Dwc Grow Club

:D glad to be usefull for once!
when i get my vap i know who to call on ( tho by that time u will have probably done a nice pile)
How about the guitar hero plate thingies? iv got a plain black 1 i was gona either jazz up with tipex(white out to the yanks) or sum illuminous pens . . after seeing ur skills tho, i just cant massacre it
I did one guitar about 1yr ago and messed it up. The airbrushing went great but the clear coat was put on way to thick on some parts. I would do another one but only for friends. It's too much work for the average client. But if you need something done, hit me up and we'll see if we can't work something out.
Hey Net, gotta say nicest pic so far! I have done a little air brushing in my time. Dont have the artist touch though. I am better at building/fixing things. I have some rc boats and a few planes I have built and flown. Def better at building them. I just read a thread that someone want to grow weed in jail, well he got busted for growing in uk and is going to serve time and wants to throw seeds in the yard and grow some plants. I think this is funny as hell, give it to the man!!!
Hey Net, gotta say nicest pic so far! I have done a little air brushing in my time. Dont have the artist touch though. I am better at building/fixing things. I have some rc boats and a few planes I have built and flown. Def better at building them. I just read a thread that someone want to grow weed in jail, well he got busted for growing in uk and is going to serve time and wants to throw seeds in the yard and grow some plants. I think this is funny as hell, give it to the man!!!

I read that thread. It was stupid. Didn't he say he wanted to use urine for nutes. hahahaha What a wanker!
No shit DL, I was checking another post and missed like 6 pages to catch up on. I guess everyone just woke up or something. Like Nets new pic?
A wanker-lol! Yea hes kinda out there. I do have to give him some rep for tring to stick it to the man. I have noticed alot of haters in many of these threads and I am glad we have nobody like that here! How can stoners be soooo angry????
I still have temp drift from 73 to 62 so far today, but I got up arouind 3 or so.
How many of you insulated your water tanks?
Anyone growing in the garage, barn, anywhere no in the main house.
I dont think my pink is going to turn pink! Im very dissapointed with this idea i had. My buddy has some grandaddypurp seeds i think im going to go get um. Fak it.
quality , yeh i think it the gh plate could be a good starter coz its small and dont weigh much, pluss it can be taken off and doesnt leave me feeling like im missing sumthin as i would if my ps3 , 360 , wii , pc , macbookpro etc were even away for a day!
ever done mic? how about dj mixers? infact is there like a album or page i could go to to check sum other stuff out? coz im just gonna keep seeing things in my place and be like (I) i wonder if nets ever done a . . . . toaster? haha

just realised iv not got ma ppm yet!?@ can i last maybe a week without it? got a ph kit to keep part of an eye on it , fact should be kool aslong as i dont go nuts , try nute them or sumthin . .
hope to have a pic of princess poison soon as sumthin more than the seedshells up . . . oh and the others are catching up
might i add looked into my little germ spot . . some seeds from almost a week ago have now sprouted taps - im now gona keep so called ungermed seeds for a bit longer
Toker I think you will be ok with night temp drops. They say night temps sould drop 10-15 deg. Dont you think soil temps drop too? I think as long as it stays above 52 deg. your ok. I dont know what the magic # is for lowest temps. Just did a search on it and I saw 50 deg as the magic number. above 50 ok. Some keep the temp at 61 for oxygen uptake.

Net-I guess I dont have that problem. I drink a few beers when I get home and smoke no anger here just all the love for your new pic-lol.