Dwc Grow Club

haha. Those are Pear cut. Princess cut is this!


I know we develope a realtionship with um , but Net a bit far fetched no?
i cant see texas bein so nice on ur same sex marrige but im happy for you guys , at least it gives her citizenship!
jokes aside , we do develope a realationship with um, best way i can relate to it - like when u used to perk up as u were seeing ur significant other , difference is what these babies give you makes u realise why reproduction is on the decline.

oh , seems i missed a page or 2 - lack of sleep i love u.

be back once iv caught up

ooh while i remember tho, if ur gracious enough to accept me , can i get a ass whoopin sig image too? i really dig um
grow club wedding! ! !
even better than the joining of man and plant ( apart from joints of course )
does that mean its gonna be themed? imagine a 7tier cannabutter icing cake . . ahh im gona get carried away n im not even baked :( could be a week wi no sleep again yay
on the subject of marrige tho , anyone know the script surrounding new citizens getting card n such?
its really lookinh like over here is just gonna get shitter , if i can get to a better climate i already help my condition without even considering ( or at least pretending like im not obsessing ) the fact i could be choosing a carer , maybe even caring at that . . i know states to state nothings the same , but even 1 story of sucess would be good to hear.
Im sure there are all kinds of success stories here on all kinds of levels bro. Im sure of this.
Many of us are hobbyists that became tired of success on so many other levels yet perfected there succeses in secret on other levels.
How many hats could a madhatter actually wear if a cat had too many hats to wear.
And which hat would be the preference of the cats if wearing mad hats was the preference of the cat hatting madder.
Dam Net, I can understand your confustion now. Basiclly, everyone smokes, just one had eyes on contact then assumed you had more.
Wow, how long you got left on this grow? Can you add more light?
DWC should work the same way as diry when it comes to budding I hope.

I know exactly what you mean. Even though ppl now know or think they know, i've been all to myself not going out or anything. When a friend calls and ask to come over, I usually hang out outside and only for a little bit. Growers are a bit torn from the "norm"
Proper lighting for flower and low res temps lead to nice yields in dwc. Proper balance of the 2 elemants leads to insane buds and proper yields i think. Im going to get a chiller to keep my temps minimal. But ive been keeping them low by placing a fan on the res as well as putting bottles of frozen water in them after i upped my hps lighting to the grow. Ive heard that 68 degrees brings phenomenol growth we shall see. Ive surpassed the gram per watt many times over by keeping the res typically at 72 degrees with a swing to 78 depending on season.But it would be nice to see what a controlled low temp brings to my grow.
Sitting her thinking about people and the trouble they have.
We thought about you Net and your troubles, hope all works out.
I have a few I guess & need to rethink some our security issues.
Stay on tomatoes for another season then convert the center section to the other green we eat. This sounds basiclly what we did with dirt. Should be a sound goal to set. Anyone got PVC frams they are using? if so what size PVC and how good does it work?

Major issue, temp is dropping and my water temp is down to 66. How low can I let it flux? Heater must be to small. I'll get another. But really I got the high now what is the low?
sorry to read that man , i go through the worste shit that can happen in my head first . . tho that lead me to wanting a 100gal water heater , for like a tenth of that size( just incase the day after tomorrow storm came down) if that was to ever happen id be needing my bud more than ever . .
id suggest getting a thermometer that stores the highs and lows , mines tries to tell me what its like outside too , when id rather not know.
is the heating filiment as low down in ur res as it can be?
im gona try and put a rough design of my planned mini sog op , iv worked out i can survive on an O a week, plan was to harvest a mediocre sized shrub every 7 days , so its just a regular repetative thing goin on .

I checked out the website for the farm aswell , if/when i get the cash to get stateside for a well deserved trip i hope i remember to drop in and give ma love
Ok, I was thinking, what if DWC can be perfected? Im really smoked right now but still. Like maybe some sort of something. Ya know! nahhh I guess not. oh well. Back to the weed
hahaha - smoking what tho? if it gets u like that i want some!
ready to revolutionise the world of dwc then?
try sleeping on it , crazy dreams can be quite clarifying once u take the unicorns . . talkin animals and fucked up situations out the equation . .
all the balls aside , had a little peek and the poison has spat out a big tap root in a matter of hours , i wanna see sumthin above the surface today , which will meann my inniciation to the club finally
happy times
happy times indeed
Morn'in all,

Hope everyone had a restfull night. The fuck'in cyotes woke me up early, again!
Tried to go back to sleep @ 3:00 but no go. Went to the barn to check on my plants & my DWC experiment. Water temp fell to 59f, crap, however the lights on the plant kept it at a nice 78f. So, my water issue is one I thought of a lot and I remember now that I was suppose to get insulation to wrap the tank in. DUMB ASS!!!!!

So, maybe the heater is not to small. It lays on the bottom and set to 70f.
I'll insulate the tank today and see what I get then. I have no roots yet so no damage, I hope.
