Dwc Grow Club

Sorry bein all off topic guys... I'm freakin baked. FInally got ahold of some good stuff. Its been dry for a week. Got sum orange kush...
I was looking through my old pics and I came across this. Its an older one. I don't do clothing anymore.

I wish you did too that would been kool to see. have your friend take a pic of it. I ahve been up for long hours and I can't even comprehend how you did it lol.
thats shit hot!
i like the gorillaz - also quite like screen printing( which i know that wasnt ) , but it was either a carousel, or gettin shit started . .
i know i should search but id rather make a cuppa - sum1 done a make ur own bubble bags yet? with screen , im sure i seen sum guy mention he was into printing and how he had hella rolls of so many differng microns . . .but that was about it.
i really hope i get sorted today :(
i take that back actually , could be done takin some time , less time the more colours you have - but you'd still need an artists touch for sure . .
what methods do/did u use net?
orange kush I call that shit holy wow. lol I took a nasty hit off my friends glass bowl and and the only thing I could think of was holy wow. Stoned off our ass we started rolling.
Now-a-days it's mainly 360's and ps3's. Some helmets and some pc's. I got out of the clothing buzz.

oooooh - i likey , how much do you charge for both? u done any wiis?
think i mighta missed out and it turns out ur just a fookin amazin arteest who needs no mechinacal device to help . .
Thanks! But I mess up from time to time.

We charge anywhere from $30-$100 for systems and computers. But if you know us personally, the price is usually the paint it uses and a little extra for the time. Unless it's a good friend. You know how the hook up goes.
Oh yeah, I was high. Chong style! But yeah, this is usually what I do for extra cash, sometimes my main source of cash. Some kid and his mother came into the shop one day with his 360 and asked if I could paint a weed leaf on the side!! I was taken back because he looked like he was 15 and his mom was even asking if I could use colors other than green. hahahahaha. I get some weird request sometimes.
shitsake! thats tip top aswell -
id get you to do all my stuff if you were up for it and didnt live many moons away . . :(
i thot i was kool makin my macbook pro apple red ( that sed i did totally replace the monitor so its not like it was a pure funk up job) mac repair places are total theiving scumbags might i add!
im thinkin if i was to ship a peice at a time to u , i really want a net original peice - tho i duno what id want done most . . . hmmmmmm
you done any vaps? could be another nice little niche