Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
Eddie bro sounds good man. If i start a diy thread will ya build the damn REZ cooler or what? dont wanna go out and buy stuff unless i know it works.. Also, how many diy's u have saved in ur pdf. Id like to get the greatest collection and store them in the thread.


Well-Known Member
Wazzup everyone. getting bizzaked on a bunch of nugs that finally got ready off first grow. I put a nug or two each of LA Confidential, Lemon Skunk, and Purple wreck (3 weeks dry, 1 cure, think I over dried, but got mold early) into a coffee grinder and have been hittin it non stop on the vape, bong, and vaporgenie since yesterday.. IT's pretty cool shit. 3 different strains blended into 1........ I was jacuzzi locked with the wifey a while. Now gotta try to got out to dinner ..... gonna be tough to keep a straight face. Good news is I feel no pain!!!!


Well-Known Member
Awesome bro hows everything else man..
Did u get everything str8n'd out?
Why no journal and updates?
I still am pondering making a groupy friend a sort of "MAID" or worker bee that tends to my grow.
Just an idea still.
Ur grow is interesting man u should be more involved.


Well-Known Member
I plan to male hash but I'm just gonna use small fan
Leaves by the. Use, pollen sacs (hermies), and tiny tiny tiny buds


New Member
Yup.. worst day again. Today I found out that I have to move out. I have 1wk. The sativa isn't ready and I have to chop within 2 days...... What can I do. The amber trichs are showing and quite a few pistils are amber. It isn't as fat as it could be though.!! SHIT!

I ahve another place to go but now I have to see where to grow..... I don;t know what to do... MOTHER PHUKER.....


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone!!!

Net, whats going on?!?!?!

why do you have to move out and where are you gonna go?

so does this mean we won't hear from you for awhile...:sad:


New Member
Long story but to make it short, I got into it with tha landlord and owner about some shit that had to be done around the place and she's trying to charge me for the work!! WTF! It wasn't in the contract blah blah blah... I get to break my lease but have to be out in 1wk. It's too expensive anyway. I'm not getting work at the p.c place and money is tight. I am moving into my brothers house and its not the cool thing to do. He smokes but doesn't want the grow thing going down. It's totally understandable and plus, his wife is a bitch.


Well-Known Member
Chop dry move and start grow # 2 net. 1 week should be sufficient for Finalizing grow # 1. Cloudy trichs on Colas still mean happy times.
Put the grow on hold and find a new spot to dwell and carry on with ur experiments.

FAK this bothers me alot. Im gonna go chill now.


Well-Known Member
Net just go to your brothers and dig a cave and grow in there! Caves are aewsome places to grow especially if you dig it yourself =]


Well-Known Member

I'm sorry for the troubles Net, I hope things work
out for the better.

Lets speak hypothetically for a second....

Lets say the wife wasn't a bitch, would he let you grow then?
Or would he still say no? Who wouldn't want the best homegrown
shit? For cheap from you, or free? You know what I mean? ugh, that
actually makes me mad. lol. I have no clue why.

Damn, this sucks.....


New Member
Great info guys. My brother does have a shed that she doesnt ever go in due to her prissyness!

But I would have to have an extension chord to the 220w HPS and air pumps... Can that work??

That would be my only option. I will find a way to grow dammit!!

Thanks for the words guys! I love DWC club!!!


New Member
I am still gonna be on here more now! Laptop and all! I'll have more time to do things now. I'll get a job soon! How would the extension chord thing work? Will it hold the wattage? I'm gonna go smoke and try and relax for now. really bummed out about shit.

Be back later on.


Well-Known Member
I am still gonna be on here more now! Laptop and all! I'll have more time to do things now. I'll get a job soon! How would the extension chord thing work? Will it hold the wattage? I'm gonna go smoke and try and relax for now. really bummed out about shit.

Be back later on.
So then ur not leaving us which is reassuring and makes me feel good for one! Dont grow if its not gonna be discreet. Too many haters, Too many jealouseraters, and not worth it in the end.
Just chill. U got a spot to chill and get shit in order! Ur harvest will still be worthwhile.So not on time! Ur still gonna get smoked out either way!Trust me!
Yup a cord will work and prolly power ur grow fully net. Ur not pushing many watts.. Im drawing 700 watts, 4 fans, 6 air pumps, and regular lighting for 2 rooms off 1 single 20 amp circuit with no problems.
If u have to go to soil with the beans im sure that no one will mind.

After all ur the queen and ur decissions will not be questioned.
This is a dark day. Im not happy at all and im gonna go get fawked up now.