Dwc Grow Club

Thanks Tech, I'll let it ride and see what happens. I'm already working on an idea for a cooler made from a window AC unit. Concept is there and very basic use a heater core from a car. Place it beside the expander core on the AC unit. Need a small pump with high head pressure. Should cool 15 gallons with little work on the system. It will get 100 here in the Summer, but only for about a month. Rest is perfect growing weather!

Net, your pics are an eye opener!
This is the stuff I do now. Not my best work

its the difference between smokers - and people who smoke , they drink , pop pills , snort coke like its a scarface themed party . .
think theres a few just dealers aswell , dont smoke, dont even care what its like just want money , also the immaturity factor .
theres a reason smoking has an age limit as does drinking - just wish sometimes the fookin net did!
not u Net , u r limitless , and rather lucious by the looks of it !:D
perv on net thread any1? infact whats the point this prettymuch is that - hahaha i just clicked is that why this has a boobies tag? or u just after better search responses
time for anoter cuppa , sure theres no takers?

techs got some good points , seen a few things about improved grow with lower res temps ( gets a bit confusing tho coz its low over there where its damn hot a hell of a lot) the so called low temp is about as good as our summers get over here .. . im diving back into the bible , jorge had a good couple pages on temps and the effectiveness on uptakes they give . . . . i shall be back
Eh slow i seen ur post about weather low water temps man and tech pretty much summed it up...My problems stem from high temps.. But in ur position im sure ur not the only grower thats growing in a basement in the winter right now lol..
u should do a search on low temps anything i tell ya would be hearsay. Ive heard that 54 was the magic numbr and that anything lower than that would be onset of problems on the lower end...High temps bring stretching.slow bud maturation, high humidity and what not... Ur situation is unique but im sure u could expect similar problems with low temps.
The skulls look killer! I just helped you out in the what should I do thread. Louis514 tried to correct you but you were right. Dudes wife should just chill! Talk to yall tomorrow. Its dead here going home to get my smoke on. LATER DWC CLUB!
I was sitting here smoking and thinking, two thinks I'm good at.
The ground will freeze around 24 inches down and a pine tree will not die or suffer root damage from this. So I remember a friend of mine that explores caves telling me it never gets colder than around 67 degrees in a cave? A cave is under ground.

Well, smoking more than thinking. Making a trip to the barn.

The skulls look killer! I just helped you out in the what should I do thread. Louis514 tried to correct you but you were right. Dudes wife should just chill! Talk to yall tomorrow. Its dead here going home to get my smoke on. LATER DWC CLUB!

Thanks hun and happy smoking!
ahh. back to the thread. Had to make dinner for the littlins. Nice skulls an biohazard. Thats badass. That faceplate looks good too. You put his face on it?
Wassup DWC grow club.. Cookin dinner getting ready to kill some food feeling good.
Gotta say I read thru alot of the pages i missed being sick and busy with the grow..
Yea i gotta say there seems to be some peeps posting in here that havent entirely read the rules.They have been updated several times since the beginning of the thread.
First, Disrespect to grow club members will not be tolerated on any level no matter how sly the angle. U can dangle, flip things and even try to jot hymns but riddles are too easy. How many riddles does the riddler think he can spit when the account in question has shown shit. U know who u are. The first lady is a founder.
Disrespect, If i had u in a room right now id make u call me daddy and maybe id let u go after a while son.
HATS.. I own a few. A couple residing in the psychology area as well.
Posers will not be tolerated son step on.
is this ment for me? far as i know im the noobest dude kickin about in ere , though i did read the 2 rules i found , i shall scour further n try and un-clay pebble( no earth here!) the rest
Yea thats kinda interesting man. While we are at it. Why dont we search and find the posts in question. Scour them and try to find true meaning of there intention.......
And then there is shine status... The ninth rule of grow club.
Members may at times place certain posters on a status that we call shine. During this time it will be considered much like the porch. While on the porch the recruit will be placed under observation no matter how much observation this time shall consist of.
Some will be observed but not recognized and even noticed by said member's. The complete exhistance of the shinee will not be considered.
Until either the original shinee has been deemed fit to be a member of what we call grow club.Or it has been deemed that not all can step on the porch.And suspect the door will open.

Its only an idea. Maybe not the best one for certain people but maybe the best afterall.
understood dude - think im just gona fuck off for a while coz all the hostility aint my thing .
Never ment any disrepect to no-one , and if it was taken in such way then i think thats down to that person.
anyway may the green gods bless you even better than last harvest.
stay safe
Whats up DL! Guess what............well .. GUESS!!...

I got some awesome advanced nutrients stuff. This stuff. The hydro dude swears by it. What it does is boost the sugars for the plant. I'm gonna introduce it in tomorrow!! What do you think?