DWC grow


Active Member
Ok, this is my first grow of a female. Last one was a male. I am doing dwc in a five gallon bucket with an air stone.

My questions are:

1. When i fill up the bucket should I fill it all the way to the top. (I have been doing that already and it seems to be alright.)

2. When I get the ppm up over a thousand I get a little color change in some of the leaves, it that alright.

I have a ppm at 1110 and the ph at 5.8 ish. I do not seem to have a ph problem I check it every day and never is over 6.0.

I am using fox farm big grow, big bloom, tiger bloom, and the solubles. I am in week eight of their list.

I am in week four of flowering, but it took like two weeks for the pistols to form. I have some pictures.

Let me know what you think.



Well-Known Member
Looks good, a bit large but if you flower it now it shouldn't get more than 2-3 times the size it is now.


Active Member
Took some more pictures.

One of the leafs is showing a little curl and color change. My ppm is about 1250. This is the highest I have had it with out all the leaves showing color change. She is drinking a lot of water now. Have some pictures. Let me know what you think.



Active Member
Looks awesome man. +Rep

My only suggestion, In about 12 weeks, you should bring that fkr to my house for a sampling!!!


Well-Known Member
Your plant looks really healthy! It looks like a couple of the leaves got burnt by the light. What type of light are you growing with? It looks like you've got your nutes dialed in.... When you say you are at 1250 ppm, what is your EC?

Good luck with your grow!


Active Member
I am unsing a 250 watt hps right now, I keep it at least 10 inches away. I am using a tds meter only. From what i can under stand it is the same as ec. Correct me if i am wrong. I have some pictures of my new grow for next year. It is ebb&flow bucket style. Let me know what you think.:hump:



Well-Known Member
I Like it! The TDS meter is pretty much the same thing as an EC meter, just a different method to come up with the same answer.


Active Member
Did reservoir change yesterday. I am using the fox farm line. I am on their week nine.

I used

6 tsp of big grow
4 tsp of tiger bloom
4 tsp of big bloom
1 tsp of cha-ching

I also got a smoking deal on a new set up. I got a 400 watt hps, box of nurtiants , and a Botanicare Aerogarden, and a bucket for the mother. Paid $250, what a deal. I have some pictures. I have the link to the bulb that came with it can anyone tell me if it is good.:mrgreen:




Active Member
well i got the ppm up to 1410. Ph at 5.8. She seems to be doing alright. I have been keeping an eye on her since i broke a root. I will be moving her to the anther location. I have some pictures of my auto feed system I made for her. take a look. I has a float valve in it and the top bucket keeps it full. THis is so I can not worry about feeding her while I am out of town. Also that is the picture of her new home for a few weeks.

Does any one know what temps water should be at. And how cold will be a bad thing.

won't let me load pictures will try again later.:evil:


Active Member
Hey there, in DWC systems you apply ppm 1/3 the recommened strength. Your baby looks well, but overfed. The leaf tips are curling a bit, and a few tips dying may be due to overfeeding.