just read of everyones post to learn how to do everything and they are still alive so i guess i'm some sort of a uncertified natural...lol


Well-Known Member
i was too noid to to wanna post and shit at the beginning.now im excited and can't tell nobody and my wife isn't interested (as much as me) i just read of everyones post to learn how to do everything and they are still alive so i guess i'm some sort of a uncertified natural...lol
Thats what makes u dwc club token! :hump:


Well-Known Member
lol i feel everyone in this club is my friend, you guys get first dibs on all my first post of my picture updates haha =]

you all shall get repped By muah!